UNIT 1 Present Simple

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Present Simple
We use the present simple when something is generally or always true.
For habits or things that we do regularly. We often use adverbs of frequency (such as 'often', 'always' and
'sometimes') in this case, as well as expressions like 'every Sunday' or 'twice a month'. (See the present
continuous for new, temporary or annoying habits).

Repeated Actions
Actions in the present taking
place once, never or several

Nir always plays soccer on Tuesdays. Nir

plays football regularly - every Tuesday.

In English, signal words are often used,

e.g.: always, never, seldom, often,
regularly, every Monday.
When we wantFacts
to state a fact or ask a
question without any time reference,
we use the present simple tense.

She plays football but she doesn't play

For breakfast he eats rice and drinks cold
She works very hard.
My friend speaks four languages.
General Truths
Statements about rules of nature and
the way the world is, are in the
present simple tense.

The sun sets in the west.

Most babies learn to speak when they are
about two years old.
Water boils at 100° Celsius.
Trees lose their leaves in the fall.
To Refer to the Future

The present simple is often used to
refer to future events that are
scheduled (and outside of our
In jokes, anecdotes and film or book summaries

The present simple tense is very often used in

jokes and when telling a story to make the joke
or story seem more immediate. The present
simple is also used to retell what happens in a
book or film.

So in he walks with a parrot on his shoulder.

In his new film Robert Redford plays the part
of a brave cowboy.
Stative Verbs
We use the present simple for many verbs of
thinking, feeling and sensing. This verbs are called
stative verbs or 'state' verbs.

emotion: like love want wish

mind: agree believe mean know
appearance: look like resemble seem
possession: belong consist contain have need own
perception: see hear taste
I love lying in bed late on Sunday mornings.
I need to know right now.
Time Expressions
always seldom

generally sometimes

frequently usually

never every day/year

often once a week

rarely twice a year

Positive Form

he Vs she
I we

I play He speaks
We read She cooks
You clean It sits
They buy
Spelling Rules
The spelling for the verb in the third person differs
:depending on the ending of that verb
For verbs that end in -o, -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, or -z we .1
.add -es in the third person
go – goes          catch – catches           wash –
kiss – kisses       fix – fixes                 buzz –
For verbs that end in a consonant + y, we remove the y .2
.and add -ies
marry – marries         study – studies         carry –

.NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + y, we just add -s

 play – plays        enjoy – enjoys         say – says
Negative Form
To make a negative sentence in English we
normally use don't or doesn't with all verbs
EXCEPT “to be” and modal verbs (can, might,
.should etc.)
We doesn’
don’t She
You t
They V1

You don't speak Arabic. John doesn't speak

.We don't have time for a rest. It doesn't move
Yes / No Question
Do I, you, we, they
V1 Rest ?
Does he, she, it

?Does he play computer games every evening

Wh- Non-Subject Question
Wh-word subject V1 Rest ?

?Where does she spend her free time

This is a video to introduce the topic​
You must develop platform
activities and participate
on Forums.

This unit has some resources

and activities to be developed
in 15  days. Teacher will be
with you in the process and
feedback your activities.

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