Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University: Introduction To Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum

Introduction to Nanoscience and
Dr. Bharat Parekh
School of Technology
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Gujarat, India
Plan of the Talk

• Nanoscience-Definition
• Background
• Lesson from Nature
• Building nano structures
• Synthesis of nanomaterials (CdTe)
• Applications in different field
• Nano Industry
• Summary
• A biological system can be exceedingly small. Many of
the cells are very tiny, but they are very active; they
manufacture various substances; they walk around;
they wiggle; and they do all kinds of marvelous things
—all on a very small scale. Also, they store
information. Consider the possibility that we too can
make a thing very small that does what we want—that
we can manufacture an object that maneuvers at that
(From the talk “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” delivered by Richard
P. Feynman at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the
California institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, on December 29, 1959.)
What is Nanoscience?
When people talk about Nanoscience, many start by
describing things
• Physicists and Material Scientists point to things like new
nanocarbon materials:

• They effuse about nanocarbon’s strength and electrical


Graphene Carbon Nanotube C60 Buckminster

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience
Biologists counter that nanocarbon is a recent discovery
THEY’VE been studying DNA and RNA for much longer
(And are already using it to transform our world)

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

And Chemists note THEY’VE synthesized molecules for over a
<= First OLED material: tris 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum
(OLED = organic light emitting diode)

Commercial OLED material: Polypyrrole

Most heavily investigated molecular electronic switch: Nitro oligo

phenylene ethynylene
"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to
All of these things ARE very small
Indeed, they are all about the size of a nanometer:
Nano = 10-9 = 1/ 1,000,000,000 = 1 / Billion A nanometer is
about the size of ten atoms in a row

This leads to ONE commonly used definition of nanoscience:

Nanoscience is study of nanometer size things (?)

Why the question mark? Because what is so special about a

A micrometer is ALSO awfully small:
Micro = 10-6 - 1/1,000,000 = 1 / Million
A micrometer (or "micron") is ~ size of light's wavelength

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

And microtechnology has been rolling along for half a century!
Microelectronics = Integrated circuits, PC's, iPods, iPhones . . .

Intel 4004: The original "computer on a chip" - 1971 (Source: UVA Virtual Lab)

Also = MEMS (Micro-electro-mechanical-systems):

Air bag accelerometers, micro-mirror TVs & projectors . . .

(Source: Texas Instruments DLP demo -

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

Indeed, microtechnology has gotten smaller EVERY year

MOORE'S LAW: The (then almost whimsical) 1965 observation by Intel co-
founder Gordon Moore that the transistor count for integrated
circuits seemed to be doubling every 18-24 months

He was really sticking his neck out: IC's had only been invented 7 years before!
(by Moore, his Fairchild/Intel colleagues, and Texas Instrument's Jack Kilby)

But his "law" has since been followed for forty five years:


"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

So is Nanoscience/technology really new & unique?
• Micro is also VERY small
• Micro has been around for a long time
• Micro has steadily shrunk to the point that it is now
almost NANO anyway !
• Leading to a LOT of confusion about the distinction
between Micro & Nano
• Even among scientists!!
• And likelihood that Nanotechnology will be built UPON
• Either by using certain Microfabrication techniques Or,
literally, by being assembled ATOP Microstructures
"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience
Meaning that the NANO "revolution" is just a lot of hype?

Just about making things incrementally smaller?

Just about a simple shift in the most convenient unit of
I DO see something very unique about Nano:
Nano is about boundaries where BEHAVIOR radically
Or when OUR BEHAVIOR MUST CHANGE to make those

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

Boundary :
The discovery that electrons = waves led to QUANTUM MECHANICS
A weird, new, counter intuitive, non-Newtonian way of looking at
the nano world With a particular impact upon our understanding of
electrons: Electrons => Waves

How do you figure out an electron’s wavelength?

electron = h / p
“De Broglie’s Relationship”( = electron wavelength, h = Planck’s
Constant, p = electron’s momentum)
This relationship was based on series of experiments late 1800’s /
early 1900’s
To put the size of an electron’s wavelength in perspective:

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

Nanometer Scale - Unknown Behavior

• “Magical Point on Length Scale, for this is the point

where the smallest man-made devices meet atoms
and molecules of the natural world.”
– Eugene Wong, Knight Rider Newspapers, Kansas City Star, Monday Nov.
8th, 1999

• Just wait, the next century is going to be incredible.

We are about to be able to build things that work at
the smallest possible length scales, atom by atom .
These little nanothings will revolutionize our
industries and our lives.”
– R. Smalley, Congressional Hearings, Summer 1999.
Size of Things
MillimetersMicrons Nanometers

Ball of a ball point pen 0.5

Thickness of paper 0.1 100
Human hair 0.02 - 0.2 20 – 200
Talcum Powder 40
Fiberglass fibers 10
Carbon fiber 5
Human red blood cell 4 – 6
E-coli bacterium 1
Size of a modern transistor0.25250
Size of Smallpox virus 0.2 – 0.3 200 – 300

Electron wavelength: ~10 nm or less

Diameter of Carbon Nanotube 3
Diameter of DNA spiral 2
Diameter of C60 Buckyball 0.7
Diameter of Benzene ring0.28
Size of one Atom ~0.1

"We're not in Kansas Anymore!" - A Hands-on Introduction to Nanoscience

How Big is a Nanometer?
• Consider a human hand


white blood cell DNA atoms


History of Nanomaterials
• 1974 The word Nanotechnology first coined by Nario
Taniguchi, Univ. of Tokyo --- production technology
to get ultra fine accuracy and precision – 1nm

• 1981 IBM invented STM scanning tunneling

microscope which can move single atoms around

• 1985 new form of carbon discovered --- C60

buckminister fullerene 60 carbon atoms arranged in
a sphere made of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons
History of Nanomaterials

Lycurgus chalice 4th Century A.D.

Appears green in reflected light and red if light is directed
through it (70 nm particles of silver and gold in the glass)

Lycrugus cup with
cup with
focused light
History of Nanomaterials

• 1991 carbon nanotubes discovered “graphitic

carbon needles ranging from 4 nm – 30 nm and up to
1 micron in length”
( Sumino Iijima)

• 1993 First high quality quantum dots prepared ---

very small particles with controlled diameters of CdS,
CdSe, CdTe
History of Nanomaterials

• 2000 First DNA motor made similar to

motorized tweezers may make computers
1000 more powerful.

DNA motors can be attached to

electrically conducting
molecules – act as basic

Nature 406 (6796) 2000, 605-608.

History of Nanomaterials

• 2001 prototype fuel cell made with nanotubes

• 2002 Nanomaterials make stain repellant

trousers Nano-care khakis have nanowhiskers
(10-100 nm in length)
Lesson from Nature

• Nano airborne particles (100 -1000 nm) cause

water to condense and form raindrops or
• Plankton – varies in sizes from (1- 100 nm)
Marine bacteria and viruses
Glucose and Glucose oxidase

All cells require glucose (0.6 nm)

as a fuel for metabolism.

Energy is released from glucose

when it is precisely positioned
relative to the glucose oxidase
( 5 nm)

Lock and key mechanism

common in biology
Actin and Myosin

Actin and myosin

molecules form the system
responsible for muscle
The system operates by a
series of steps where the
head of myosin molecule
pulls the actin past itself by
10–28 nm each step.
NATURE - Gecko Power

Gecko foot hairs typically have diameters

of 200 – 500 nm. Weak chemical interaction
between each hair and surface (each foot has
over 1 million of these hairs) provides a force
of10 N/cm2.

This allows Gecko’s to walk upside down across

glass ceilings.
Nanoparticles in Smoke from Fires

Bucky Balls (C60) were discovered in soot!

Coated Iron oxide nanoparticles


•Great demo
•Buy ferrofluid, use
•Synthesize ferrofluid
Nanoscience Is Everywhere
in Nature

• Living cells have been using their own nanoscale

devices to create structures one atom or
molecule at a time for millions of years.
• To be specific, DNA is copied, proteins are
formed, and complex hormones are
manufactured by cellular devices far more
complex than the most advanced manufacturing
processes we have today.
So How Did We Get Here?

New Tools!
As tools change, what we can see
and do changes
Using Light to See

• The naked eye can see to about 20 microns

• A human hair is about 50-100 microns thick
• Light microscopes let us see to about 1 micron
• Bounce light off of surfaces to create images

to see red blood cells

Light microscope (400x)
(magnification up to 1000x)

Using Electrons to See
• Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs),
invented in the 1930s, let us see objects as
small as 10 nanometers
– Bounce electrons off of surfaces to create images
– Higher resolution due to small size of electrons


Greater resolution to see things like blood cells in greater detail

Touching the Surface

• Scanning probe
developed in the
1980s, give us a new
way to “see” at the
• We can now see About 25 nanometers

really small
things, like atoms,
This is about how big atoms are
and move them too! compared with the tip of the
Source: Scientific American, Sept. 2001
Scanning Probe Microscopes

• Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

– A tiny tip moves up and down in response to the
electromagnetic forces between the atoms of the surface
and the tip
– The motion is recorded and used to create an image of the
atomic surface
• Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)
– A flow of electrical current occurs between the tip and the
– The strength of this current is used to create an image of the
atomic surface
Is Gold Always “Gold”?

• Cutting down a cube of gold

– If you have a cube of pure gold
and cut it, what color would the
pieces be?
– Now you cut those pieces. What
color will each of the pieces be?
– If you keep doing this - cutting
each block in half - will the
pieces of gold always look


• Well… strange things happen at the

small scale
–If you keep cutting until the gold
pieces are in the nanoscale range,
they don’t look gold anymore… They
look RED! 12 nm gold particles look red
–In fact, depending on size, they can
turn red, blue, yellow, and other Other sizes are other colors
• Why?
– Different thicknesses of materials
reflect and absorb light differently


What kind of nanostructures can we


What kind of nanostructures exist in

Carbon Nanotubes

• Using new techniques,

we’ve created amazing
structures like carbon
• 100 time stronger than
steel and very flexible
• If added to materials
like car bumpers,
increases strength and
Model of a carbon nanotube

Carbon Buckyballs (C60)

• Incredible strength due

to their bond structure
and “soccer ball” shape
• Could be useful “shells”
for drug delivery
• Can penetrate cell walls
• Are nonreactive (move
safely through blood

Model of Buckminsterfullerene

Biological Nanomachines in Nature

• Life begins at the

– Ion pumps move
potassium ions into and
sodium ions out of a cell
– Ribosomes translate RNA
sequences into proteins
– Viruses infect cells in
biological organisms and
reproduce in the host cell
Influenza virus
Building Nanostructures

How do you build things that are so

Fabrication Methods

• Atom-by-atom assembly
– Like bricklaying, move atoms into place one
at a time using tools like the AFM and STM
IBM logo assembled
• Chisel away atoms from individual xenon
– Like a sculptor, chisel out material from a atoms
surface until the desired structure emerges
• Self assembly
– Set up an environment so atoms assemble
automatically. Nature uses self assembly
(e.g., cell membranes)
spheres self-
Example: Self Assembly By Crystal Growth

• Grow nanotubes like trees

– Put iron nanopowder crystals
on a silicon surface
– Put in a chamber
– Add natural gas with carbon
(vapor deposition)
– Carbon reacts with iron and Growing a forest of nanotubes!
forms a precipitate of carbon
that grows up and out
• Because of the large number of structures you can create
quickly, self-assembly is the most important fabrication
Arrested Precipitation: General Approach
• Aqueous reduction of metal salts (Ag, Au) in the presence of
• citrate ions
• – Chemisorption of organic ligands for handling
• – Distribution varies > 10%
II-VI ME nanocrystals (NCs) (M =
Zn, Cd, Hg; X = S, Se, Te)
• – Metal alkyls + organophosphine
• – Phosphine binding to M
controlled by temperature
• – Ostwald ripening allows for size-
selective aliquots; growth time for
1-2 nm NCs in minutes
Synthesis of Nanomaterials

• CdSe nanocrystals
• CdO + oleic acid + octadecene
• Heat to 250° C to dissolve the CdO

• Selenium + octadecene + tributylphosphine

• Heat to 150° C to dissolve the selenium

• Transfer Se solution to the Cd solution

• Take aliquots
Potential Impacts of Nanotechnology

• Materials • Technology
– Stain-resistant clothes – Better data storage
and computation
• Health Care • Environment
– Chemical and biological – Clean energy, clean air
sensors, drugs and
delivery devices

Thin layers of gold are used in Carbon nanotubes can be used Possible entry point for
tiny medical devices
47 for H fuel storage nanomedical device
Materials: Stain Resistant Clothes

• Nanofibers create cushion of air around fabric

– 10 nm carbon whiskers bond with cotton
– Acts like peach fuzz; many liquids roll off

Nano pants that refuse to stain; Nano-Care fabrics with water, cranberry juice,
Liquids bead up and roll off vegetable oil, and mustard after 30 minutes (left)
and wiped off with wet paper towel (right)

Materials: Paint That Doesn’t Chip

• Protective nanopaint
for cars
– Water and dirt repellent
– Resistant to chipping
and scratches
– Brighter colors, Mercedes covered with tougher, shinier
enhanced gloss
– In the future, could
change color and self-

Environment: Paint That Cleans Air

• Nanopaint on buildings
could reduce pollution
– When exposed to
ultraviolet light, titanium
dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles
in paint break down organic
and inorganic pollutants
Buildings as air purifiers?
that wash off in the rain
– Decompose air pollution
particles like formaldehyde

Environment: Nano Solar Cells

• Nano solar cells mixed in plastic could be

painted on buses, roofs, clothing
– Solar becomes a cheap energy alternative!

] 200 nm

Nano solar cell: Inorganic nanorods embedded in semiconducting

polymer, sandwiched between two electrodes

Technology: A DVD That Could Hold a Million Movies

• Current CD and DVD media have

storage scale in micrometers
• New nanomedia (made when gold
self-assembles into strips on
silicon) has a storage scale in
…or 1,000,000
– That is 1,000 times more storage
along each dimensiontimes greater
(length, width)
storage density
… in total!
Source: Images adapted from
Technology: Building Smaller Devices and Chips

• Nanolithography to create tiny patterns

– Lay down “ink” atom by atom

Transporting molecules to a surface by

Mona Lisa, 8 microns tall, created by
dip-pen nanolithography
AFM nanolithography

Health Care: Nerve Tissue Talking to Computers

• Neuro-electronic networks interface nerve

cells with semiconductors
– Possible applications in brain research,
neurocomputation, prosthetics, biosensors

Snail neuron grown on a chip that records the neuron’s activity

Health Care: Detecting Diseases Earlier

• Quantum dots glow in UV light

– Injected in mice, collect in tumors
– Could locate as few as 10 to 100 cancer cells

Quantum Dots: Nanometer-sized crystals that

contain free electrons and emit photons when
submitted to UV light

Early tumor detection,

studied in mice
Health Care: Growing Tissue to Repair Hearts

• Nanofibers help heart muscle grow in the lab

– Filaments ‘instruct’ muscle to grow in orderly way
– Before that, fibers grew in random directions

Cardiac tissue grown with the help of nanofiber filaments

Health Care: Preventing Viruses from Infecting Us

• Nanocoatings over proteins on viruses

– Could stop viruses from binding to cells
– Never get another cold or flu?

Gold tethered to the

Influenza virus: Note proteins on
protein shell of a virus
outside that bind to cells

Health Care: Making Repairs to the Body

• Nanorobots are imaginary, but nanosized

delivery systems could…
– Break apart kidney stones, clear plaque from
blood vessels, ferry drugs to tumor cells

The Nano Industry
• Biotechnology
– Platypus
– Bioforce Nanoscience
• Equipment suppliers – Ace Ethanol
– Imago Instruments – Atom probe
– Hysitron Inc
– Thermo electron
• Healthcare
– Medtronic
– Boston Scientific
• Advanced materials
– 3M
– Cima Nanotech • Energy
– Nanodynamics – Fuel cells
– Konarka – Flexible solar panels
• Electronics – A natural progression – Cymbet
– Intel
– HP
– Motorola • Defense and security
– IBM – Detecting explosives and bio
– MIT Institute of Soldier
FNI 1A 59
The Nano Industry

• NanoHUB
• Conferences: NSTI, UMN,
• Nanorite Center
• Nano in the News

FNI 1A 60
Future of Nanotechnology
“Nanotechnology products worldwide will be $2.6 Trillion or
15% of global manufacturing output.” Investing in
Nanotechnology -- Jack Uldrich

Enablers and tools: Hysitron, Imago

Nanomaterials: Carbon Nanotechnologies, Aspen Aerogels

Fortune 500 Companies: 3M, Affymetrix, Cabot, Dow, Dupont,

Kodak, Texaco, AMD, GE, HP, IBM, Intel, Motorola, NEC

Disrupters: Bioforce Nanoscience, Nanosolar

FNI 1A 61
Potential Risks of Nanotechnology
• Health issues
– Nanoparticles could be inhaled, swallowed, absorbed
through skin, or deliberately injected
– Could they trigger inflammation and weaken the
immune system? Could they interfere with regulatory
mechanisms of enzymes and proteins?
• Environmental issues
– Nanoparticles could accumulate in soil, water, plants;
traditional filters are too big to catch them
• New risk assessment methods are needed
– National and international agencies are beginning to
study the risk; results will lead to new regulations
Summary: Science at the Nanoscale

• An emerging, interdisciplinary science

– Integrates chemistry, physics, biology, materials
engineering, earth science, and computer science
• The power to collect data and manipulate particles at such
a tiny scale will lead to
– New areas of research and technology design
– Better understanding of matter and interactions
– New ways to tackle important problems in healthcare,
energy, the environment, and technology
– A few practical applications now, but most are years or
decades away

Mother Nature

Mankind has always found inspiration in

Mother Nature. Today developing
technologies allow us to probe and better understand the
nanoscience of Mother Nature.
Introduction to Nanoscience
1. Intro to Nano 2. The Nano Debate 3. History of Nano 4. Scale of Things
Nano Industry Ch 1, Smalley vs Drexler Future of Nano Ch 15 Nano Ch 1
2,16 Ch 15
5. Nanochemistry 6. The Atom Game 7. Quantum 8. Waves – Slinkys,
Ch 3 Ch 3 mechanics (Ch 6) Light and Orbitals Ch
Unit 1Test 3
9. Tools of Nano Ch 3 10. Microscopy 1 11. Electron 12. Microscopy 2
Optical and Electron microscopy Ch 3 Electron beam
Ch 3 specimen interactions
13. Scanning probe 14. Microscopy 3 15. Other Tools Ch 3 16. UWEC Field Trip
microscopy Ch 3 Scanning Probe Ch 3 Test 2
17. X-Ray Analysis 18. X-Ray Diffraction 19. Carbon 22. Carbon
Ch 3 Nanotubes Ch 4 Nanotubes
21. Nanomaterials Ch 20. Gold 23. Synthesis/self 24. Magnetic
5, 12 Nanoparticles assembly/Test 3 Nanoparticles
25. Special Topics 26. Alternative energy 27. Special Topics 28. Lab on a Chip
Energy Ch 9 applications of Nano Biomedical Ch 10-11
29. Student 30. Student 31. Final Exam 32. Last Day
Presentations Presentations

FNI 1A 65

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