ECON3049 Lecture Notes 1
ECON3049 Lecture Notes 1
ECON3049 Lecture Notes 1
Revision of Summation Operator
• If a is a constant, then
a na
i 1
ax a x
i 1
i 1
• If a and b are two constants and x and y are two variables, then
n n n
(ax by ) a x b y
i 1
i i
i 1
i 1
Revision of Expectation Operator
– also E[aX bY ] aE ( X ) bE (Y )
Revision of Variance/Covariance
– The Variance of a Weighted Sum of Random Variables
• If X, Y, and Z are random variables and a, b, and c are constants,
var aX bY cZ a 2 var X b 2 var Y c 2 var Z
2ab cov X , Y 2ac cov X , Z 2bc cov Y , Z
What is Econometrics?
Question of interest:
•How does the GPA an individual respond to changes in study hrs ?
Policy questions:
•How does study hrs affect individual GPA?
•How different study patterns affect your GPA?
Methodological Approach to Econometrics
Classical /traditional methodology
1. Statement of theory or hypothesis / formulation of the question of
2. Specification of the mathematical model of the theory (i.e. the possible
direction of the relationship(s))
3. Specification of the functional form of econometric model along with
assumptions about the nature of the error term
4. Obtaining the data
5. Estimation of the parameters of the econometric model
6. Hypothesis testing to check the validity of assumptions we’ve
made( for example whether of explanatory variables are statistically
7. Forecasting or prediction
8. Using the model for control or policy purposes.
Statistical vs Deterministic relationships
In this course we abstract from deterministic relations and deal only with
statistical relations.
Structure of Economic Data
Panel or Longitudinal Data - A time series data set for each cross-
sectional member in the data set. Example, wage data on a set of
individual's over a 25-year period.
Regression Analysis
yi = b0 + b1 xi + ui for i = 1,2,...,n
y ... dependent variable, the explained variable, the response variable, or the
x ... independent variable, the explanatory variable, the control variable, the
regressor, or the covariate;
ui ... error term or disturbance, and represents unobserved" factors other
than x that affect y;
b0... Intercept , or constant;
b1 ... slope parameter showing the linear relationship between y and x.
n ... the number of data points
We have to distinguish between linearity in parameters and
linearity in variables
Earnings 0 1education u
where Earnings measures income per annum &
Education measures years of Schooling
.E(y|x) = b + b x
0 1
x1 x2
To estimate our parameters b0 and b1 we must make some assumptions about
the unobserved error term u and how it relates to the explanatory variable x.
Assumption 1: Normalize error terms
E(u) = 0
Nothing is lost by assuming that the average of the other factors that affect y is
In our example with study hrs and GPA; if u represents ability for example, we can
assume that average ability is zero, without loss of generality
• If x and u are two random variables: the expected value of u given x is
Assumption 2: zero conditional mean ( mean independent)
E(u/x) = E(u) = 0
•If for example average hours studied is 6 then if it increases to 9 average ability
should not change.
•If we believe average ability depends on hours of study then assumption 2 would be
•We cannot observe average ability
Zero covariance between the error term and x
cov(u,x) = E(ux)= 0
This is derived from assumptions 1 and 2
For any
any given
given value
value xx the
the distribution
distribution ofof yy is
is centered
centered about
about E(y/x)
This tells
tells us
us how
how average
average value
value of
of yy changes
changes with
with values
values of
of x;
x; it
it does
does not
not tell
tell us
how each individual value of y changes.
how each individual value of y changes.
• x corresponds to experiences
•E(y/x) corresponds to the mean earnings for individuals who study
certain amount of experience.
•If x doubles it is not saying that each individual’s earnings will double it
is saying that earnings will double on average, some may be more some
may be less
1. systematic part of y: +
2. 2. unsystematic part of y; y – E(y/x) = u.
Estimation Procedure
The estimator we will employ here is Ordinary
Least Squares (OLS)
• ‘
OLS: Estimation of the Slope Parameter