CH 3 - Java Servlets: COSC 617 Jeff Schmitt September 21, 2006

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Ch 3 - Java Servlets

COSC 617
Jeff Schmitt
September 21, 2006
Java Servlet API
• The predominant language for server-side
• Standard way to extend server to generate
dynamic content
• Web browsers are universally available “thin”
• Web server is “middleware” for running
application logic
• User sends request – server invokes servlet –
servlet takes request and generates response-
returned to user
Advantages of Servlet API
• CGI, ISAPI, ASP, PHP, etc also generate
dynamic content
• Standard, stable, supported API
• multithreaded for improved performance
• Persistent between invovations, improved
• 100% portable between OS and servers
• Access to all API’s of Java platform
• Basis of JSP technology
• Basis of Struts and JSF frameworks
Servlet Basics
• Packages:
javax.servlet, javax.servlet.http
• Runs in servlet container such as Tomcat
– Tomcat 4.x for Servlet 2.3 API
– Tomcat 5.x for Servlet 2.4 API
• Servlet lifecycle
– Persistent (remains in memory between requests)
– Startup overhead occurrs only once
– init() method runs at first request
– service() method for each request
– destroy() method when server shuts down
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
• Not persistent
• Not multithreaded
• Not high performancce
• Any language that can read standard input, write
standard output and read environment variables
• Server sends request information specially
encoded on standard input
• Server expects response information on
standard output
Writing servlets
• public class MyServlet extends
javax.servlet.GenericServlet {
• public void service(ServletRequest req,
ServletResponse resp)
• throws ServletException, IOException {
• Resp.SetContentType(“text/plain”);
• …
• }
• }
• public class MyServlet extends
javax.servlet.GenericServlet {
• public void service(ServletRequest req,
ServletResponse resp)
• throws ServletException, IOException {
• resp.SetContentType(“text/plain”);
• …
• }
• }
• public class MyServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet {
• public void doGet(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse
• throws ServletException, IOException {
• resp.SetContentType(“text/plain”);
• PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
• out.println(“Hello, world”);
• }
• public void doPost(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse
• throws ServletException, IOException {
• doGet(req, resp);
• }
• doPost does three things
– Set output type “text/plain” MIME type
– getWriter() method for out stream
– Print on out stream
• getLastModified() method
– To cache content if content delivered by a servlet has
not changed
– Return Long =time content last changed
– Default implementation returns a negative number –
servlet doesn’t know
• getServletInfo() method
– Returns String for logging purposes
Web Applications
• Consists of a set of resources including
– Servlets, Static content, JSP files, Class libraries
• Servlet context,
– a particular path on server to identify the web
– Servlets have an isolated, protected environment to
operate in without interference
– ServletContext class where servlets running in same
context can use this to communicate with each other
– Example servlet context: /catalog
– request.getContextPath() + “/servlet/CatalogServlet”
Web App Structure
• Directory tree
– Static resources: /
– Packed classes: /WEB-INF/lib/*.jar
– Unpacked classes: /WEB-INF/classes/*.class
– Deployment descriptor: /WEB-INF/web.xml
• Configuration information for the servlets including
• Names, servlet (path) mapprings, initialization
parameters, context-level configuration
Servlet Path Mappings
• Servlets are not files, so must be mapped to URIs (Uniform
Resource Identifiers)
• Servet container can set default, typically /servlet/*
• Example: /servlet/MyPacPageServlet can invoke
• Mapping by
– Exact path: /store/chairs
– Prefix: /store/*
– Extension: *.page
• A servlet mapped to / path becomes the default servlet for
the application and is invoked when no other servlet is
Servlet Context Methods
• Resources such as index.html can be accessed through
web server or by servlet
– Servlet uses request.getContextPath() to identify its context
path, for example: /app
– Servlet uses getResource() and
getResourceAsStream(request.getContextPath() + “/index.html”)
• To retrieve context-wide initialization parameters, servlet
uses getInitParameter() and getInitParameterNames()
• To access a range of information about the local
environment, shared with other servlets in same servlet
context, servlet uses getAttribute(), setAttribute(),
removeAttribute(), getAttributeNames()
HttpServletRequest interface
• Server creates object implementing this
interface, passes it to servlet. Allows access to
• URL info: getProtocol(), getServerName(),
getPort(), getScheme()
• User host name: getRemoteHost()
• Parameter info: (variables from input form):
.getParameterNames(), getParameter()
• HTTP –specific request data:
getHeaderNames(), getHeader(), getAuthType()
Forms and Interaction
• <form method=get action=“/servlet/MyServlet”>
– GET method appends parameters to action URL:
– This is called a query string (starting with ?)
• Username: <input type=text name=“userid”
• Password: <input type=password name=“pass”
• <input type=submit value=“Login”>
POST Method
• <form method=post …
– Post method does not append parameters to action URL:
– Instead, parameters are sent in body of request where the
password is not visible as in GET method
• POST requests are not idempotent
– From Mathematics – an idempotent unary operator definition:
whenever it is applied twice to any element, it gives the same
result as if it were applied once.
– Cannot bookmark them
– Are not safely repeatable
– Can’t be reloaded
– browsers treat them specially, ask user
HEAD, and Other Methods
• HEAD – returns headers only
• PUT, DELETE – create and remove resources
from the web server
• TRACE – returns the request headers to the
• doXXX() methods (XXX is one of the four)
• Most servlet programmers ignore these methods
• Default implementation informs user that request
is unsupported or provides minimal
• Specify the MIME type of the response
– .setContentType(“image/gif”);
– Called before .getWriter() so correct Charset is used
• Two methods for producing output streams:
– out = resp.getWriter()
– ServletOutputStream str = resp.getOutputStream()
//used for non-text responses
• HTTP response headers and status code
– setHeader(), containsHeader(),
– setStatus(), 200 OK, 404 Not Found, etc.
– sendError()
– sendRedirect(), sets Location header and status code for
redirect. Causes browser to make another request.
• Can forward request to another servlet
• Can include bits of content from other servlets in its own
• RequestDispatcher d =
– Either include – goes and comes back
d.include(req, resp);
– Or forward – doesn’t come back
d.forward(req, resp);
• Request dispatching is Different from sendRedirect()
– browser not involved
– from user perspective, URL is unchanged
Status Codes
D, “Could not find it”);
• SC_OK = 200 // the success code
• SC_NO_CONTENT = 204 //content unchanged -- browser view
stays at the form but avoids “contains no data” error message
// browser uses Location header
// browser uses Location header
• SC_UNAUTHORIZED = 401 // wrong authentication
• SC_NOT_FOUND = 404 // page not found
Servlet Exceptions
• ServletException – thrown to indicate a general
servlet problem
• try { …
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ServletException(ex);
• UnavailableException, a derivative of
ServletException, notifies the server that servlet
is going to be temporarily unavailable
Servlet Context Initialization
• Application-level events use a listener style
• Opportunity to create and share application-level
resources such as DB connection pools
• Classes that implement ServletContextListener
are notified when the context is initialized or
• Context listeners are associated with their
context with the application-level web.xml file.
• J2EE User Role Model -- users can be assigned
one or more roles
• web.xml defines which servlets and resources
are protected and which users have access
• particular role allows access to specific
protected resources
• getRemoteUser() -- user’s ID
• getAuthType() -- Basic, Digest, or SSL
• isUserInRole() – for dynamic content decisions
• getUserPrincipal() – returns a object identifying the user
Servlet Filters
• Filters perform processing on the request
• Implement logging, control security, set up
connection-specific objects
• javax.servlet.Filter = filter resource class
• Filter chain – zero or more Filter objects and a
destination resource (servlet or JSP)
• Set up a filter for a particular request path, (like a
servlet mapping) such as *.jsp
• Filter resource calls doFilter() to advance to next
filter in the chain, if no more filters, request is
passed to ultimate destination
Thread Safety
• Multithreaded = one servlet, multiple requests
• Threadsafe – not using class variables since one
copy of these variables is shared by all threads
• Synchronized blocks of code, all threads wait
until they can enter, one at a time
• Servlet 2.4 deprecates SingleThreadModel
interface – could not resolve all potential
threading issues.
• Persistent client-side storage of data known to server
and sent to client
• Cookie is multiple names and values. Value limited to
4096 bytes
• has expiration date, and a server name (returned to
same host and not to others)
• Cookie is sent in HTTP header of response
– resp.addCookie(name,value)
• Cookie is returned to server in HTTP header of
subsequent request
• cookies = req.getCookies();
– For (int i=0;i<cookies.length;i++) {
– cookies[i].getName cookies[i].getAttribute
Session Tracking
• For tracking individual users through the site
• Application needs stateful environment whereas
the web is inherently stateless
• Previously, applications had to resort to
complicated code, using cookies, hidden
variables in forms, rewriting URLs to contain
state information
• Delegates most of the user-tracking functions to
the server
• Server creates object
• Servlet uses req.getSession(true)
– Boolean arg handles case if no current session object
– Should new one be created or not
– Session.isNew() – useful to detect new session object
• Servlet binds data to the HttpSession object with
session.setAttribute(“hits”,new Integer(34));
• Server assigns unique session ID, stored in a cookie
• If cookies are not available, server uses URL rewriting.
To create links, with session ID use
– resp.encodeURL(“/servlet/View”)
– resp.encodeRedirectURL(“/servlet/View”)
• Load the driver class
• Get a connection
• Create a statement
• Execute the query, returns ResultSet
• Iterate through ResultSet
JDBC Example
• // Load the Oracle JDBC driver
Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
• //Connect to DB server as authorized user
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
account, password);
• // Create a JDBC Statement to hold SQL query
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select ticker from
• // Iterate through the result and print the employee
while ( ()) {
out.println (rset.getString (1));

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