PLC Training

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PLC Hardware
& Software

National Institute of Design & Analysis 1


• Background to the PLC

 Introduction
 History
 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

• Hardware
 PLC Architecture
 The CPU
 Address, Data & Control Bus
 Hardware configuration

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PLCs are similar to computers except, computers are
optimised for calculation and display, PLCs are optimised for
control tasks and the industrial environment. Thus PLCs are:

• Rugged and designed to withstand vibrations, temperature,

humidity and noise.
• Have interfacing for inputs and outputs already inside the
• Easily programmed and have an easily understood
programming language which primarily concerned with
logic and switching operations
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Conventional control
At the outset of industrial
revolution, especially during
sixties and seventies, relays
were used to operate
automated machines, and
these were interconnected
using wires inside the control

In some cases a control

panel covered an entire wall.

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Disadvantages of Conventional control panel
 Too many wiring work.
 Difficult to modify and troubleshoot => Long
down time.
 Power consumption can be quite high
 Drawings are usually not updated.
 Lifetime of relay contacts was limited, so some
relays had to be replaced.

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Disadvantages of Conventional control panel

 If replacement was required, machine had to be stopped

and production too.
 Also, it could happen that there was not enough room for
necessary changes.
 As far as maintenance, electricians had to be very skillful in
finding errors.
 When a problem occurs, hold-up time is indefinite, usually

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Control Panel with PLC
 Withinvention of
programmable controllers,
much has changed in how an
process control system is
designed. Many advantages

 Typicalexample of control
panel with a PLC controller is
given in the picture.
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Advantages of PLC based control panel

 Compared to a conventional process control system,

number of wires needed for connections is reduced
by 80%
 Diagnostic functions of a PLC controller allow for
fast and easy error detection.

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Advantages of PLC based control panel
 Change in operating sequence or application of a
PLC controller to a different operating process can
easily be accomplished by replacing a program
through a console or using a PC software (not
requiring changes in wiring, unless addition of some
input or output device is required).
 Needs fewer spare parts.

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Advantages of PLC based control panel

 It is much cheaper compared to a conventional

system, especially in cases where a large number of
I/O instruments are needed and when operational
functions are complex.
 Reliability of a PLC is greater than that of an electro-
mechanical relay or a timer.

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 In the late 1960's PLCs were first introduced. The primary reason for
designing such a device was eliminating the large cost involved in
replacing the complicated relay based machine control systems.
Bedford Associates (Bedford, MA) proposed something called a
Modular Digital Controller (MODICON) to a major US car
manufacturer. Other companies at the time proposed computer based
schemes, one of which was based upon the PDP-8. The MODICON
084 brought the world's first PLC into commercial production.

 In the mid70's the dominant PLC were Modicon and A-B PLCs. The
AMD 2901 and 2903 were quite popular in these PLCs

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 Communications abilities began to appear in approximately 1973. The
first such system was Modicon's Modbus. The PLC could now talk to
other PLCs and they could be far away from the actual machine they were
controlling. They could also now be used to send and receive varying
voltages to allow them to enter the analog world.

 The 80's saw an attempt to standardize communications with General

Motor's manufacturing automation protocol (MAP). It was also a time for
reducing the size of the PLC and making them software programmable
through symbolic programming on personal computers instead of
dedicated programming terminals or handheld programmers.

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 The 90's have seen a gradual reduction in the
introduction of new protocols, and the
modernization of the physical layers of some of
the more popular protocols that survived the
1980's. The latest standard (IEC 1131-3) has tried
to merge PLC programming languages under one
international standard.

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Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is special form of

microprocessor-based controller that uses a
programmable memory to store instructions and to
implement function such as logic, sequencing, timing,
counting, and arithmetic in order to control machines
and processes.

Inputs Outputs

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PLC Architecture
Typically a PLC system has five
basic components. These are the
Programming processor unit, memory, the power
Device supply unit, input/output interface
section and the programming
Memory device. Figure shows the basic
Input Output
Interface Interface

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PLC Architecture

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PLC Architecture
The processor unit or central processing unit (CPU) is the unit
containing the microprocessor and this interprets the input signals
and carries out the control actions, according to the program stored
in its memory, communicating decisions as a action signals to the

Power Supply Unit

The power supply unit is needed to convert the main a.c. voltage to
the low d.c. voltage (5V,24V etc) necessary for the processor and the
circuits in the input and output interface modules.

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PLC Architecture
Programming Device
The Programming device is used to enter/edit the required program into
the memory of the processor. The program is developed in the device
and then transferred to the memory unit of the PLC.

Memory Unit
Program is stored in memory unit, and is used for the control actions to
be exercised by the microprocessor.

Input and Output Sections

The input and output sections are where the processor receives
information form external devices and communicates information to
external devices
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The essential elements of a CPU are:
A register is a byte (8 bits), word ( 16 bits ) or long word (32 bits) of memory which is part
of the microprocessor as opposed to general purpose memory. A register is used for
temporary storage of data and addresses within the CPU.

The ALU performs arithmetic and logical operations such as addition and subtraction on
data stored in registers.

Control Unit
The control unit is basically a set of counters and logic gates which is driven by the block.
Its function is to control the units within the microprocessor to ensure that operations are
carried out in the correct order.

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Address, Data and Control Bus



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Hardware Configuration

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Memory Area Structure

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Memory Area Structure

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Input/Output Devices
 Input Devices
 Intelligence of an automated system depends largely on
the ability of a PLC controller to read signals from
different types of sensors and input devices.
 In order to detect a working piece, view a mechanism in
motion, check pressure or fluid level you need specific
automatic devices such as proximity sensors, marginal
switches, photoelectric sensors, level sensors, etc.
 Thus, input signals can be logical (on/off) or analogue.

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Input/Output Devices
 Intelligent devices such as robots, Input Devices
video systems, etc. often are
capable of sending signals to PLC Push
controller input modules (robot,
for instance, can send a signal to
PLC controller input as Level
information when it has finished
moving an object from one place Flow
to the other.)

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Input/Output Devices
 Output Devices
Automated system is incomplete if it is not
connected with some output devices .
Output can be of analogue or digital type
Digital output signal works as a switch; it
connects and disconnects line.
Analogue output is used to generate the analogue
signal (ex. motor whose speed is controlled by a
voltage that corresponds to a desired speed).
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Input/Output Devices
 Some of the most Output Devices
frequently used
Motor M
devices are motors, Motor

solenoids, relays, Solenoid

indicators Heater


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Input/Output Interface
Input Adjustment Interface

Output Adjustment Interface

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How PLC Works

Input Devices Controller Output Devices

Button Motor
Motor M

Switch Solenoid
000.00 TIM000
Switch Heater

Switch 010.00
TIM 000

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How PLC Works
Power g Console
Computer Printer

Signals Central Signals to

from Input Processing Unit Output solenoid,
Switches, Interface (CPU) Interface motor, etc
etc Memory

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What is a Scan Time?
The process of reading the status of inputs,
executing the program and updating the outputs
is known as a SCAN

Reading Updating
Inputs Outputs

Executing Program
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Factors Influencing Scan Time

1) CPU’s processing

2) Length of user’s
program 4) Monitoring of

3) Use of remote I/O

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Systematic Approach of Control System
Design using PLC

 Determine the Machine Sequence of operation

 Assignment of Inputs and Outputs (e.g. sensors,
switches, indicators, valves, motors and etc)
 Writing of the Program
 Programming into Memory
 Running the system

National Institute of Design & Analysis 33

 Ladder Diagram
 A graphical representation use by engineers for
their relay logic.
 Adopted by PLC makers as a programming
language due to its simplicity. Thus the term
Ladder Programming
 Fatek PLC programmer

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Programming Using Fatek PLC
 Physical Input Contacts()-
These are the external physical inputs
contacts of the PLC. Its Address in Fatek is

 Physical Output Coils()-

These are the external physical Outputs
Coils/Relays of the PLC. Its Address in Fatek
is Y0….Yn.

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Programming Using Fatek PLC
 Internal Relay ()-
Do not have any specific function, and they can be
freely used within the program (except those
assigned to Input or Output Cards and Special I/O
Cards). Known as M area in Fatek PLC.
Retentive M(M800-1399), Internal Relay(M0-799)
and Special relays (M1912-2001)
 Work Area/Data Register (D) –
can be used only in the program;
not for I/O exchange with external I/O terminals.
D (D0-D4095), R(R0-4168)
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Programming Using Fatek PLC

 Step Relays (S) –

These are the step relays of PLC. Known as
Retentive S(S500-999) and S(0-499) of Fatek

 Timers(T)/ Counters(C)-

National Institute of Design & Analysis 37

Symbols Used in Ladder Program

This is a representation of a relay coil. The

Y0 number represents the relay.

X0 This is a normally open contact symbol. It will

be closed if the coil of the same number is
This is a normally closed contact symbol. It
will open upon the energising of the coil of the
same number
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WinProLadder By Fatek

Please sit infront of Individual PCs and

Open WinProLadder placed on DeskTop.

Practice on Simple Ladder Logic


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Review on Logic Gates

OR Gate, Nor Gate, And Gate, Nand

Gate, XOR Gate, Multiplexers Etc.

Equation & Truth Table of Gates

Practice Session

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Programming Techniques

• Latches
• 1-Cycle differential Circuit
• Push-on/ Push-off Circuit
• Single Shot Pulse
• Timers and Creating Delays

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Latch circuit is used to maintain the status of output based on two
execution conditions. These conditions are SET & RESET. When
SET condition is true, output turns ON and stay ON, until reset
condition is true. When RESET condition is true, output turns
OFF and stay OFF, until SET condition is true.

SET condition

RESET condition

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1-Cycle Differentiation Circuit
 Differentiation up circuit
operates for only one cycle Input Signal
time when an input signal
turns on(i.e. at the rising Differentiation T
edge of the input signal). Output

 Differentiation down circuit

operates for only one cycle
Input Signal
time when an input signal
turns off(i.e. at the falling
edge of the input signal). Output

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Differentiate UP

Ladder Symbol Operand Data Areas

B: Bit

DIFU(13) is used to turn the designated bit ON for one cycle only. Whenever
executed, DIFU(13) compares its current execution with the previous
execution condition. If the previous execution condition was OFF and the
current one is ON, DIFU(13) will turn ON the designated bit. If the previous
execution condition was ON and the current execution condition is either ON
or OFF, DIFU(13) will either turn the designated bit OFF or leave it OFF
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Differentiate Down

Ladder Symbol Operand Data Areas

B: Bit

DIFD is used to turn the designated bit ON for one cycle only. Whenever
executed, DIFD(14) compares its current execution with the previous
execution condition. If the previous execution condition was ON and the
current one is OFF, DIFD(14) will turn ON the designated bit. If the previous
execution condition was OFF and the current execution condition is either
ON or OFF, DIFD(14) will either turn the designated bit OFF or leave it OFF.
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Push-ON/Push-OFF Circuit
 This circuit toggles the output every time, when
input signal is applied.

1 2 3 4 5 6


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Push-ON/Push-OFF Circuit

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Timers and Creating Delay

A timer is activated when its execution condition goes ON. If

the execution condition remains ON long enough for TIM to
time down to zero, the output for the TC number used will
turn ON and will remain ON, until TIM is reset. TIM
measures in units of 0.1 second from the Set Value.


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Timers and Creating Delay

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Single-Shot Circuit
 This circuit is used to keep the ON time of an
input signal.


T1 T1

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Single-Shot Circuit

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Programming Techniques

 Flicker Circuit
 Long-time Timer Circuit
 Shift Register
 Data Movement
 Interlocks

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ON/OFF Delay Circuit
 This circuit is used to delay the ON/OFF time of
a signal for a given time.


T1 T2

T1 = ON delay timer
T2 = OFF delay timer

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ON/OFF Delay Circuit

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Flicker Circuit
 This circuit causes outputs at specified ON/OFF
intervals when a input signal is applied. In the
following fig. Output is ON for T1 time and is
OFF for T2 time.


T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2

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Flicker Circuit

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Long-time Timer Circuit
 Timer instruction (TIM) can generate a maximum delay of
999.9 seconds. To use it as a long-time timer, a combination
of a timer and a counter can be used.

Timer on


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Long-time Timer Circuit

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Shift Register
 This circuit is used, where user wants to perform several
steps in series. After completion of one step, data is shifted
to left by 1 bit, and execution condition for next step is
turned ON

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Shift Register

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Data Movement (MOV)

Ladder Symbol MOV(21)


Source S: Source Word

Destination D: Destination Word
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Data Movement (MOV)

This instruction is used to copy to contents of one memory location

to other memory location.

DM 6144 to DM 6655 cannot be used for D.

When the execution condition is OFF, MOV(21) is not executed.
When the execution condition is ON, MOV(21) copies the content
of S to D.

EQ: ON when all zeros are transferred to D.

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Data Movement (Example)

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Interlocking (IL)

The IL instruction must always be used in conjunction with

an ILC instruction. When the IL condition is logical 1, the
programs between the IL and ILC instructions are executed
according to the ladder diagram. when the IL condition is
logical 0, all the output relays, internal relays and timers in
the programs between IL and ILC instructions are turned
OFF, and any counters, shift registers, holding relays and
data memory relays in the same programs are held in their
present status.

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Interlocking (IL)

Ladder Symbol IL(02) ILC(03)

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