Reverse CAR Parking: Aec J Component Review - 2

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Table of contents
1. Objective
2. Components required
3. Description of components
4. Block diagram
5. Circuit diagram
6. explanation
7. Working
8. Stimulation
The car parking assistant can protect your car from any damage while reverse parking. It
indicates the distance of car from any object and raise an alarm when it reaches close to the
wall or the object and needs to be stopped.
The sensors emit acoustic pulses, with a control unit measuring the return interval
of each reflected signal and calculating object distances. The system in turns warns
the driver with acoustic tones, so the driver can reverse the car safely without giving
any damage to the car.
Components required
• IC LM358-2
• 10k Resistor -1
• 1k Resistor -3
• 10k POT-3
• 150Ω Resistor-1
• Breadboard-1
• 9V Battery - 1
• Battery Connector-1
• LED -3
• Buzzer -1
• IRPair-1
Description Of Components
• LM358: LM358 is a dual low noise operational amplifier which has two op-amp in a
single chip. This is a general purpose op amp which can be configured in many modes
like comparator, summer, integrator, amplifier, differentiator, inverting mode, non-
inverting mode and many more.
• To design this car parking system circuit, we placed an IR transmitter receiver pair at the
rear side of the car. IR transmitter transmits infrared signal or rays into the environment
continuously. When these transmitted IR rays reflect back to IR receiver after striking on
an obstacle, some voltage difference generates across this IR receiver LED. This
generated voltage difference depending upon the power of IR rays that are reflected back
to the receiver. More powered signal leads to more voltage difference. This voltage
difference is used in our project to measure the distance. Here more voltage difference
indicates the lesser distance from the object. Here we have shown distance from the
obstacle by using three LED’s.
BLOCK diagram
Circuit diagram
In this car parking circuit we have used an IR pair for detecting obstacle and two LM358 dual
comparator IC’s for comparing voltages.
Comparator configured in non-inverting mode and 10 K potentiometer is connected at its
inverting terminal for adjusting reference voltage and IR receiver’s output is directly
connected at non-inverting pins of all comparators.
One red LED is connected at output of U1:A IC(LM358), a yellow LED is connected at
output pin of U1:B IC(LM358) and an green LED is connected at output pin of U2:A
IC(LM358) through a 1K resistor.
This system is placed at the rear of the car and sensor’s front side toward the obstacle (wall).
 Now suppose car is moving back toward the wall or obstacle in the parking slot. If distance
between car and obstacle is more than 15 cm then no LED will glow.
Now if car moves toward the obstacle and suppose green light turned ON, it means car is
about 15 cm away from the obstacle.
Now car is moving more close toward the obstacle and yellow light appears or turned on it
means car is about 10 cm away from the obstacle.
Now car is moving closer toward the obstacle and red light appears it means car is about 5
cm away from the obstacle.
Red light indicates that the car need to stop now otherwise car may be damaged.
Distance About 15cm
Distance About 10cm
Distance About 5cm

 After extensive observation we find that, at a greater distance, for instance,

greater than 15 cm, no LEDs are switched on as the rays returning back don’t
provide enough potential difference to light any LED. Hence, the car is at a safe
distance from the obstacle.
 When the distance is about 15 cm, the potential difference increases to a point
that it leads to power the green LED. At about 10 cm, yellow LED switches on
which alerts the driver that the obstacle is closing in towards the car. Then at
nearly at 5cm, the rays are strong enough to power the red LED, hence, telling the
driver to immediately stop the vehicle and preventing it from inflicting any
damage. And thus, successfully accomplishing its task.
Future Work

 We can use this project as a base component in several applications. Some of

them are as follows-
 1. In Self Driving cars, we can use IR transmitter receiver to avoid any damage
and ensuring a safe automated driving experience. If the car loses the distance
between any object, the speed will automatically slow down.
 2. We can also make a much vaster project by adding camera along with mapping
and LED display, hence, parking job can be easily executed and more precisely.

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