TOPIC 1 The Importance Meaning Nature and Assumption of Art

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TOPIC 1: The Importance, Meaning,

Nature and Assumption of Art


• Introduction
• This topic introduces the importance of art as part or
component of our dynamic civilization and art as an
essential form of expression and communication in our
daily existence. The meaning of art covers its
etymological to modern definition and how man sees it
variably and relatively from person, time and place. The
Assumptions tackle the principles and sources of
appreciating art and establish the margin and boundary of
the responsibility and duty in fulfilling what man is capable
of doing (Panison, 2018).
• Learning Outcome
• At the end of this chapter the learners should be able to:
– characterize artistic expression based on personal experience
with art;
– discuss the nature of art;
– categorize works of arts by citing personal experiences; and
– elaborate the assumptions of arts
• What is Art?
• Art as a term is taken from the Italian word artis, which
means craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form,
inventiveness and the association that exist between form
and ideas between material and techniques. From the
Aryan root ar, this means to join or put together; from
the Greek words artezein, which means to prepare, and
arkiskein, meaning to put together.
• In addition, Art is derived from Latin word ars, meaning
ability or skill. (J.V. Estolas)
arrangement of aesthetic
elements in an appealing
and interesting matter.


human creation , different
Expresses the feeling
activities and froms of
expression like painting,
music, literature, and
ART s and ideas shared by
all individuals
dance etc. regardless of culture.

representation of
reality .
• According to Plato,”Art is that which brings life in
harmony with the beauty of the world.” While for F.
Zulueta, “Art is the product of man’s need to express
himself.” And for John Dewey, “Art is an attitude of
spirit, a state of mind-one which demand for each
own satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping of matter to
new and more significant form.”
What are the Common Essentials of Art?

• Art must be man-made.

• Art must be creative, not imitative.
• Art must benefit and satisfy man.
• Art is expressed through a certain
medium or material by which the artist
communicates himself to his audiences.
What is Art Appreciation?
• It is the ability to interpret or understand man-made arts
and enjoy them either through actual and work-
experience with art tools and materials or possession of
these works of art for one’s admiration and satisfaction. It
also centers on the ability to view art throughout history,
focusing on the cultures and the people, and how art
developed in the specific periods. Thus, it is difficult to
understand the art without understanding the culture
because the connections to the context of art and the
interaction of societies help us to analyze and appreciate
a piece of art.
What are the Natures of Arts?
1. Art is everywhere.
2. Art is a means of expression and communication.
3. Art as a creation—It is the act of combining or re-
ordering existing materials to form a new object.
4. Art and experience—It must be heard or seen to
be appreciated and involve intellectual
5. Art and beauty-- It gives pleasure when perceived.
6. Art and nature
Assessment Task
Activity 2
Essay Rubric
Areas of Assessment 4 3 2 1
Ideas Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are too general Ideas are vague or
original manner consistent manner unclear
Organization Strong and organized Organized Some organization; No organization; lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end attempt at a beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows strong Writing shows a clear Writing shows Writing shows little
understanding understanding adequate understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated use of Nouns and verbs Needs more nouns and Little or no use of
nouns and verbs make essay verbs nouns and verbs
make the essay very informative
Sentence Structure Sentence structure Sentence structure is Sentence structure is No sense of
enhances meaning; evident; sentences limited; sentences need sentence structure or
flows throughout the mostly flow to flow flow
Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous errors
• Keiran, E. (1992). Imagination in Teaching and Learning,
pp. 12-37
• Panisan, W.K et,al. (2018). Art appreciation. Mutya
Publishing house Inc., pp. 1-7
• Ortiz et. al, (1976). Art perception and appreciation, pp. 5-

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