Session 1 - Language Culture and Society

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Tañon College

(E.A. Antonio Jr. Memorial School)

San Carlos City, Negros Occidental

Language, Culture, and

Course Description

This course looks at the use of language in society and its relationship to the culture(s) of its speakers. Students are

introduced to the broad fields of socio-linguistics and anthropological linguistics. The course studies language variation

across regions, ethnicity, social class, gender, age, religion, level of education etc. The course also looks at language as a

window into the culture of its speakers, thus serving as a useful tool for anthropologists in coming to understand cultural

institutions and the world-view of speakers. A major focus will be on how different languages and language varieties co-

exist, complement or replace other languages and language varieties or even result in new languages. The course will be

activity-based and will encourage students to observe language as it is used around them. They may be required to collect

and analyze authentic language data in use within the community.

Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate familiarity with the theory of linguistic relativity and be able to
articulate the potential flaws and strengths of the theory Language &
2. Be able to express how various aspects of culture can affect language and
that language can affect
3. Be able to articulate how culture death and language death are interrelated
and give examples
4. Be able to give examples from other cultures of how language and culture
have affected one another
5. Be able to critically assess their own culture and language and point out
examples where their culture and language affect one another
Course Content
This course will be a combination of
interactive lectures and in-class activities. The
lectures will present information on basic
linguistic concepts and how culture affects
language specifically examining dialects, identity,
language politics, and society. The in-class
activities will allow you to put the information and
skills you learn into practice. The activities
require active engagement by you as a student.
You will be expected to contribute ideas and
participate in active learning. This is an upper-
division course and as such you will be required
take notes, attend class, do several readings a
week, complete weekly quizzes, and synthesize
difficult concepts.
As culture and its many
components can be sensitive
issues, you are expected to
display a level of personal
maturity. Respecting other’s
views, experiences,
languages, dialects, and
cultures are vital aspects of
personal maturity
Course Methodology

Lecture/Discussion Concept mapping Group Reporting

Exercises/ Collaborative
Interactive learning
demonstrations learning

Multimedia presentation Interview Independent Research

(social media) and writing
Virtual Classroom Rules
• Be respectful
• Be aware of strong language, all caps and exclamation
points. Yes, grammar and spelling matter! In an educational
settings (even online) keep the communication formal. Your
written communication should be professional and reflect
proper writing style.
• The students need to engage in an appropriate online
behavior and communicate only with the teachers regarding
their school assignments. Avoid posting or sharing negative
and offensive comments, posts, messages, photos and
inappropriate material. All inappropriate communication will
result with the pedagogical measure.
Class Management

• You are expected to plan your time in such a way that you can work on
classes that are scheduled for the day and that you may manage to meet all
deadlines. You will be required to complete the school assignments uploaded
in the virtual classroom by the deadline posted by the teacher.
• All your work will be monitored, and regular feedback will be given by your
teachers to support learning. Please be patient with your inquiries, the
teachers will respond in a timely manner.
• You are expected to submit your homework on time.
• Attendance is important. Please inform me and write a letter ahead of time if
you cannot attend our session.
Periodic Exams - 40%
Quizzes and Assignments - 15%
Grading Attendance - 5%
System Performance Tasks/Activities - 40%

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