Information Security, Theory and Practice. Lecture 10: Malware
Information Security, Theory and Practice. Lecture 10: Malware
Information Security, Theory and Practice. Lecture 10: Malware
09/10/2021 Malware 2
Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Rootkits
• Malware can be classified into several categories, depending
on propagation and concealment
• Propagation
– Virus: human-assisted propagation (e.g., open email attachment)
• Injects code into existing program code.
– Worm: automatic propagation without human assistance.
• Standalone piece of code.
• Concealment
– Rootkit: modifies operating system to hide its existence
– Trojan: provides desirable functionality but hides malicious operation
• Various types of payloads, ranging from annoyance to crime
09/10/2021 Malware 3
Computer Worms
• A computer worm is a malware program that spreads
copies of itself without the need to inject itself in other
programs, and usually without human interaction.
• Thus, computer worms are technically not computer
viruses (since they don’t infect other programs), but
some people nevertheless confuse the terms, since
both spread by self-replication.
• In most cases, a computer worm will carry a malicious
payload, such as deleting files or installing a backdoor.
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Early History
First worms built in the labs of John Shock and Jon
Hepps at Xerox PARC in the early 80s
CHRISTMA EXEC written in REXX, released in
December 1987, and targeting IBM VM/CMS
systems was the first worm to use e-mail service
The first internet worm was the Morris Worm,
written by Cornell student Robert Tappan Morris
and released on November 2, 1988
09/10/2021 Malware 5
Worm Development
• Identify vulnerability still • Worm template
unpatched – Generate target list
• Write code for – For each host on target list
– Exploit of vulnerability • Check if infected
– Generation of target list • Check if vulnerable
• Random hosts on the internet • Infect
• Hosts on LAN
• Recur
• Divide-and-conquer
– Installation and execution of payload • Distributed graph search
– Querying/reporting if a host is algorithm
infected – Forward edges: infection
• Initial deployment on botnet – Back edges: already infected or
not vulnerable
09/10/2021 Malware 6
Worm Propagation
• Worms propagate by finding and infecting vulnerable hosts.
– They need a way to tell if a host is vulnerable
– They need a way to tell if a host is already infected.
initial infection
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Propagation: Theory
Classic epidemic model Source:
Cliff C. Zou, Weibo Gong, Don Towsley,
– N: total number of vulnerable hosts and Lixin Gao.
The Monitoring and Early Detection of Int
– I(t): number of infected hosts at ernet Worms
, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
time t 2005.
– S(t): number of susceptible hosts at
time t
– I(t) + S(t) = N
– b: infection rate
Differential equation for I(t):
dI/dt = bI(t) S(t)
More accurate models adjust
propagation rate over time
09/10/2021 Malware 8
Propagation: Practice
• Cumulative total of unique IP addresses infected by the first
outbreak of Code-RedI v2 on July 19-20, 2001
David Moore, Colleen
Shannon, and Jeffery
Code-Red: a case study
on the spread and victim
s of an Internet worm
, CAIDA, 2002
09/10/2021 Malware 9
• A rootkit modifies the operating system to hide its existence
– E.g., modifies file system exploration utilities
– Hard to detect using software that relies on the OS itself
• RootkitRevealer
– By Bryce Cogswell and Mark Russinovich (Sysinternals)
– Two scans of file system
– High-level scan using the Windows API
– Raw scan using disk access methods
– Discrepancy reveals presence of rootkit
– Could be defeated by rootkit that intercepts and modifies results of
raw scan operations
09/10/2021 Malware 10
Trojan Horses
• A Trojan horse (or Trojan) is a malware program that appears
to perform some useful task, but which also does something
with negative consequences (e.g., launches a keylogger).
• Trojan horses can be installed as part of the payload of other
malware but are often installed by a user or administrator,
either deliberately or accidentally.
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Current Trends
• Trojans currently have largest infection potential
– Often exploit browser vulnerabilities
– Typically used to download other malware in multi-stage attacks
Symantec Internet
Security Threat
Report, April 2009
09/10/2021 Malware 12
Spyware software payload Computer user
3. Spyware process
periodically sends
collected data to
spyware data collection
09/10/2021 Malware 15
• Once Siemens Step7 is found, the virus installs a
– Sends unexpected commands to the logic controller,
frequently changing motor speed.
– Sends normal operations system values to the user, and
hides the behavior from monitoring.
– First publically known rootkit for a PLC.
• The code was signed using 2 stolen keys from well
known companies in Taiwan.
– Verisign has since revoked those keys.
09/10/2021 Malware 16
• Spread using the “eternalblue” vulnerability in Windows’ Server Message
Block protocol.
– SMB is used to allow shared access to files, printers, serial ports, and inter-process
– 0-day discovered by the NSA and kept.
• After it lands, it tries to connect to 3 URLs that look like this:
– www[.]iuqerfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea[.]com
– If it succeeds, it halts!
– Not “proxy aware”, so even a local DNS server can reply with an A record. If the IP
establishes a TCP 80 connection, the attack halts.
– Why did they do this? Possibly to detect sandboxing: virus hunters often fake the
replies. This would detect “foul play” and stop the virus.
• Creates a Windows service that looks for other SMB vulnerabilities so it
can spread.
09/10/2021 Malware 17
It encrypts anything with the following extensions.
.123, .jpeg , .rb , .602 , .jpg , .rtf , .doc , .js , .sch , .3dm , .jsp , .sh , .3ds , .key ,
.sldm , .3g2 , .lay , .sldm , .3gp , .lay6 , .sldx , .7z , .ldf , .slk , .accdb , .m3u , .sln ,
.aes , .m4u , .snt , .ai , .max , .sql , .ARC , .mdb , .sqlite3 , .asc , .mdf , .sqlitedb ,
.asf , .mid , .stc , .asm , .mkv , .std , .asp , .mml , .sti , .avi , .mov , .stw , .backup ,
.mp3 , .suo , .bak , .mp4 , .svg , .bat , .mpeg , .swf , .bmp , .mpg , .sxc , .brd , .msg ,
.sxd , .bz2 , .myd , .sxi , .c , .myi , .sxm , .cgm , .nef , .sxw , .class , .odb , .tar ,
.cmd , .odg , .tbk , .cpp , .odp , .tgz , .crt , .ods , .tif , .cs , .odt , .tiff , .csr , .onetoc2 ,
.txt , .csv , .ost , .uop , .db , .otg , .uot , .dbf , .otp , .vb , .dch , .ots , .vbs , .der" ,
.ott , .vcd , .dif , .p12 , .vdi , .dip , .PAQ , .vmdk , .djvu , .pas , .vmx , .docb , .pdf ,
.vob , .docm , .pem , .vsd , .docx , .pfx , .vsdx , .dot , .php , .wav , .dotm , .pl ,
.wb2 , .dotx , .png , .wk1 , .dwg , .pot , .wks , .edb , .potm , .wma , .eml , .potx , .wmv
, .fla , .ppam , .xlc , .flv , .pps , .xlm , .frm , .ppsm , .xls , .gif , .ppsx , .xlsb , .gpg , .ppt ,
.xlsm , .gz , .pptm , .xlsx , .h , .pptx , .xlt , .hwp , .ps1 , .xltm , .ibd , .psd , .xltx ,
.iso , .pst , .xlw , .jar , .rar , .zip , .java , .raw.
09/10/2021 Malware 18
• Spread to 230,000 machines.
• Earned $150,000, all money is withdrawn.
– Tried to use a unique bitcoin wallet for each
victim, but a bug caused them to default to 1 of 4.
• Easy to track, and, hard for them to know who paid!
• No automation in checking for payment / sending key.
– Later released a new version with a fix. Too late.
– In contrast, Angler exploit kit is credited with
$60Mil. from ransomware.
09/10/2021 Malware 19
• FedEx halted deliveries with a European
subsidiary, claiming $300M in losses.
• Hospitals in 3 countries had to turn patients
• Some auto-manufacturers halted production.
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Wannacry: crypto
Can’t use attacker’s public key to encrypt everything.
Reveal the secret key only once!
Instead: Victim generates a new public key pair.
Because Public key encryption is slow:
• Generates a new AES key for every file.
• Encrypts the AES key using the local public key.
• Encrypts the local private key using the attacker’s public
– Later, when attempting to recover, can send the encrypted
private key to the attacker for decryption.
09/10/2021 Malware 21
Wannacry: crypto
Can’t use attacker’s public key to encrypt everything.
Reveal the secret key only once!
Instead: Victim generates a new public key pair.
A bug in MSFT key generation algorithm gave some
people a way to recover the secret key:
• Although MSFT provides an API for wiping the secret
key after keygen, they fail to wipe the prime numbers
used to generate the key!
• Wannakey and wannawiki allowed some victims to
recover the secret key and decrypt their files.
09/10/2021 Malware 22
Shadow Brokers
• Tailored Access Operations: NSA hacking group
that found the SMB vulnerability, and likely the
4 vulnerabilities in Stuxnet.
– “They had operational insight that even most of my
fellow operators at T.A.O. did not have,” said Mr.
Williams, now with Rendition Infosec, a
cybersecurity firm he founded. “I felt like I’d been
kicked in the gut. Whoever wrote this either was a
well-placed insider or had stolen a lot of
operational data.” Nytimes, 11/12/17.
09/10/2021 Malware 23
Shadow Brokers
• Shadow Brokers leaked a lot of these NSA tools,
providing code online for re-use.
– Wannacry was the first to use them.
– EternalRocks was recently found in a honeypot. Uses 7 of
the NSA tools, compared with Wannacry’s 2.
Attack Commands
Attack Actions
09/10/2021 25
09/10/2021 Malware Slide credit:
Tom Ristenpart
09/10/2021 Malware Slide credit:
Tom Ristenpart
09/10/2021 Malware Slide credit:
Tom Ristenpart
09/10/2021 Malware Slide credit:
Tom Ristenpart
Slide credit:
09/10/2021 Malware 30
Tom Ristenpart
x : ''
• Change'A'record'for'!quickly'to' Content'server'
• Short'TTL'(e.g.,'5'minutes)''
x : '
• Change'NS'record'for'!to'point'to''
09/10/2021 Malware Slide credit:
Tom Ristenpart
09/10/2021 Malware Slide credit:
Tom Ristenpart
F i g u r e 6 : E x a m p l e fr o m [1 7 ] o f G n u t e l l a ’s n e t w o r k s t r u c t u r e
F ig u r e 7 : A ll b o t s b y g e o lo c a t io n fr o m t h e T h ir d E n u m e r a t io n E x p e r im e n t
Di/ rich'and'Dietrich,'“Discovery'Techniques'for'P2P'Botnets”'
n etw ork.
T h e s e t e c h n i q u e s m a y a l r e a d y a c c o u n t f o Malware
09/10/2021 r w i d e d i s c r e p a n c i e s i n t h e e s t i m a t e d s i z e Slide
o f v a rcredit:
i o33
b o t n e t s s e e n i n t h e m e d i a . [ 1 6 , 2 8 , 1 5 ] W i t h s o m a n y g r o u p s t a k i n g u n c o o r d i n a t e d a c t Tom i o n s ,Ristenpart
w it h
Mirai Botnet (2016)
• First major one to go after Internet of Things.
– 100Ks devices that are poorly configured.
• Malware simply used 60 common factory default
logins, and scanned.
• A reboot of the device removes the malware.
• Reports of DDOS reaching 620 Gb/s, or 1Tb/s.
• 10/21/16, attack on Dyn DNS provider impacted
access to Netflix, Twitter, Github, Reddit, Airbnb,
and others.
09/10/2021 Malware 34
Economics of Malware
• New malware threats have Symantec Internet
grown from 20K to 1.7M Security Threat Re
in the period 2002-2008 , April 2009
09/10/2021 Malware 35
Professional Malware
• Growth in professional cybercrime and
online fraud has led to demand for
professionally developed malware
• New malware is often a custom-
designed variations of known exploits,
so the malware designer can sell
different “products” to his/her
• Like every product, professional
malware is subject to the laws of
supply and demand.
– Recent studies put the price of a software
keystroke logger at $23 and a botnet use
Image by User:SilverStar from
at $225. used by permission under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License
09/10/2021 Malware 36
Signatures: A Malware Countermeasure
• Scan compare the analyzed object with a database of
• A signature is a virus fingerprint
– E.g.,a string with a sequence of instructions specific for each
– Different from a digital signature
• A file is infected if there is a signature inside its code
– Fast pattern matching techniques to search for signatures
• All the signatures together create the malware
database that usually is proprietary
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Signatures Database
• Common Malware Enumeration (CME)
– aims to provide unique, common identifiers to new
virus threats
– Hosted by MITRE
• Digital Immune System (DIS)
– Create automatically new signatures
09/10/2021 Malware 38
Shield vs. On-demand
• Shield On-demand
– Background process • Scan on explicit user
(service/daemon) request or according to
– Scans each time a file is regular schedule
touched (open, copy, • On a suspicious file,
execute, etc.) directory, drive, etc.
Performance test of scan techniques
o Comparative: check the number of already known viruses that are
found and the time to perform the scan
o Retrospective: test the proactive detection of the scanner for unknown
viruses, to verify which vendor uses better heuristics
Anti-viruses are ranked using both parameters:
09/10/2021 Malware 39
Online vs Offline Anti Virus Software
Online Offline
• Free browser plug-in • Paid annual subscription
• Authentication through third • Installed on the OS
party certificate (i.e. VeriSign) • Software distributed securely by the
vendor online or a retailer
• No shielding
• System shielding
• Software and signatures update
• Scheduled software and signatures
at each scan
• Poorly configurable
• Easily configurable
• Scan needs internet connection
• Scan without internet connection
• Report collected by the company • Report collected locally and may be
that offers the service sent to vendor
09/10/2021 Malware 40
• A suspicious file can be isolated in a folder called quarantine:
– E.g,. if the result of the heuristic analysis is positive and you are waiting
for db signatures update
• The suspicious file is not deleted but made harmless: the user can
decide when to remove it or eventually restore for a false positive
– Interacting with a file in quarantine it is possible only through the
antivirus program
• The file in quarantine is harmless because it is encrypted
• Usually the quarantine technique is proprietary and the details
are kept secret
09/10/2021 Malware 41
White/Black Listing
• Maintain database of cryptographic hashes for
– Operating system files
– Popular applications
– Known infected files
• Compute hash of each file
• Look up into database
• Needs to protect the integrity of the database
09/10/2021 Malware 42
Heuristic Analysis