Importance of English

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Presented to
Sir Moazzam Ali Malik
Group Members

1. 20014156-012
2. 20014156-022
3. 20014156-034
4. 20014156-035
Name: Asim Ali
Roll No: 20014156-034
Course Title: English Language Skills
Course Code: ENG-102
Department : BSIT(A)
What is Language?
 Language is our primary source of communication. It's the method through which
we share our ideas and thoughts with others.
 Some people even say that language is what separates us from animals and
makes us human.
 There are thousands of languages in this world. Countries have their own national
languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by
their people in different regions.
Some languages are spoken by millions of people, others by only a few thousand.
Why We Learn English?

 English was originally the language of England, but through the historical efforts
of the British Empire it has become the primary or secondary language of many
former British colonies such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and India.
 Currently, English is the primary language of not only countries actively touched
by British imperialism, but also many business and cultural spheres dominated by
those countries.
 It is the language of Hollywood and the language of international banking and
business. As such, it is a useful and even necessary language to know.
Globalization covers all aspects of life. Deep understanding is very important in
every field.
Without proper communication it is not possible to be in connection.

About 380 million people consider English as their first language; two thirds of
them prefer it as a second language. In addition, billions of people are in the
process of learning.
Various predictions are that by 2050, half the world’s population will be trained in
Therefore it is important to know how English language will unite people. It is a
universally accepted language.
Reasons to learn English

  It is essential to work

 It is the universal language
 It will open the door of new cultures
 You will travel comfortably
 It is the most learned language
 Art and Anglophone literature
 Eliminates weaknesses
Name: Tayyab Zubair
Roll No: 20014156-012
Course Title: English Language Skills
Course Code: ENG-102
Department : BSIT(A)
The power of the English language
People know the importance of it and this is why this language is taught as a basic
language in every state.
 Speaking internationally, it would be really difficult to prosper in this world without
knowing English.
 When it comes to globalization, the first language that comes to mind is of English.

To create a world of ethically responsible, equitable and tolerant, the English
language plays a key role.
 You can get from each field event. In business, communication with customers and
other delegates, it is very important to exchange and share our thoughts and
innovations. Thus the business grows .
English is the International Common
There are several factors that make the English language essential to
communication in our current time.
 First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that two people
who come from different countries (for example, a Pakistan and a England) usually
use English as a common language to communicate. This is also called lingua
That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to interact at
international level.
Speaking it will help you communicate with people from countries all over the
world, not just English-speaking ones.
Why this English language is required for studies?

It is the language which is very much required to be able to study in an English

country. If you are in Pakistan and you prefer to migrate to some other country for
higher education then you will not have any option but to choose an English
speaking country which will surely require you to be able to speak good English. And
if you do not know English then you will lose your chance of studying in any reputed
foreign university. Yes, no matter in which country you are, no matter what your
medium of instruction is, no matter your subjects are, English will truly be there as
an integral part of the studies or education.
We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any

computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively too

many developed countries. English is very much important in our is
necessary in each and every field. If we know English we never feel tongue tide in
front of others. It's a widely spoken language. People take pride in speaking
English .if we don't know English, we will leg behind the other. English is a need of
hour. Today we can't deny the importance of English in our life.
Name: Waqas
Roll No: 20014156-022
Course Title: English Language Skills
Course Code: ENG-102
Department : BSIT(A)
 English is also essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are

taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language

Almost 90% educational subjects are written in English.

Even in countries where it is not an official language, such as the Netherlands or

Sweden, we will find many syllabi in science and engineering are written in
Because it is the dominant language in the sciences, most of the research and

studies you find in any given scientific field will be written in it as well.

At the university level, students in many countries study almost all their subjects

in English in order to make the material more accessible to international students.

List of Countries by English Speaking
• Country % English
Speakers Australia
97.03 Bangladesh 18
Canada 85.63 Egypt
35 France 36
Germany 70 Hong
Kong 46.07 India
12.10 Italy 40 Nepal
46.49 Pakistan 49
Russia 5.48 South
Africa 31 United
States 95.81 United
Kingdom 97.74
Name: Abdullah
Roll No: 20014156-035
Course Title: English Language Skills
Course Code: ENG-102
Department : BSIT(A)
Travel and Business 
With good understanding and communication in English, you can travel around
the globe. Because it is the international language for foreigners.
 English skills will also help you in any business venture you choose to follow. If
you visit some offices, companies, governmental organizations, engineering
companies, you will see the importance of English.
 Any big company will hire their professional staff after getting to know whether
the people they are hiring are good at English or not.
 Companies who want to function at an international level only consider their staff
well educated if they are good English speakers, writers, and readers.
Resources Make Learning English Easy
Although many people think that it is very difficult and confusing, English is
actually the easiest language of the world to learn because there are so many
resources available.
 As soon as you decide you want to learn, there are thousands of resources on the
Internet and in bookstores. I'm not just talking about lessons and grammar books.
You can supplement traditional learning materials with children's TV shows and
 I suggest watching as much TV as you can, in English with English subtitles, and
you will pick up conversational English in no time.
Internet and Press
On the Internet, most websites have written content in English. Even sites in other

languages ​offer them the option to translate the site.

It is the primary language of the press, more newspapers and books are written in

English than any other language and no matter where you are in the world, and
you will find learning material of English language easily.

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