Coaching Notes MC Design 3
Coaching Notes MC Design 3
Coaching Notes MC Design 3
A. Shear diagrams
B. Shear stress diagram
C. Moment diagrams
D. Shear and moment diagrams
When an axial stress is applied
eccentrically to a beam, the combined
stress due to compression (tension)
and bending may be found by
A. Simple addition
B. Combined stress theory
C. Mohr’s circle
D. Finite element analysis
The disadvantage of using the Goodman
design criterion of Soderberg design criterion
is that it
A. flaring
B. crush
C. flange
D. blend
The size of an equal leg length
fillet weld shall be based on the
length of the largest
A. Izod test
B. Charpy test
C. Rockwell test
D. Test blocks
One important skill that operators
of machine tools must have an
understanding of measurements
A. speed
B. neatness
C. precision
D. sociability
Which of the following metal is
easy to chisel?
A. alloy steel
B. manganese steel
C. stainless steel
D. cast iron
During the quenching process in
heat treating steel, agitation of the
fluids used in the quenching has
what effect on the severity of the
A. Ductile fracture
B. Fatigue stress
C. Residual stress
D. Torsion stress
It is a square key with the
bottom two corners are beveled
A. Saddle key
B. Barth key
C. Woodruff key
D. Gib head key
Change in metal structure by
which the surface structure
recovers from its unstable
A. annealing
B. normalizing
C. aging
D. tempering
The ability of a material to absorb
energy within its proportional limit
A. Yield strength
B. resilience
C. toughness
D. Creep strenght
In kinematics, the occurrence of
linear and rotational motion
simultaneously is known as
A. mechanism
B. rotakinematics
C. Corioli’s
D. Grashof’s
In kinematics, a single degree of
freedom which permits only
sliding motion is
A.Revolute pair
B.Screw pair
C. prismatic pair
D.Cylindrical pair
It is the ability of material to
absorb plastic deformation
A. Toughness
B. Stiffness
C. Hardness
D. Machinability
Tooth breakage on gear is usually
A. A tensile fatigue
B. A contact stress
C. A crack
D. None of these
Pitting is a function of the Hertzian contact stresses
between two cylinders and is proportional to the
square root of the
A. Applied load
B. The contact stress
C. The stress
D. Impact
Is the angle through which the gear turns
from the time a given pair of teeth are in
contact at the pitch point until they pass
out the mesh
A. Angle of contact
B. Angle of approach
C. Position angle
D. Angle of recess
Is the angle through which the gear turns from
the time a particular pair of teeth come into
contact until they go out of control
A. Pitch angle
B. Angle of action
C. Angle of approach
D. None of these
A type of coupling that allows slight amount of
torsional/ angular flexibility due to
introduction with some material cylindrically
wrapped around the bolts in the flange
A. At the center
B. At the second section of maximum
C. At the bottom fiber
D. At the end supports
A type of roller bearing in which the
balls are assembled by the
eccentric displacement of the inner
A. vade
B. acted
C. fade
D. cade
Occurs when the oil film fails, but in this case,
the load and the speed are so high that the
surface metal is melted and the metal is
smeared down the profile
A. abrasion
B. corrosion
C. spalling
D. scoring
The extra tooth in gear which is used to
distributes the wear more evenly
A. Hunting tooth
B. Tooth profile
C. Dummy tooth
D. Add tooth
A gear that has an advantage of smoother
tooth engagement, quietness of operation,
greater strength and higher permission speeds
A. mm/ stroke
B. Meter/ stroke
C. mm/ revolution
D. none of the above
For cutting gear teeth in a shaper, the ---- tool
is used
A. Gooseneck
B. Round nose
C. “V” shaped
D. Form
Shaper tool bit should not extend in tool
holder beyond
A. 5 mm
B. 25 mm
C. 15 mm
D. 50 mm
The standard ratio of cutting to return stroke
in shaper is
A. 3:1
B. 2:3
C. 1:2
D. 3:2
A tipped tool is more useful than a
H.S.S tool because
A. pitting
B. receding
C. damping
D. fretting
Is the process of cold works where
a limited amount of material,
resulted to a higher strength and it
leaves a surface under compressive
A. surface finishing
B. smoothing
C. surfacing
D. surface rolling
When a hot part is cooled suddenly by
quenching , there is momentarily a high
temperature gradient that includes a
stress gradient. Some metal parts under
certain conditions crack as a result of
this phenomenon which is called
A. thermal-shock failure
B. thermal fatigue
C. honing
D. quenching
Is a low cost spring material, suitable
where service is not a severe and
dimensional precision is not needed
A. volute spring
B. motor spring
C. hair spring
D. garter spring
In a planer the feed is provided
A. at forward stroke
B. in between forward stroke
C. at return stroke
D. in between return stroke
In a planer the cutting speed depends
A. 3 meter/min.
B. 7.5 meter/min.
C. 5 meter/min.
D. 10 meter/min.
The planer tool differs from the lathe tool
because it has
A. T=20/N
B. T=40/N
C. T=N/20
D. T=N/40
A method whereby a gear is run with
another gear that has abrasive surface
A. hobbing
B. honing
C. lapping
D. milling
The ability of the material to absorb
energy within its proportional limit is
known as
A. resilience
B. endurance
C. toughness
D. spring action
In pure torsion, the maximum torsional
stress is at the center of the
A. peripheral sides
B. long sides
C. medium sides
D. short sides
When tested in compression, ductile
materials usually exhibit __________
characteristics up to the yield strength as
they do when tested in tension
A. the same
B. less than
C. more than
D. approximately the same
In a pressure vessel, the ratio of minimum
strength of joint to the strength of solid
joint is known as
A. efficiency
B. performance factor
C. joint efficiency
D. relative strength
A tolerance where the size of a part is
permitted to be either larger or smaller
than the given dimension
A. bilateral
B. unilateral
C. lateral
D. none of these
If a clearance of a cutting edge is 15 deg,
the lip (wedge) angle in 75 deg, the rake
angle will be
A. 80 deg
B. 10 deg
C. 70 deg
D. none of the above
The cross feed rod is 5mm pitch and the
graduated collar has 250 graduation. If 15
divisions depth of cut is given, the
reduction in diameter will be
A. 0.2 mm
B. 0.6 mm
C. 0.3 mm
D. 0.4 mm
The approximate hardness of HSS end
mill cutter is
A. 45 HRC
B. 62 HRC
C. 52 HRC
D. 72 HRC
The over arm of a milling machine is used
to support
A. spindle
B. column
C. arbor
D. table
Where the feed motion takes place in a
slotting machine
A. Aluminum
B. Antimony
C. Boron
D. Germanium
All of the following group of plastics and
thermoplastics, EXCEPT
A. Increases significantly
B. Decreases significantly
C. Remains unchanged
D. Depends on heat treatment carried
Materials with low values of thermal
expansion are desirable for
A. Pyrex glassware
B. Thermometers
C. Barometers
D. Railroad rails
Individual rigidity values
A. Have no significance
B. Are significant only for ductile
C. Indicate how much stronger one
member is than another
D. Are significant only for brittle
An advance motion along the longitudinal
axis of a twist drill is called
A. Speed
B. Cutting speed
C. Feed
D. None of the above
In internal cylindrical grinding, the
grinding wheel and the work rotate in
A. Same direction
B. Opposite direction
C. Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’
D. A or B both
For grinding materials having low tensile
strength which abrasive is used
A. Silicon carbide
B. Emery
C. Aluminum oxide
D. Corrundum
The size of grinding wheel is taken from
A. Diameter of a wheel
B. Width of face
C. Bore size
D. All of the above
Which centre is used for supporting open
end of pipes, shells, etc. turning or thread
cutting in a lathe?
A. Ball centre
B. Pipe centre
C. Half centre
D. Female centre
When outside diameter of a job is turned
in relation to the internal hole, the job
should be held
A. 30 deg
B. 60 deg
C. 45 deg
D. 90 deg
Machining of properties of steel can be
improved by adding
A. Twinning
B. Solid solution hardening
C. Clustering
D. Strain aging
Point of arrest of iron corresponds to
A. Plug gauge
B. Thread plug gauge
C. Ring gauge
D. Thread ring gauge
In case of a limit plug gauge which size
will not enter into the hole
A. ‘go’ size
B. ‘not go’ size
C. A and B both
D. None of the above
Limit gauge is made to the _______ sizes of
the work to be measured
A. Lapping
B. Grinding
C. Honning
D. Turning
Jig bushing is generally made of
A. Mild steel
B. Tool steel
C. Cast iron
D. Brass
A tolerance where the size of a part may
larger only, or smaller only, than the given
A. bilateral
B. unilateral
C. lateral
D. None of these
Is the relatively finely spaced
irregularities of the surfaces
A. smoothness
B. lay
C. waviness
D. roughness
Is the irregularities or departures from
the nominal surface of a greater spacing
than the roughness
A. smoothness
B. lay
C. waviness
D. roughness
It has been said that 80% of the failure of
the machine parts have been due to
A. negligence
B. compression
C. torsion
D. fatigue
In a part uniform temperature and not
acted upon by an external load, any
internal stresses that exist are called
A. Residual stress
B. Superposed stress
C. Form stress
D. Control stress
Is a process of prestressing or
overstressing a hollow cylindrical
member beyond the elastic range by
hydraulic pressure
A. presstage
B. pitting
C. autofrettage
D. Stress relieving
Which of the following quick return
mechanism is most widely used in most
of the slotters
A. Whitworth mechanism
B. Hydraulic mechanism
C. Slotter disc mechanism
D. Slotter link and gear mechanism
In a slotter the cutting speed depends
A. Material to be cut
B. Finish required
C. Material of the slotter tool
D. All of the above
If the clearance angle is more than the
required on a slotter tool, the support on
cutting edge will be
A. more
B. medium
C. less
D. All of the above
Convex shaped slotter tools are used for
A. Flat surface
B. Convex surface
C. Conical surface
D. Concave surface
The clamping block to be used in a slotter
to support the end of the strap is made of
A. H.S.S
B. lead
C. High carbon steel
D. wood
The table for slotter has feeding
A. longitudinal
B. rotary
C. cross
D. All of the above
Divided table planer has
A. One table
B. One housing
C. Two tables
D. Two housing
A type of spring where thin flat strip
wound up on itself as a plane spiral,
usually anchored at the end
A. Volute spring
B. Motor spring
C. Hair spring
D. Garter spring
The theory of mechanics of materials
shows that the results from the
octahedral shear stress theory and those
form the maximum distortion-energy
theory are
A. Relevant
B. Less than
C. The same
D. More than
A screw that requires positive torque to
lower the load, or to loosen the screw if it
has been turned tight against a
A. Power screw
B. Self screw
C. Lock screw
D. Self locking screw
Used for the permanent fits, are similar to
involute splines except that the pressure
angle is 14.5 degrees
A. Separation load
B. Stub serrations
C. Spline shaft
D. Involute serrations
Are used as couplings, or in additions to
another couplings where, in case of
overload, there is danger of injury to
machines or to material process
A. Involute serrations
B. Shear pin
C. Flange coupling
D. King pin
A coupling that transmits power via the
frictional forces induced by pulling the
flanges toward each other over slotted
tapered sleeves
A. Flange coupling
B. Ribbed compression coupling
C. Rigid coupling
D. Flange compression coupling
Alloy steel is known for its resistance to
corrosion, abrasion and wear that is
usually ideal for mill grinding of ore in
cement and concentrator application. It is
usually combined with molybdenum to
increase the depth hardening
A. Flange coupling
B. Ribbed compression coupling
C. Rigid coupling
D. Flange compression coupling
The buckling load of intermediate
columns (too tall to be piers, but too short
to be slender columns) can be determined
A. Crevice
B. Erosion
C. Galvanic
D. Pitting
The deterioration of organic coating
characterized as completely
A. Chalking
B. Rusting
C. Checking
D. Fretting
Is used to enable milling machine to take
climb milling cuts
A. Pitting
B. Erosion
C. Galvanic
D. Crevice
A band brake is installed on a drum rotating at
250 rpm, and a diameter of 900 mm. The angle of
contact is 1.51 pi radians and one end of the
brake band fastened to a fixed pin while the
other end to the brake arm 150 mm from the
fixed pin. The coefficient of friction is 0.25 and
the straight break arm is 1000 mm long and is
placed perpendicular to the diameter bisecting
the angle of contact. Determine the minimum
force in Newtons applied at the brake necessary
to stop the drum if 50 KW is being absorbed
A. 200.00 N
B. 210.00 N
C. 220.00 N
D. 2000.00 N
A pinion gear of hydrated lime roller
crusher runs at 1750 rpm and transmits to
2.5 kW gear. The teeth are cut on the 20
degrees full depth system and have a
modulus m = 2.5 mm. determine the radial
load of the gear.
A. 0.106 kN
B. 0.199 kN
C. 0.491 kN
D. 0.546 kN
A treatment of the surface of iron-based
alloys, usually in the form of sheet strip is
A. Epoxy painting
B. Bluing
C. Sanding
D. Coating
An element assembled into a tapped hole
A. Key
B. Nut
C. Screw
D. Worm gear
After hot working, a stress caused by
reduced hydrogen solubility is
A. Residual stress
B. Galling
C. Pitting
D. Flaking
The procedure of heating to and holding a
metal at a designated temperature for a
period of time and then cooling it at a
controlled rate is
A. Annealing
B. Quenching
C. Tempering
D. Normalizing
Which one is the correct statement about
true stress-strain method?
A. Economy
B. Reduction in weight
C. Improved appearance
D. Equal distribution of stress
Select the one for which diamond
riveted joint can be adopted
A. Butt joint
B. Lap joint
C. Double riveted lap joints
D. All types of joint
The radial pressure and hoop tension for
a thick cylinder is
A. It as easily machinable
B. Its hard
C. Increases the fluidity
D. The casting unsound
Aluminum alloys for pressure die casting
A. Austenite
B. Pearlite
C. Martensite
D. All of the above
Surface hardening to produce a hard
outer surface with a ductile interior is
desirable for metal (steel) products
subjected to
a. rope
b. fiber
c. silk
d. rubber
covers general specifications and
dimensions of flat, round hole washers,
intended for used in general purpose
a. gasket
b. groove washer
c. lock nut
d. plain washer
the axial distance specified on the
internal and external taper thread
a. pitch
b. lead
c. standoff
d. helix distance
what operation of machining a smaller
diameter on the side surface of work
piece for a specified length
a. surfacing
b. threading
c. recessing
d. graving
the _________ describes the temperature at
which solidification normally begins upon
cooling of the melted alloy
a. solidus
b. liquidus
c. eutectic
d. solvus
acts not only as stress raisers but also as
stress complicators and frequently induce
a degree of stress tri-axiality
a. shrinkage voids
b. non-metallic inclusions
c. rough surfaces
d. notches
is accomplished by distortion of the
crystalline lattice of the solvent metal by
the solute atoms, with its resulting effect
on the forces required to accomplish slip
on warped or dimpled planes
a. deformation casting
b. solid alloying
c. solid solution hardening
d. precipitation hardening
casting used in the lost wax process ,
long used in dentistry, is applicable to
some alloy for high-temperature use that
could not otherwise be made to the
required dimensional tolerances
a. centrifugal casting
b. static casting
c. precision
d. sand
what's number 5 in mohr's scale
a. flour spar
b. apatite
c. quarts
d. gypsum
ordinary steels at high temperature, have
only one constituent, which is iron
holding carbon in solid solution
a. austenite
b. ferrite
c. pearlite
d. cementite
on slow cooling, the iron carbide
associates itself with a definite amount
of ferrite to form an aggregate called
a. cementite
b. austenite
c. ferrite
d. pearlite
which of the following is used to clean
the gauge block before and after use
a. brush
b. chamois leather or linen cloth
c. cotton waste
d. none of the above
one of the causes of grinding wheel
A. grain size
B. kind of abrassive
C. structure
D. hardness of bond
which kind of bond is commonly used
A. vitrified
B. shellac
C. rubber
D. none of the above
which bond is suitable for wet grinding
A. rubber
B. shellac
C. silicate
D. none of the above
a grinding wheel which has got the
marking 'C', is made with the abrassive
A. aluminum oxide
B. silicon carbide
C. combination of A and B
D. corrundum
as per indian standard, the grain size 46
comes under the group
A. coarse grain
B. fine grain
C. medium grain
D. very fine grain
as per indian standard 'M' grade wheel
under the group
A. soft
B. hard
C. medium
D. none of the above
the symbol conventionally used for the
resinoid bond is
A. 'V'
B. 'B'
C. 'R'
D. 'E'
a grinding wheel is marked as 15A 46L 5V
23, out of these 5 means
A. kind of abrassive
B. structure
C. kind of bond
D. grain size
balancing of grinding wheel is done to
A. flutes
B. diameter
C. threads
D. relief
the radial distance between the
bottomland and the pitch circle is
A. clearance
B. deddendum
C. addendum
D. working depth
a mechanical element connected directly
to the prime mover is
A. axle
B. spindle
C. line shaft
D. transmission shaft
a spur gear with infinite radius is also
known as
A. herringbone gear
B. helical gear
C. rack gear
D. bevel gear
an engineering material which contains a
mixture of pure iron and 1 to 3% slag is
known as
A. stainless steel
B. killed steel
C. wrought iron
D. pig iron
in bolt design, the maximum load a bolt
can withstand is
A. ultimate load
B. resultant bolt load
C. permissible bolt load
D. proof of load
a fixed shaft with a rotating pulley is
known as
A. cantilever beam
B. axle shaft
C. line shaft
D. transmission shaft
a 220-mm power screw has a signle
square threads with a pitch of 4-mm and
is used in power-operated press. each
screw is subjected to a load of 5kN. the
coefficient or friction are 0.075 for the
threads and 0.095 for the collar friction.
the frictional diameter of the collar is 30
mm. find the torque to the lower load
A. 19.1127kJ
B. 19.1056 kJ
C. 14.0914 kJ
D. 20.5410kJ
a compression spring has 18 active coils,
a free length 1.25 in., and an outside
diameter of 9/32 in, it is made of No. 15
gauge (0.035 in) music wire and has plain
ends. find the critical frequency
A. 346.821 cycles
B. 346.321 cycles
C. 144.040 cycles
D. 142.361 cycles
an industrial blower is being driven by a 120cm
cast iron pulley which is fastened to a 120.6mm
shaft by means of a 30.16mm square key 177mm
long. what force acting at a pulley rim will crush
the cast iron pulley keyway, if the strength of
cast iron is 1691.3 kg/cm^2 tension and 6765.3
kg/cm^2 in compression while the shaft and key
are of the same material with permissible
crushing strength of 1887.76 kg/cm^2
A. 18148 kg
B. 18143 kg
C. 5064 kg
D. 5.066 kg
a thin walled cylindrical pressurized
ammonia tank is subjected to an internal
pressure which varies from 815 kpa to
3.55 continuously. the diameter of a shell
is 152.4 cm. find the required thickness of
the cylindrical wall based on yield point
of 480 mpa, net endurance limit of 205
mpa and a factor of safety of 2.5
A. 9.78mm
B. 10.58mm
C. 9.88mm
D. 10.68mm
the ratio of the number of teeth to the
pitch diameter is
A. circular pitch
B. mechanical advantage
C. diametral pitch
D. lewi's form factor
in mechanical failure, the separation that
takes place along cleavage is
A. brittle fracture
B. pitting
C. galling
D. flaking
the property of material which exhibits
different property values known as
A. isotropy
B. anisotropy
C. multitropy
D. heterogeneous
a nonmetal considered as undesirable
impurity in steel is
A. lead
B. sulfur
C. phosphorus
D. cyanide
an alloying element which improves the
tensile strength of steel and makes it
A. vanadium
B. carbon
C. cobalt
D. chromium
an alloying element which reduces
deformation of configuration and sulfuris
A. molybdenum
B. manganese
C. nickel
D. chromium
a shaft connected directly to prime mover
A. axle
B. spindle
C. line shaft
D. transmission shaft
a tapered square key is known as
A. gib head
B. woodruff
C. kennedy
D. barth
the process of welding two dissimilar
metals is known as
A. friction welding
B. flash welding
C. oxyacetylene welding
D. cold welding
the outbreak of fire can be avoided by
A. fuel
B. oxygen
C. heat
D. any of the above
the square head of the combination set is
used for marking or checking the angles
A. 90 deg only
B. 90 and 45 deg
C. 45 deg only
D. any angle between 0-180 deg
angle plate is made of
A. water tight
B. oil tight
C. soluble tight
D. rubber tight
the maximum theories of failure the
elastic limit of a ductile ferrous material
in shear is practically __________ its elastic
limit in tension
A. one-half
B. three-halves
C. three-fourths
D. four-thirds
is largely used for low strength
applications such as elevator ropes not
used for hoisting and for stationary guy
A. steel rope
B. cast steel rope
C. nylon rope
D. iron wire rope
for general work the cutting angle of a
cold flat chisel is ground at an angle of
A. 80 deg
B. 60 deg
C. 70 deg
D. 35 deg
a new hacksaw blade should not be used
in old cut because
A. left hand
B. straight
C. right hand
D. none of the above
in which screw thread the side = width of
flat = width of space = 0.5p
A. knuckle
B. square
C. buttress
D. acme
a stud is which
A. lead
B. aluminum
C. G.I sheet
D. cast iron
concentricity of a outside diameter can
be checked by
A. vernier caliper
B. dial test indicator
C. outside micrometer
D. tube micrometer
which micrometer has no anvil
A. outside micrometer
B. screw thread micrometer
C. depth micrometer
D. digit micrometer
which micrometer is available with
extension rods
A. outside micrometer
B. screw thread micrometer
C. inside micrometer
D. combi micrometer
the commonly used joint in cast iron pipe
A. a ball bearing
B. a bridged beam
C. a water piped
D. a cutting tool
in compression, a prism of brittle material
will break:
A. forging
B. electroplating
C. press work
D. machine of metals
addition of lead and bismuth to aluminum
results in
A. brass
B. high carbon steel
C. lead
D. aluminum
fixture clamps are generally made of
A. clamping arrangement
B. manufacturing conditions
C. tool guiding elements
D. all of the above
when an external gear is meshed with an
internal gear, the gears will rotate in
A. same direction
B. will not rotate
C. opposite direction
D. none of the above
while soldering the flux is used because
A. 1:10
B. 1:20
C. 10:1
D. 20:1
if rpm=200, feed per revolution=0.05mm,
then feed per minute will be
A. 100mm
B. 4mm
C. 10mm
D. 1mm
for a given rpm, if the diameter of a twist
drill increases then the cutting speed will
A. increase
B. same
C. decrease
D. none of the above
the limiting force of friction is equal to
A. low
B. zero
C. high
D. could be anything
slenderness ratio of a column is
A. directly as load
B. inversely as cube of load
C. inversely as forth power of load
D. inversely as square of load
in a standard coarse thread bolt the
stress concentration is maximum at
A. root
B. flank
C. all over the surface
D. top surface
the angle of B.A. screw thread is
A. 60 deg
B. 45 deg
C. 55 deg
D. 47.5 deg
main alloying elements in H.S.S. is
A. chromium
B. tungsten
C. vanadium
D. nickel
the value of one micron is
A. 1.00mm
B. 0.01mm
C. 0.10mm
D. 0.001mm
for the accurate measurement of bores,
the best instrument is
A. vernier caliper
B. plug gauge
C. dial test indicator
D. inside micrometer
under sine principle the length of the sine
bar takes the place of
A. opposite side
B. hypotenuse
C. adjacent side
D. height
in a hydraulic driven shaper the metal is
removed at
A. higher speed
B. average speed
C. lower speed
D. none of the above
in a shaper the cutting speed (metric) is
expressed in
A. re-crystallization temperature
B. ductility decreases
C. grains become equi-axed
D. tensile strength increases
mark the cutter which works
simultaneously with up cut and down cut
A. 9 full rotation
B. 5 full rotation, 2 holes on the 36 hole
C. 4 full rotation, 12 holes on the 27 hole
D. 2 full rotation, 16 holes on the 47 hole
a milling cutter running at 82 rpm has 10
teeth and feed per tooth of 0.09mm what
is the table feed in mm/min
A. 132mm/min
B. 0.738mm/min
C. 48.1mm/min
D. 73.8mm/min
where the relived cutters are reground
A. on the circumstances
B. on the flank
C. relieved cutters are not reground
D. on the side faces
what happens if the job is loosely fitted
between centers in cylindrical
A. the job will be out of round
B. the job will be oversized
C. the job will be thrown out
D. the job will not rotate
internal and external taper on cylindrical
jobs are ground in
A. rupture
B. stiffness
C. creep
D. toughness
in design of the pressure vessel at
atmospheric outside condition, the
occurrence of the maximum hoop
stress is at the
A. center
B. outside surface
C. inside surface
D. traverse side
the alloy of copper, tin, and phosphorus is
known as
A. babbit
B. bronze
C. brass
D. lead
the function of trip dogs in milling
machine is for
A. adjusting movement
B. centering
C. clamping
D. reversing movement
in machinery works, specially in
planning, the word platen is known
A. flat surface
B. surface bed
C. flat bed
D. worktable
in tool and die manufacturing
usually the cause of burr formation
in blanking process is due to
A. insufficient tolerance
B. excessive clearance
C. dull tool
D. low speed
the amount of which the width of a
tooth space exceeds the thickness
of engaging
A. tooth space
B. circular pitch
C. backlash
D. flank
in a standard dividing head the ratio
between the worm wheel and the
worm is
A. 10:1
B. 30:1
C. 20:1
D. 40:1
in a standard dividing heads 3 holes
in 27 holes circle will index
A. 6 deg
B. 2 deg
C. 4 deg
D. 1 deg
there are two different movements
of the crank in
A. simple indexing
B. differential indexing
C. compound indexing
D. angular indexing
in vertical milling machine the
spindle is situated _________ to the
A. horizontal
B. angular
C. vertical
D. none of the above
in a stradle milling operation how
many cutters are used to mill the
A. one
B. three or more
C. two
D. any of the above
for gear cutting which cutter is used
A. one
B. three
C. two
D. none of the above