Indications Contraindications
▪ Adenoid hypertrophy causing: ▪ ARI/AURTI
▪ Snoring, sleep apnoea, sleep
disturbances ▪ Acute polio
▪ Speech abnormalities (hyponasality) ▪ Cleft palate (velopharyngeal
▪ Rhinosinusitis (abolishes recurrence) insufficiency)
▪ Tubal occlusion (OME, COM)
▪ Dental malocclusion (preventative) ▪ General surgical
▪ CVS disorders (electrocard. issues)
▪ Haem. disorders (↓ in clotting, Hgb,
▪ Systemic disease, poorly controlled
What kind of adenoidectomy should we perform?
Indications Contraindications
▪ Absolute: ▪ AURTI
▪ Recurrent throat infxns (7-5-3 rule, or 2
▪ Acute tonsillitis w/ active infxn
lost weeks of school/work)
▪ Peritonsillar abscess ▪ Acute polio
▪ Tonsil hypertrophy, incl. tonsillitis
(chronic/halitosis/acute tx’ed w/ abx) ▪ <3 years age
▪ ?Malignancy ▪ Cleft palate (velopharyngeal
▪ Relative
▪ Refractory diphtheria ▪ General surgical contraindications
▪ Strep throat + valv. heart dz! ▪ CVS disorders (electrocard. Issues)
▪ Haem. disorders (↓ in clotting, Hgb, RBCs,
▪ + other procedures WBCs)
▪ CNIXectomy, UPPP, styloidectomy ▪ Systemic disease, poorly controlled
Surgical Procedure
Preparing the patient
▪ Immediate:
▪ Control any bleeding
▪ Keep in position until fully recovered from anaesthesia
▪ Continue to monitor vitals carefully
Post-Operative Care
▪ Oral hygiene:
▪ Salt water gargle 3-4x daily
▪ Mouthwash w/ drinking water
▪ Diet:
▪ Cold foods: ice, ice cream, milk
▪ → soft food: bread soaked in milk, porridge
▪ → regular diet, within 2-3 weeks (tonsils healed in 10–14
Post-Operative Care
▪ Analgesia:
▪ Severe throat pain w/ referred otalgia for 3-10 days
▪ NSAIDs cause bleeding, avoid!
▪ Opt for paracetamol instead; escalate to opioids only
for severe pain
▪ Antibiotics:
▪ Can be given PO or parenterally
▪ Adenotonsillectomy typically daycare procedure: full
activity in 2 weeks
Immediate Delayed
▪ Intra-op: ▪ 2° haemorrhage (focal sepsis,
▪ 1° haemorrhage premature membrane separation, etc.)
▪ Infection
▪ Physical injury (to pillars, teeth, soft
palate, tongue, etc.) ▪ Aspiration (blood, tissue, etc.)
▪ Aspiration (blood, tissue, etc.) ▪ Tonsillar remnants + regrowth +
▪ Post-op ▪ ?Hypertrophic lingual tonsils
▪ Reactionary haemorrhage (clot + ▪ Nasopharyngeal stenosis
↓sup. constrictor fn) ▪ Grisel syndrome
▪ Facial oedema ▪ Velopharyngeal insufficiency
▪ ▼Surgical emphysema
Reactionary haemorrhage is feared!
▪ Causes:
▪ Thrombus/embolus
▪ Vasodilation
▪ Post-op HTN
▪ Coughing/vomiting associated venous HTN
▪ Ligature failure (slipping!)
▪ Dangerous!
▪ Missable d/t residual effects of anaesthesia (occurs within 24 hrs)
▪ Aspiration
▪ Large bleed = electrocoag./ligation under GA… again, in short interval!
▪ Tx: clot removal, topical styptics (1:1000 adrenaline)/systemic
haemostatics, electrocoag., pillar approx., transfusion
Other methods?