11-10-20 Police Code of Ethics
11-10-20 Police Code of Ethics
11-10-20 Police Code of Ethics
• One of the faults common to new officers is that they often act
officiously. They appear to the public to be over-impressed with
their own importance. In a way this is natural because it is
associated with pride and a new officer is usually very proud for his
is a noble undertaking. However, a law enforcement officer must
always guard against having this pride misinterpreted by the public
as being merely officious.
• The majority of the people who make contact with a law
enforcement officer during his hour of duty are not criminals. The
majority of the persons receiving tickets from an officer are
normally law abiding, upright citizens of the community, and they
are usually embarrassed enough by being caught inn a traffic
violation without being talked down to or treated like a criminal.
Judges often report that a common reason for a person appearing
in traffic court as not so much to contest the facts of the offense as
it is complain about the demeanor of the officer issuing the citation.
“With no compromise for crime and with relentless
prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously
and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill-will”
• The term “with no compromise for crime” means that crime will not be
knowingly permitted. It does not mean that the officer must perform his
duties to the “letter of the law” without taking into consideration the “spirit
of the law”. If the Code of Ethics will be examined, nothing will be found in
it to the effect than an officer must obtain convictions and send people to
prison for long periods of time. It does state, however, that he must do the
best of which he is capable, and that his actions must in them be ethical.
No man can predict or guarantee the final results of any action. Only god
can do this, Man can only be responsible for his immediate actions. If an
officer does a good job and the court release the criminal, the blame rests
not upon him but upon the courts, the jury or society itself. The modern
law enforcement officer has a new motto “Be firm but fair”. He does not
have to be a “theory bound” sociologist just because he treats criminals like
human beings.
• The professional law enforcement officer lets the criminal call the tune as to
his own treatment. The officers can and must be as tough as the situation
demands yet there is no personal vindictiveness in the way he treats the
criminal. His tone of voice and demeanor usually indicate that he will not
be walked on, yet his actions are fair
“I will never employ unnecessary force or violence”
• The essence of this section is one of the most overlooked and forgotten
facets of law enforcement by the man in the field. It is this that
distinguishes the difference between law enforcement and the ordinary job.
It is this that enables an officer to suffer the difficulties and problems that
make the held, at times, so frustrating and discouraging. Police
administrators would do well to place more emphasis upon the swearing-
process. It should be made very formal and similar to the initiation of many
fraternal organizations.
• The chief of Police should see that the recruit is not issued a badge or
allowed to put on a uniform until he is thoroughly familiar with the code of
ethics and especially the above section. He should be made to understand
that he is one of a select few, and that his job is public trust that must be
earned. The new officer should also understand that any personal reward
would not be obtained from the public itself. This is so because the public is
a difficult master, it there no to personal reward, it can only come from itself
or from knowing the true significance of the job and the essential role that in
plays in society. Perhaps the greatest reward is the self-respect and
satisfaction that comes from the knowledge that the job was done in a truly
professional manner.
“I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals
dedicating my self before God, to my chosen profession… Law
• Proficiency in law enforcement involves many
factors. It involves mental, moral and physical
conditioning. They are all-important aspects. The
officer who let him self-slip physically is certainly not
able to protect society. The officer who is in good
physical condition has more confidence in his ability,
and those with whom he deals sense this, and as a
result he finds that it is necessary to exert authority
as much as it might be otherwise. Unfortunately,
most police department requires a stiff physical
agility examination before this area is either
forgotten or greatly neglected. It is left up to the
individual officer to keep himself in shape.
Canons of Police Ethics
Terms to Ponder in this Study
• Personal Media – it is the means of communication used by the
police as it deals with the community such as the use of rallies,
meetings, speeches and house to house visits to the community.
• Barangay - is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that
implements the policies of the national and local governments
(1987 Phil. Constitution); sometimes referred to as the local
• Propaganda – any information or publicity put out by an
organization (i.e., police) or government to spread and promote a
policy, idea, doctrine, or cause.
• Police Community Relation - the sum total of dealings
between the police and the people it serve and whose goodwill
and cooperation it craves for the greatest possible efficiency in
the service.
• Mass Media – implies the use of radio, television and motion
pictures in transmitting information to the public.
What is Community Relation?
• Community Assistance and Development – these are
under taken upon the initiative of the police unit or
personnel for the purpose of enhancing life as a means of
drawing the support, appreciation and support of the public
to wards the police organization.
Examples are:
– Skills, Livelihood, and Cooperative Development.
– Sports and Socio-Cultural development.
– Medical, and Dental Outreach Services.
– Tree Planting.
What does it mean by Police Community Affairs?
As individuals, police officers shall also develop personal relationship with
the public which is divided into the following categories:
1. Domestic Relations - This consist of a person’s dealing with his
family, parents and immediate relatives, with whom he has to have good
relationship in order to develop a respectable family prestige as well as
cordial community relations.
2. Neighborhood Relations - This consist of a person’s dealing with
neighbor who constitute a vital link to good reputation in the community
3. Community Relations - This is made up of a person’s dealing with the
citizens of the community, city or town where a person likes. These also
include his membership or contributions to civil undertakings and his
membership or contribution to the civic organization or community
associations in the locality.
4. Church Relation - This consists of a person’s dealing with religious
affiliation that is necessary for the stability of moral principles.
5. Government Relations - This is made up of the dealings, which a
person has with the government and its various instrumentalities. The
recognition of government authorities, its laws and ordinance, as well as
other public responsibilities, are significant phases of an individuals
public relations.
In the practice of his profession, a police officer shall observe a
professional conduct which is divided into the following categories:
• Inter-Departmental Relation - This is made up of the peace officers
relations with the officers and men of his own department, his supervisor, the
station commander, as well as the city/municipal mayor where he is assigned.
• Citizen’s Relation - This includes all dealings or contact with the citizens in
relations to the enforcement of the law and the maintenance of peace and
order, together with the giving of information to the public on criminal and non-
criminal activities.
• Complainant Relations - This includes how officer deals with complainants,
the techniques of interview he uses, the manner of approach he adopts, and the
treatment of witnesses and informers.
• Relations with Accused Persons - This covers the proper treatment of
suspects, the recognition of their constitutional rights during custodial
investigation and the handling of accused persons during confinement.
• Relations with Prosecutor - This includes a police officer’s duty to cooperate
during preliminary investigations and the gathering of further pieces of evidence
once the fiscal files the case.
• Judicial Relations - This consists of the peace officer’s duties toward the
courts when appearing as a witness and the honesty of his testimony.
The Peace Officer’s Professional Public Relation
The peace officer’s professional public relations are divided into eight
categories, namely:
• 1. Intra- Departmental Relations
This is made up of the peace officer’s relations with the officers and men of
his own department, his superiors, the station commander, as well as the
city/municipal mayor where he is assigned.
• 2. Inter- Departmental Relations
Relations with other police agencies are evident in his cooperation and
dealings with the Philippine National Police and other law enforcement
agencies of the government.
• 3. Citizens’ Relations
This includes all dealings or contacts with the citizens in relation to the
enforcement of the law and the maintenance of peace and order, together
with the giving of information to the public on criminal and non- criminal
• 4. Complaint Relations
This includes how an officer deals with complaints, the techniques of
interview he uses, the manner of approach he adopts, the treatment of
witnesses as well as informers.
The Peace Officer’s Professional Public Relation
The peace officer’s professional public relations are divided into eight
categories, namely:
• 5. Relations with Accused Persons
This covers the proper treatment of suspects, the recognition of their
constitutional rights during custodial investigation and the handling of the
accused persons during confinement.
• 7. Judicial Relations
This consists of the peace officer’s duties toward the courts when appearing
as a witness and the honesty of his testimony.
Complaint Desk Officer - The complaint desk officer should be alert at his
desk and avoid ignoring a timid citizen. As soon as he sees a person
approaching, unless he is busy with another citizen, he should immediately
offer his service by posing a simple question such as “May I do something for
you, Sir?” to demonstrate his sincerity. If possible, there should also be a
woman employee at the desk to handle complaints from women who may be
timid about approaching a male officer. This employee need not be a
policeman; a clerical employee may be stationed at the complaint desk for
this purpose.
• Attention to the Complaint - A person who approaches a policeman for
assistance should be given ample opportunity to tell his story. The officer can
sometimes assist with intelligent questions, evidence of sympathy, and
assurance of aid. But he should not needlessly interrupt the explanation of
the complainant.
DEALING WITH COMPLAINANTS – Police officers when dealing with
complainants shall observe the following:
• The police by reason of their specific responsibilities are bound to more exacting
code that any other public servant. Delinquents in conduct that pass
unchallenged when committed by other public officials are acts that are
accepted as common place in judging the conduct of the citizens but are
adjudged as reprehensible when committed by policeman.
Police Officer’s Compassion and Understanding
• In the performance of his duty, a police officer looks no
requirements. He should fairly serve regardless of the personality of the
person whom he deals with. Further, even the seriousness of the
problem should not be a factor whether to serve or not to serve.
Sometimes, a person with personal problems approaches police officers.
And in dealing with personal problems, it is imperative that matters of
such of vital personal importance be approached with understanding,
compassion and magnanimity
Police Influence over the Community
• The community looks upon policeman as representative of the
authority of law. It is obvious therefore, that influence of the policeman
over the community is increased by reason of the authority they
personify. People under stress or influence of excitement are more
susceptible to the influence of external stimuli than they would be under
normal circumstances. They are likely to be more readily influenced by
the action of those with whom they come into contact. Policeman must
be careful that the influence of their authority does not become
oppressive in their relationship with the community particularly in
situations of stress and excitement.
Police Practice of Courtesy
• Practicing courtesy involves much more than friendliness. To appreciate sincerity and
habitually performed acts of courtesy requires cultivation of appearance, voice, manner,
intelligence humor, temperament and unselfishness that are easily appreciated by the
people. All of these factors co-mingle in the production of a gentleman in principle and in
conduct. Compassionate but firm and earnestly interested without being over solicitous.
Irregardless of the nature of the task, a policeman must continually practice courtesy; they
cannot be made as an exception. Disagreeable duties must be performed willingly and
unpleasant orders obeyed cheerfully. Flares of temper, sarcastic criticism and moodiness
have no place in the conduct of a good policeman.
Moral Ascendancy
• Moral ascendancy is the influence that one-person exercise over a group of persons by
reason of exemplary nature of his character. It arises out of withstanding the hardship and
difficulty of the work, sincerity of purpose that manifest in willingness to personally adhere
without equivocation, and to the same standards of conduct that he is duty bound to
enforce upon other. Policemen are particularly vulnerable to community criticism, for
lack of this quality, they must be able to control their emotion, temper, their likes and
dislikes, physically able to withstand hardship without complaint, and able to effectively
conceal their worries.
• Moral ascendancy is not important in evaluating the effectiveness of commanding officer in
the police service. The moral force or lack of it in commanding officer is reflected in the
very character of policemen under their control, and obviously become an important
influence in the community appraisal of police service.
Dependability and Punctuality
• The public has the right to demand the same guarantees in the manner of its
safety as all exacts for the protection of public health. The public is concerned
with emergency situations that require immediate attention and effective
treatment. Police service if it is to be of any value must be dependable. The
policeman should be able to serve at the right place at the right time. All the
skills and abilities that policemen possess are of little value unless he can defend
upon to apply his skill at the proper time. Punctuality is not only important in
relationship with the public but it is also essential in routine activities as well.
The rendition of report, appearance in court and cooperation with colleagues
and other law enforcement agencies are responsibilities that can be relied upon
if properly implemented.
• Policeman shall accept their responsibilities to the public by being punctual in
their engagements and expeditions in the performance of their duties. Thus he
• He must be prepared.
• He must be courteous.
• He must be natural and straightforward.
• He must maintain his temper.
• He must be attentive to the questions to be hurled or asked.
• He must speak loudly enough to be heard.
• He must be conscious of his personal appearances.
Appearing as a Witness
• Witness in Criminal Case – A policeman shall, when
subpoenaed as a witness in a criminal case, promptly notify
their immediate chiefs. No members of the PNP shall be a
witness in such capacity without the service of a proper
• Witness in Civil Case - No member of the PNP shall
testify in civil cases unless summoned to do so by proper
• Action After Court Attendance - A member of the PNP
attending any court session under subpoena/summon or
other processes as a witness, shall after having been
released there from for the day, immediately report to their
superior officer.
Police Personal Appearance
A police officer’s personal appearance speaks well of his department. To ensure
positive opinion to his department or organization, he should observe the
• He shall be properly attired and equipped whenever he appears before the
• He carries with him only the prescribed regulation weapons and other related
• He shall dress moderately and of good taste if and when they must wear civilian
• He must maintain good posture and grooming.
• He must see to it that his uniform is clean and properly maintained.
• The policemen must not only avoid evil, he must also avoid the appearance of
evil. Thus:
He should be careful to avoid questionable associates and to spend spare time
and obtained his recreation in the company of those whose character and
reputation are irreproachable.
• He must avoid controversial questions, those dealing with religion, politics and
the laws.
• He must avoid domestic difficulties more assiduously than the average citizen.
He must abstain from drinking intoxication beverage to excess.
• He shall not engage in any form of gambling except those allowed by law:
• He should avoid entering any house reported as being of ill-repute and other
vice dens.
• He shall not buy nor use or process smuggled products.
• He shall avoid accepting any fees, rewards or gifts of any type, for any service
rendered in the performance of his duty other than his authorized salary or shall
use his position for material consideration.
• He should avoid “bad habits” celebrating Christmas, New Year and other
occasion by firing their guns.
It was mentioned that the appearances of a police station/headquarters
influence the attitude of both the police and the community. This can be
further attained by the observance of the following guidelines.
Must have presentable view inside or outside.
• Must possess a well keep office that is worthy of the discipline of its force, honor
ideal of Law enforcers.
• Must be strict in anti-littering /smoking campaign in the building or grounds and
police equipment shall be maintained properly.
• Trashcan shall be available and comfort room shall be clean and free from foul
• Must be identifiable and the desk shall bear the name of the policemen for
public convenience and information.
Policemen at Station/Headquarters
The police station/headquarter should not only maintain a high standard of
efficiency, but it should give an appearance of efficiency. This is created by a
business like attitude and conduct on the part of the policemen. Thus, the
policemen must avoid the following attitude:
• Policeman should not roughhouse among themselves in public view.
• They should restrict their activities to the assembly room or those sections of
the station reserved for their rest of reaction. Otherwise the public may
conclude that they are lofting while on duty.
• He shall not in the station/office or elsewhere while on duty, drink any
intoxicating liquor or take prohibited drugs or report to duty under the Influence
of liquor or prohibited drugs; or habitual drunkard to the prejudice of his duty.
• Police should not indulge in loud, boisterous talk that can be heard by the
• They should avoid an appearance of idleness and create an impression of
business like efficiency.
• 2. Integrity
PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims
of corruption and dishonest practices.
• 3. Justice
PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the
nights to respect the nights of others so that they can they
can fulfill their duties and exercise their rights as human
Standards of Police Professionalism
Article II of the PNP Code of Professional Conduct and
Ethical Standards provides the following ethical acts to be
observe by all PNP members.
• 4. Humility
All PNP members shall recognize the facts that they are public
servants and not the masters of the people and toward this end, they
should perform their duties without arrogance.
5. Orderliness
All PNP members shall follow logical procedures in accomplishing
task assigned to them to minimize waste in the use of time, money and
• 6. Perseverance
Once a decision is made, all PNP members shall take legitimate
action to achieve the goal even in the face of internal or external
difficulties and despite anything which might weaken their resolve in the
course of time.
The Paradox of thee Law Enforcement Officer
• 1. A friend in Need
A police officer is a friend in need. His telephone numbers have a
special place in the directory, and many of us post it at some convenient
spot, for instant use. He is the one to whom we instinctively turn when
all fails. We expect him to know what to do, and he often does. He
guides the tourists, find the missing child, locate the doctor and races
the expectant mother to the hospital. He is our most versatile public