Datastage - Job Sequence Invocation & Control

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DataStage – Job Sequence Invocation & Control

Job Sequence Invocation & Control

 Options
 Run through the DS client Director menu
 Command line interface DSJob Commands
 Used directly or within a OS shell or batch script
 DSJob available with client installation
 DataStage API
 callable through a C/C++NotProgram
covered as part of this course
 Distribute DLLs and header files to enable remote execution without a DS Client
 Through other DataStage Executable Components - which have to be in turn invoked
through any of the listed means
 DataStage BASIC Job Control
 Written in DataStage Basic Script
 Embedded as a Job Control script within the job definition OR
Not covered as part of this course
 Called as a Server Routine OR
 In Parallel Jobs, wrapped into a Basis Transform Stage
 Invoked as an activity within a Sequence Job
 which has to be in turn invoked through any of the listed means

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Command Line Interface
 Use dsjob for controlling DataStage jobs
 Options available are:
 Logon
 Starting a job
 Stopping a job
 Listing projects, jobs, stages, links and parameters
 Setting an alias for job
 Retrieving information
 Accessing log files
 Importing job executables
 Generating a report
 CLI commands returns status code to OS
 Use dsjob – run to start, stop, validate or reset DataStage jobs

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Job Sequences
Job Sequences …
 Specifies the sequence of Server Jobs to run (control flow)
 Contains control information, like specifies different courses of action depending on
Job’s status (success or failure)
 Consists of Activity Stages and Triggers
 Supports parameters for Activity Stages and also for Job Sequences
 Restartable with the help of Checkpoint information (maintained by DS)
 Supports automatic Exception Handling



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Creating Job Sequences
Creating Job Sequences …
 Select File  New

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Job Sequence Development
Developing a Job Sequence involves …
 Adding Activity Stages
 Linking Stages
 Setting up Properties for each Activity
 Setting up Trigger Information for each
 Compiling the Job Sequence
 Running the Job Sequence


Palette Design Pane

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Activity Stages
Activity Stages …

Job – Specifies a DataStage Server Job

Routine – Specifies a routine from the Repository (but not transforms)

ExecCommand – Specifies OS command to execute

Email Notification – Specifies the email notification to be sent using SMTP

Wait-For-File – Waits for a specified file to appear or disappear

Nested Conditions – Allows branch the execution of sequence based on condition

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Activity Stages
Activity Stages …

Sequencer – Allows to synchronize the control flow of multiple activities

Start Loop and End Loop – Together these two stages allows to implement For…Next
or For…Each loop

Terminator – Allows to ensure the sequence is stopped cleanly for certain situations

User Variable – Allows to define variables within a sequence

Exception Handler – Executed if a job in the sequence fails or aborts and

“Automatically handle activities that fail” option is set. There can be only one Exception
Handler in a Job Sequence.

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 Triggers …
 Provides control information to Stage Activities
 Specifies different courses of action depending on Job’s status (success or failure)
 Trigger names must be unique for each Activity

 Three types of Trigger:

 Conditional – fires the Target
Activity if the Source Activity fulfills
the specified condition
 Unconditional – fires the Target
Activity once the Source Activity
 Otherwise – used as default where
Source Activity has multiple triggers,
but none of the conditional ones
have fired

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Scenario for a Job Sequence 1
Scenario …
 3 Dimension Load Jobs and 2 Fact Load Jobs
 Fact Load Jobs to start after all Dimension Load Jobs completes successfully
 If any Dimension Load Jobs fail, terminate all running Jobs

Job Sequence for the above scenario involves …

Job Activity – Execute the Dimension and Fact Load Jobs

Sequencer Activity – Synchronize the control flow of Jobs

Terminator Activity – Stop the Job Sequence for failures

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Sample Job Sequence 1
Sample Job Sequence 1 …

Dimension_Load_3 Waits for the
Job successful
completion and
triggers other Jobs
Terminates the
Sequence if
3 fails

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Job Activity
Job Activity …
 Executes a DataStage Job


Other options:
Reset then run,
Validate only,
Reset only


to Job

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Sequencer and Terminator Activities

Sequencer Activity … Terminator Activity …

 Synchronizes control flow of multiple  Allows Job Sequence to stop

All mode: All inputs

TRUE  trigger
Any mode: Any
inputs TRUE 
outputted in
Director Log

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Scenario for a Job Sequence 2
Scenario …
 5 input files are available in a folder with the same layout
 Single Server Job available to sort a input file
 Wait for a trigger to start the Job
 Send a message to a computer after Job completion (success or failure)
 Handle exception

Job Sequence for the above scenario involves …

Job Activity – Execute the Sort Job

Wait-For-File Activity – Wait for the trigger file before executing the Job

Start and End Loop Activity – Create For…Next loop to process 5 files

ExecCommand – Send a message to a computer using OS command

Exception Handler – To handle exception when a failure occurs

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Sample Job Sequence 2
Sample Job Sequence 2 …
For…Next Loop to
execute Sort Job
for 5 input files

Waits for trigger Executes OS

file to appear command to

Executes Sort
When any failure
occurs, control is
transferred here

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Wait-For-File & Start and End Loop Activities
Wait-For-File Activity … Start and End Loop Activity …
 Waits for a specified file to appear or  Implements For…Next or For…Each
disappear loop
 Appear option – does not delete the file  Current value of counter stored in
after finding it stage_label.$Counter

List Loop

Waits for the file

forever …

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ExecCommand and Exception Handler Activities
ExecCommand Activity … Exception Handler Activity …
 Specifies OS command to execute  No input triggers and sends one
 For command failures, enabling Log unconditional output trigger
warnings or Automatically handle failed  Variables $ErrSource, $ErrNumber,
activities in Job Sequence properties $ErrMessage can be passed to
records warnings in Director Log subsequent activities
 Enable Automatically handle failed
activities in Job Sequence properties to
invoke exception handler

in Director

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Other Activity stages

Other Activity Stages not covered in the scenarios…

 Specifies a routine from the Repository (but not transforms)
 Routine arguments can be accessed by subsequent activities
 Email Notification
– Specifies the email notification to be sent using SMTP
 Email template file dssendmail_template.txt under Projects folder allows to create
different email templates for different projects
 Nested Conditions
– Allows branch the execution of sequence based on condition
 Example: If today is weekday execute weekday_Job else Weekend_Job
 User Variable
– Allows to define global variables within a sequence
 For example, the activity can be used to set Job parameters

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Job Sequence Properties
Job Sequence Properties…
 Select Edit  Job Properties
Specifies Display
parameter s code
Director to
run multiple

for DataStage
to recover
the Sequence

• Error handling for

activities that does
not handle itself
• Control passed to
Exception Handler (if
any), else aborts

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