Rise of The Nazi Party and Nazi Ideology: by Bradley Veile Lakeside High School Plummer, ID

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By Bradley Veile
Lakeside High School
Plummer, ID
Infl u e nc es
Braunau am Inn,

Early Interests
Cowboys & Indians
Playing “war”- Conducted Battles as Boer
denied entry to Vienna Academy of Fine Arts
World War I
Austria – moved to Germany – avoid evasion arrest

Germany – enlisted in 1914

served as a dispatch runner
top rank – corporal

Wounds Treaty of Versailles

1916 - Somme Loss of territory
1918 – Ypres Accept blame for war
Mustard Gas Reparations
“Stabbed in the Back” Theory
Awarded left wing political parties
Iron Crosses twice Communists
Black Wound Badge Jews
Started 1919 – Anton Drexler Nati
Ge r m S o ci
a n W a l i st
Part rs

Hitler as military intelligence officer

duty – keep an eye on German Workers Party
After impromptu speech by Hitler – Drexler ask Hitler to join
influential speaker
designed flag
red – social idea of the movement
swastika – anti-Semitism
white – national ideal
Po i nt Key points:

25 • Revoke Jewish civil rights

ro g ra m • Citizenship only for those with German blood

P • Revoke the Versailles Treaty and Saint Germaine Treaty

• Create a “Greater Germany” – based on Lebensraum

1 9 2 0 • Create national army

• Strong central government – “Fuhrerprinzip”
Authority flows down – authority unquestioned
l l Pu t sc h
Be er H a
Short term
overthrow Bavarian government
Long term
overthrow Weimer government

kidnap Bavarian leaders
force acceptance of Hitler as leader

16 Nazi killed, 3 Munich Police killed
Hitler arrested
24 day trial for treason
Trial loosely conducted
Sentence – possible life
5 years in Landsburg – served 9 months
Economic problems 1921
Reparations bill - $33 billion
Inflation decimate economy
Year Mark Dollar
1921 4 1
75 1
1922 400 1
18,000 1
1923 (July) 160,000 1
(August) 1,000,000 1
(November) 4,000,000,000 1

Party Membership
1920 (early) – 3000
November – 55,000
1925 – 27,000
1929 – 109,000
1932 – 400,000
Volume 1 - Dictated to Rudolph Hess -1925
Content of Volume 1
German Nationalism
Anti- Bolshevism
Anti-Semitism – Jews are: Volume 2 – 1927
German’s true enemy
Not creative – cultural parasite Content of Volume 2
International – control the world History of the Nazi Party
Obtain/retain political power
Use of propaganda/terrorism
Building a political organization

Used in educational settings

Training the SA, SS, and HJ
Given as gifts at ceremonies
weddings, graduations, etc.
New direction – rise to power legally
Weimer Constitutional support
Chancellor appointed not elected
Emergency unchecked power
No checks and balance

Reichstag Elections – Nazi percentages

1924 – 3.0%
1928 – 2.8%
1930 – 18.3%
1932 - 37.0%
1933 - 44.0%

Presidential Election – 1932

Hitler v. Hindenburg
30% 49%
Run off required
Hitler – 36%
Hindenburg – 53%
Turmoil Chancellor Bruening outlaws SA and SS

Hitler agree support for Von Schleicher if:

SA/SS ban lifted Bruening diposed
Conservative Coalition Reichstag dissolved

Hindenburg calls for Bruening resignation

Papan appointed Chancellor (Schleicher puppet)

December 1932 – Papan replaced by Schleicher

Papan persuades Hindenburg

appoint Hitler Chancellor and Papan vice-Chancellor
Papan could control Hitler and 3 Nazis in 11 member Cabinet
ag F i re
e i chst
February 1933

Reichstag burned by Nazi as way of increasing power

Mentally unstable man – Marinus van der Lubbe – Dutch

setting fires around Berlin
suspicious activity around Reichstag
strong indications of Nazi support
arrested and executed for fire
Communists blamed for fire

Hindenburg persuaded to sign Emergency Decree
Hitler given power to
suspend basic rights
detain without trial
van der Lubbe confessed at trial – death sentence - guillotined
Consolidating Power
Hitler needed support lacking during Beer Hall Putsch
Army – concerned about SA competition

June 1934 – Night of Long Knives

SA leadership assassinated
Including Ernst Rohm – early Hitler supporter

SS move to more prominent position
Army support Hitler

July 1933 – Enabling Act passed

Cabinet given full legislative powers
Nazi Party only legal party
Opponents could be sent to Dachau (est. March 1933)

Hindenburg dies August 1934

Hitler consolidates offices of President and Chancellor
Becomes “Fuhrer” with dictatorial powers

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