Evolution and Function of Money

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Evolution and function of money

What is money?
• Money is anything that
serves as a medium of
exchange, a unit of
account, and a store of
What is money? (cont’d)

• Money as a Medium of Exchange

• A medium of exchange is anything that is used to determine
value during the exchange of goods and services.
• Money as a Unit of Account
• A unit of account is a means for comparing the values of
goods and services.
• Money as a Store of Value
• A store of value is something that keeps its value if it is stored
rather than used.
Characteristics of Money
• The coins and paper bills used as money in a society are called
currency. A currency must meet the following characteristics:
• Durability
• Objects used as money must withstand physical wear and tear.
• Portability
• People need to be able to take money with them as they go about their
• Divisibility
• To be useful, money must be easily divided into smaller
denominations, or units of value.
Characteristics of Money
• Uniformity
• Any two units of money must be uniform, that is, the
same, in terms of what they will buy.
• Limited Supply—SCARCITY!
• Money must be available only in limited quantities.
• Acceptability
• Everyone must be able to exchange the money for goods
and services.
Evolution of money:

 Barter system
 Commodity money
 Paper money
 Demand deposits
 E-money
Barter system:
Direct exchange of goods and services for other
goods and services

Difficulties in barter system:

 Lack of double co-incidence of wants.

 Lack of common measures of values.
 Difficulties in storing values.
 Deferred of payments / Absence of loaning.
 Indivisibility of certain goods.
Commodity money:
Commodity money is money whose value comes from
a commodity of which it is made. Commodity money
consists of objects that have value in themselves as
well as value in their use as money
Money throughout the history of the world
Live stock
Precious stones
Paper money:
Paper currency that is circulated for
transaction-related purposes. The printing of
paper money is typically regulated by a
country's central bank/treasury in order to keep
the flow of money in line with monetary policy.
Paper money
Advantages Disadvantages
Economical Danger of inflation
Elasticity of money supply Internal price instability
Promotes economic growth Exchange instability
Internal price stability Dangerous of mismanagement
Helpful in emergency Fear of demonetization
Regulation of exchange rates Use within the country
Uniform quality
Demand deposits:
Demand Deposit refers to a type of account
held at banks and financial institutions that
may be withdrawn at any time by the
customer. The majority of such Demand
Deposit accounts are checking and savings

All types of money which people deal with it

electronically, far from traditional ways of
payment like banks, cheque, paper money and
coins, e-Money allow users through internet or
wireless devices to pay the charges of their
purchases directly from their bank accounts by
electronic ways such as Smart cards, Digital
wallets and micropayments
Functions of money:

Primary functions Secondary functions

1. Medium of exchange 1. Store of value

2. Unit of account 2. Standard of defer
3. Easy transfer of value
Primary functions:

Medium of exchange Unit of account

 Generally acceptable.  Standard monetary unit for

 Removed the needs of double measurement of goods services and
coincidence of wants. assets.
 Remove the difficulties of barter  It is a common denominator which
system. determines the rate of exchange
 Make transaction on time at any between goods and services.
place.  It is used to check profit loss and
 Works as intermediary between labor liabilities.
and production to increase output.
Standard of functions:
deferred Store of value: Transfer of value:

Debt are easily return Works as bridge between Money has ability to
back with the same value present and future value of transfer value one person
of money wealth. to other person easily at
Make possible contracts It is used to meet any place.
for goods and services unforeseen emergency and
against the bond and to pay debt.
securities Equally chances of gain
Fixed debt contracts and loss because it is
eliminate the gain or loss of included bonds securities
creditor and debtor. commercial papers.

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