Mr. Jayesh Patidar: Jaympatidar@yahoo - in

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[email protected]
 Sampling is a process of selecting representative units
from an entire population of a study.
 Sample is not always possible to study an entire
population; therefore, the researcher draws a
representative part of a population through sampling
 In other words, sampling is the selection of some part of
an aggregate or a whole on the basis of which
judgments or inferences about the aggregate or mass is
 It is a process of obtaining information regarding a

Phenomenon about entire population by

examining a part of it.
3 [email protected] 4/11/2013
 Population: Population is the aggregation of all the units in
which a researcher is interested. In other words, population
is the set of people or entire to which the results of a
research are to be generalized. For example, a researcher
needs to study the problems faced by postgraduate nurses
of India; in this the ‘population’ will be all the postgraduate
nurses who are Indian citizen.
 Target Population: A target population consist of the total
number of people or objects which are meeting the
designated set of criteria. In other words, it is the aggregate
of all the cases with a certain phenomenon about which the
researcher would like to make a generalization. For
example, a researcher is interested in identifying the
complication of diabetes mellitus type-II among people who
have migrated in Mehsana.
 Accessible population: It is the aggregate of
cases that conform to designated criteria & are also
accessible as subjects for a study. For example, ‘a
researcher is conducting a study on the registered
nurses (RN) working in Lions General Hospital,
Mehsana’. In this case, the population for this study
is all the RNs working in Lions Hospital, but some
of them may be on leave & may not be accessible
for research study. Therefore, accessible
population for this study will be RNs who meet the
designated criteria & who are also available for the
research study.
 Sampling: is the process of selecting a
representative segment of the population under
 Sample: Sample may be defined as representative
unit of a target population, which is to be worked
upon by researchers during their study. In other
words, sample consists of a subset of units which
comprise the population selected by investigators
or researchers to participates in their research
 Element: The individual entities that comprise the
samples & population are known as elements, &
an element is the most basic unit about
whom/which information is collected. An elements
is also known as subject in research.
 Sampling frame: It is a list of all the elements or subjects
in the population from which the sample is drawn. Sampling
frame could be prepared by the researcher or an existing
frame may be used. For example, a research may prepare
a list of the all the households of a locality which have
pregnant women or may used a register of pregnant
women for antenatal care available with the local
anganwari worker.
 Sampling error: There may be fluctuation in the values of
the statistics of characteristics from one sample to another,
or even those drawn from the same population.
 Sampling bias: Distortion that arises when a sample is not
representative of the population from which it was drawn.
 SAMPLING PLAN: The formal plan specifying a sampling.
8 [email protected] 4/11/2013
1. Economical: In most cases, it is not possible &
economical for researchers to study an entire population.
With the help of sampling, the researcher can save lots of
time, money, & resources to study a phenomenon.
2. Improved quality of data: It is a proven fact that when a
person handles less amount the work of fewer number of
people, then it is easier to ensure the quality of the outcome.
3. Quick study results: Studying an entire population itself
will take a lot of time, & generating research results of a large
mass will be almost impossible as most research studies
have time limits
4. Precision and accuracy of data: Conducting a study on an
entire provides researchers with voluminous data, & maintaining
precision of that data


Free from bias and errors

No substitution and incompleteness

Appropriate sample size

10 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Identifying and defining the target

Describing the accessible population &

ensuring sampling frame

Specifying the sampling unit

Specifying sampling selection methods

11 [email protected] 4/11/2013

Determining the sample size

Specifying the sampling plan

Selecting a desired sample

12 [email protected] 4/11/2013

• Nature of the researcher Equate supervision

Inexperienced investigator Sample size
Lack of interest Defective sampling
Lack of honesty frame
Intensive workload • Circumstances
Inadequate supervision Lack of time
• Nature of the sample Large geographic
Appropriate sampling area
Lack of cooperation
13 4/11/2013
1. Simple random
2. Stratified random
sampling 2.Convenient sampling
3. Systematic random 3.Consecutive
sampling sampling
4. Cluster/ multistage 4.Quota sampling
sampling 5.Snowball sampling
5. Sequential sampling
15 [email protected] 4/11/2013
 It is based on the theory of probability.
 It involve random selection of the
elements/members of the population.
 In this, every subject in a population has
equal chance to be selected sampling for a
 In probability sampling techniques, the
chances of systematic bias is relatively less
because subjects are randomly selected
Features of the probability sampling
 It is a technique wherein the sample are gathered
in a process that given all the individuals in the
population equal chances of being selected.
 In this sampling technique, the researcher must
guarantee that every individual has an equal
opportunity for selection.
 The advantage of using a random sample is the
absence of both systematic & sampling bias.
 The effect of this is a minimal or absent systematic
bias, which is a difference between the results
from the sample & those from the population
17 4/11/2013
18 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Simple random sampling
 This is the most pure & basic probability sampling
 In this type of sampling design, every member of
population has an equal chance of being selected
as subject.
 The entire process of sampling is done in a single
step, with each subject selected independently
of the other members of the population
 There is need of two essential prerequisites to
implement the simple random technique:
population must be homogeneous & researcher
must have list of the elements/members of the
19 accessible population
The first step of the simple random sampling
technique is to identify the accessible
population & prepare a list of all the
elements/members of the population. The
list of the subjects in population is called as
sampling frame & sample drawn from
sampling frame by using following methods:
 The lottery method
 The use of table of random numbers
 The use of computer

20 [email protected] 4/11/2013
The lottery method…
 It is most primitive & mechanical method.
 Each member of the population is assigned
a unique number.
 Each number is placed in a bowel or hat &
mixed thoroughly.
 The blind-folded researcher then picks
numbered tags from the hat.
 All the individuals bearing the numbers
picked by the researcher are the subjects
for the study.
21 4/11/2013
The use of table of random
 This is most commonly & accurately used method in simple
random sampling.
 Random table present several numbers in rows &
 Researcher initially prepare a numbered list of the
members of the population, & then with a blindfold
chooses a number from the random table.
 The same procedure is continued until the desired number
of the subject is achieved.
 If repeatedly similar numbers are encountered, they are
ignored and next numbers are considered until desired
numbers of the subjects are achieved.
The use of computer…
 Nowadays random tables may be
generated from the computer , &
subjects may be selected as described
in the use of random table.
 For populations with a small number of
members, it is advisable to use the
first method, but if the population has
many members, a computer-aided
random selection is preferred.
23 4/11/2013
Merits and Demerits
• Ease of assembling the • It requires of a complete &
sample up-to-date list of all the
members of the population.
• Fair way of selecting a
• Does not make us of
sample knowledge about a
• Require minimum population which researchers
knowledge about the may already have.
population in advance • Lots of procedure need to be
• It unbiased probability done before sampling
• Expensive &time-consuming.
• Free from sampling errors
Stratified Random Sampling
 This method is used for heterogeneous
 It is a probability sampling technique wherein the
researcher divides the entire population into different
homogeneous subgroups or strata, & then randomly
selects the final subjects proportionally from the different
 The strata are divided according selected traits of the
population such as age, gender, religion, socio-economic
status, diagnosis, education, geographical region, type of
institution, type of care type registered nurses, nursing
area specialization, site of care, etc.

25 4/11/2013
Merits and Demerits

26 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Systematic Random Sampling
 It can be likened to an arithmetic progression,
wherein the difference between any two
consecutive numbers is the same.
 It involves the selection of every Kth case from list
of group, such as every 10th person on a patient list
or every 100th person from a phone directory.
 Systematic sampling is sometimes used to sample
every Kth person entering a bookstore, or
passing down the street or leaving a hospital & so
 Systematic sampling can be applied so that an

essentially random sample is drawn.
[email protected] 4/11/2013
• If we had a list of subjects or sampling frame,
the following procedure could be adopted. The
desired sample size is established at some
number (n) & the size of population must know
or estimated (N).
K= Population (N)= Number of subjects in target
Size of sample
• For example, a researcher wants to choose
about 100 subjects from a total target
population of 500 people. Therefore,
500/100=5. Therefore, every 5th person will be
Merits and Demerits

29 4/11/2013
Cluster or multistage Sampling
 It is done when simple random sampling is almost
impossible because of the size of the population.
 Cluster sampling means random selection of sampling
unit consisting of population elements.
 Then from each selected sampling unit, a sample of
population elements is drawn by either simple
random selection or stratified random sampling.
 This method is used in cases where the population
elements are scattered over a wide area, & it is
impossible to obtain a list of all the elements.
 The important thing to remember about this sampling
technique is to give all the clusters equal chances of
30 being selected. 4/11/2013
• Geographical units are the most commonly used
ones in research. For example, a researcher
wants to survey academic performance of high
school students in India.
 He can divide the entire population (of India) into
different clusters (cities).
Then the researcher selects a number of clusters
depending on his research through simple or
systematic random sampling.
 Then, from the selected clusters (random selected
cities), the researcher can either include all the
high school students as subjects or he can select a
number of subjects from each cluster through
simple or systematic sampling
Merits and Demerits


33 [email protected] 4/11/2013
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Features of the nonprobability

35 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Uses of Nonprobability Sampling
 This type of sampling can be used when
demonstrating that a particular trait exists in the
 It can also be used when researcher aims to do a
qualitative, pilot , or exploratory study.
 It can be used when randomization is not possible
like when the population is almost limitless.
 it can be used when the research does not
aim to generate results that will be used to create
 It is also useful when the researcher has limited
budget, time, & workforce.
[email protected] can also be used in an initial
s4t1/u/1d20y13(pilot study)
39 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Purposive Sampling
 It is more commonly known as ‘judgmental’ or
‘authoritative sampling’.
 In this type of sampling, subjects are chosen to be
part of the sample with a specific purpose in
 In purposive sampling, the researcher believes that
some subjects are fit for research compared to
other individual. This is the reason why they are
purposively chosen as subject.
 In this sampling technique, samples are chosen by
choice not by chance, through a judgment made
40 the
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based on his or her knowledge about
 For example, a researcher wants to study the lived
experiences of postdisaster depression among
people living in earthquake affected areas of
 In this case, a purposive sampling technique is
used to select the subjects who were the victims of
the earthquake disaster & have suffered
postdisaster depression living in earthquake-
affected areas of Gujarat.
 In this study, the researcher selected only
those people who fulfill the criteria as well
as particular subjects that are the typical &
41 representative
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Merits and Demerits

42 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Convenience Sampling
 It is probably the most common of all sampling
techniques because it is fast, inexpensive, easy, &
the subject are readily available.
 It is a nonprobability sampling technique where
subjects are selected because of their convenient
accessibility & proximity to the researcher.
 The subjects are selected just because they are
easiest to recruit for the study & the researcher did
not consider selecting subjects that are
representative of the entire population
 It is also known as an accidental sampling.

43Sua j bymjpeatcd
i [email protected]
i chosen simply because they
44 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Merits and Demerits
Merits Demerits
 This technique is  Sampling bias, & the
considered sample is not
easiest, cheapest, representative of the entire
& least time population.
consuming.  It does not provide the

 This sampling representative sample

from the population of the
technique may
help in saving
 Findings generated from
time, money,
these sampling cannot be
45 &
rejsayompuatridc 4/11/2013
generalized on the
Consecutive Sampling
 It is very similar to convenience sampling except

that it seeks to include all accessible subjects

as part of the sample.
 This nonprobability sampling technique can be

considered as the best of all nonprobability

samples because it include all the subjects that
are available, which makes the sample a
46 better
[email protected] of the entire 4/11/2013

 In this sampling technique, the investigator pick

up all the available subjects who are meeting the
preset inclusion & exclusion criteria.
 This technique is generally used in small-sized
 For example, if a researcher wants to study the
activity pattern of postkidney-transplant
patient, he can selects all the postkideney
transplant patients who meet the designed
inclusion & exclusion criteria, & who are
admitted in post- transplant ward during a
[email protected]
specific time period. 4/11/2013
Merits and Demerits
Merits Demerits
 Little effort for  Researcher has not set
sampling plans about the sample
 It is not expensive, size & sampling schedule.
 It always does not
not time
consuming, & not guarantee the selection of
workforce representative sample.
intensive.  Results from this sampling
 Ensures more technique cannot be used
representativeness to create conclusions &
of the selected interpretations pertaining to
sample. the entire population.

46 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Quota Sampling
 It is nonprobability sampling technique wherein
the researcher ensures equal or proportionate
representation of subjects, depending on which
trait is considered as the basis of the quota.
 The bases of the quota are usually age, gender,
education, race, religion, & socio-economic
 For example, if the basis of the quota is college
level & the research needs equal representation,
with a sample size of 100, he must select 25 first-
year students, another 25 second-year students,
49 2j5aymtphatidi radr@-yyaheooani. r, & 25 fourth-year 4/11/2013
Merits and Demerits
Merits Demerits
 Economically cheap,  It not represent all
as there is no need population
to approach all the  In the process of sampling
candidates. these subgroups, other
 Suitable for studies traits in the sample may be
where the overrepresented.
has to be carried out,  Not possible to estimate
like studies related to errors.
market & public  Bias is possible, as
opinion polls. investigator/interviewer can
50 [email protected] select persons known4/t11o/2013
Snowball Sampling
 It is a nonprobability sampling technique that is
used by researchers to identify potential
subjects in studies where subjects are hard to
locate such as commercial sex workers, drug
abusers, etc.
 For example, a researcher wants to conduct a
study on the prevalence of HIV/AIDS among
commercial sex workers.
 In this situation, snowball sampling is the best
choice for such studies to select a sample.
 This type of sampling technique works like
rjeayfmeparirt da@ar l.ayThoho.eni refore it is also known as chain
 After observing the initial subject, the
researcher asks for assistance from the subject
to help in identify people with a similar trait of
 The process of snowball sampling is much like
asking subjects to nominate another person
with the same trait.
 The researcher then observes the nominated
subjects & continues in the same way until
obtaining sufficient number of subjects.

50 [email protected] 4/11/2013
Merits and Demerits
Merits Demerits
The chain referral process  Researcher has little
allows the researcher to control over the
reach populations that are sampling method.
difficult to sample when  Representativeness of
using other sampling
the sample is not
The process is cheap,
 Sampling bias is also a
simple, & cost-efficient.
Need little planning & fear of researchers
lesser workforce when using this
sampling technique.
51 [email protected] 4/11/2013
 Sampling errors
 Lack of sample representativeness
 Difficulty in estimation of sample size
 Lack of knowledge about the sampling
 Lack of resources
 Lack of cooperation
 Lack of existing appropriate sampling
frames for larger population
52 [email protected] 4/11/2013
F u r t h e r CommuniCation….
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55 [email protected] 4/11/2013

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