CTMT Chap 05. IO

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Chapter 5


External devices
› Provide a means of exchanging data between
the external environment and the computer
› Attach to the computer by a link to an I/O
› Three categories:
 Human readable: Suitable for communicating with the computer user
(e.g. video display terminals, printers)
 Machine readable: Suitable for communicating with equipment (e.g.
magnetic disk and tape systems, sensors and actuator)
 Communication: Suitable for communicating with remote devices such
as a terminal, a machine readable device, or another computer

› User provides input through the keyboard
› The monitor displays data provided by the
› The basic unit of exchange is the character;
each associated with a code, typically 7 or 8
bits in length.
› The most commonly used text code is the
International Reference Alphabet (IRA) in 7-bit
binary code
› Characters are of two types: printable and
Why to use I/O modules?
› There are a wide variety of peripherals with various
methods of operation. It would be impractical to
incorporate the necessary logic within the processor to
control a range of devices.
› The data transfer rate of peripherals is often much
slower than that of the memory or processor. Thus, it
is impractical to use the high-speed system bus to
communicate directly with a peripheral.
› The data transfer rate of some peripherals can be
faster than that of the memory or processor. Again,
the mismatch would lead to inefficiencies if not
managed properly.
› Peripherals often use different data formats and word
lengths than the computer to which they are attached.
I/O modules
› What an I/O module is
used for?
 Interface to the processor and
memory via the system bus or
central switch
 Interface to one or more
peripheral devices by tailored
data links

I/O module functions
Control and
• Coordinates the
flow of traffic
between internal
resources and
external devices
Error Processor
detection communication
• Detects and • Involves command
reports The major decoding, data, status
functions for an reporting, address
transmission recognition
errors I/O module fall
into the

Data buffering Device

• Performs the needed communication
buffering operation to • Involves commands,
balance device and status information,
memory speeds and data

I/O module structure

I/O commands
› There are four types of I/O commands that an I/O
module may receive when it is addressed by a
 Control: used to activate a peripheral and tell it what to
 Test: used to test various status conditions associated
with an I/O module and its peripherals
 Read: causes the I/O module to obtain an item of data
from the peripheral and place it in an internal buffer
 Write: causes the I/O module to take an item of data
from the data bus and subsequently transmit that data
item to the peripheral

I/O mapping
› Memory mapped I/O
 Devices and memory share an address space
 I/O looks just like memory read/write
 No special commands for I/O
› Isolated I/O
 Separate address spaces
 Need I/O or memory select lines
 Special commands for I/O

I/O Operation Techniques
› Programmed I/O
 Data are exchanged between the processor and the I/O
 Processor executes a program that gives it direct control of the
I/O operation
 When the processor issues a command it must wait until the
I/O operation is complete
 If the processor is faster than the I/O module this is wasteful of
processor time
› Interrupt-driven I/O
 Processor issues an I/O command, continues to execute other
instructions, and is interrupted by the I/O module when the
latter has completed its work
› Direct Memory Access
 The I/O module and main memory exchange data directly
without processor involvement 10
Drawbacks of Programmed and
Interrupt-Driven I/O
› The I/O transfer rate is limited by the speed with which
the processor can test and service a device
› The processor is tied up in managing an I/O transfer; a
number of instructions must be executed for each I/O
 When large volumes of data are to be moved a more
efficient technique is direct memory access (DMA)

DMA Module

Device Identification
› Multiple interrupt lines
 Between the processor and the I/O modules
 Most straightforward approach to the problem
 Consequently even if multiple lines are used, it is likely that
each line will have multiple I/O modules attached to it
› Software poll
 When processor detects an interrupt it branches to an
interrupt-service routine whose job is to poll each I/O module
to determine which module caused the interrupt
 Time consuming

Device Identification (Cont’d)
› Daisy chain (hardware poll, vectored)
 The interrupt acknowledge line is daisy chained through the
 Vector – address of the I/O module or some other unique
 Vectored interrupt – processor uses the vector as a pointer to
the appropriate device-service routine, avoiding the need to
execute a general interrupt-service routine first
› Bus arbitration (vectored)
 An I/O module must first gain control of the bus before it can
raise the interrupt request line
 When the processor detects the interrupt it responds on the
interrupt acknowledge line
 Then the requesting module places its vector on the data lines

Evolution of I/O function
1. The CPU directly controls a peripheral device. This is
seen in simple microprocessor-controlled devices.
2. A controller or I/O module is added. The CPU uses
programmed I/O without interrupts.
3. The same configuration as in step 2 is used, but now
interrupts are employed. The CPU need not spend time
waiting for an I/O operation to be performed, thus
increasing efficiency.
4. The I/O module is given direct access to memory via
5. The I/O module is enhanced to become a processor in its
own right, with a specialized instruction set tailored for
6. The I/O module has a local memory of its own and is, in
fact, a computer in its own right. 15

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