Anesthetics: - These Are The Drugs Which Causes - My Be Local or General Anesthesia

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• These are the drugs which causes reversible loss of

sensory perception, specially pain. k/n anesthesia
• my be local or general anesthesia.
What are General Anesthetics?

 A drug that brings about a reversible loss of

consciousness & all sensation.
 Analgesia & amnesia
 Loss of con..
 Loss of sen..
 Loss of reflex
General Anesthesia

Stages of Anesthesia
 Stage I
 Analgesia
 Stage II
 Delirium
 Stage III
 Surgical anesthesia
 Stage IV
 Medullary depression

 The main site of action of anesthesia is reticular

formation, which is maintains a consciousness.
 Increase the activity of inhibitory transmitters.
 Blocking the activity of excitatory transmitters
Local Anesthetics
Local Anesthetics

 Local anesthesia cause reversible loss of

sensory perception in a restricted area of the
body upon local injection or topical
 LA block the generation and conduction of
Therapeutic Uses & Techniques

1. Surface Anesthesia
• Anesthesia of skin, mucous
membranes of nose, mouth, throat,
tracheo-bronchial tree, esophagus &
genitourinary tract
• Peak anesthetic effect occurs in 2-5
min & lasts for 30-45 min.
• eg.cocaine, lignocaine,
2.Infiltration Anesthesia

 It is the injection of LA
directly into tissue.
 Used in minor surgery.
 With adrenaline
 E.g.- procaine, lignocaine,
3.Field Block Anesthesia

 It is the subcutaneous
injection of a solution of
LA in order to anesthetize
the region distal to the
 The advantage of field block
anesthesia is the
requirement of less LA.
 Eg. L.P.B
4.Nerve Block Anesthesia

 Injection of LA into or about

individual peripheral nerves or
nerve plexuses produces
extensive area of anesthesia.
 E.g. Brachial plexus block,
Intercostal nerve blocks, Cervical
plexus block.
6.Spinal Anesthesia

 It is the injection of LA in the

subarachnoid space in b/w the L2-3
or L3-4 vertebrae. i.e., below the
lower end of spinal cord.
 Used for Lower abdomen & hind
limbs are anesthetized
 Eg . L,T,B
7.Epidural Anesthesia

 can be placed into the

epidural space for
continuous infusion of
 E.g. lignocaine used in

 Advantages
1. Prolongation of action of LA.
2. Reduction in toxicity of LA.
3. Provides a more bloodless surgical field.
 Disadvantages
1. Painful.
2. ↑se in BP & arrythmias in susceptible individuals.
3. Interference with healing along with local tissue

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