Dna Transcripton

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Prepared by: GROUP 4

• Polymer of ribonucleotide held together by 3’ 5’
phosphodiester bridge & are single stranded.

• Is the only molecule known to function both in the storage

& transmission of genetic information & in catalysis.

• All RNAs except RNA genomes of certain viruses derived

from information which is stored permanently in DNA.
rRNA mRNA tRNA miRNA ribozyme U1RNA
• In replication entire DNA molecule is normally copied

• In transcription a particular gene or group of genes are Copied at any time, &
some portions of DNA are never transcribed

• Gene is a segment of DNA that codes for a type of Potein or NRA

for & may present or any strand of DNA (contain many genes).
Differences between replication and transcription
Replication Transcription
Single strand
TEMPLATE Both strand whole genome Small portion of genome


ENZYME DNA polymerase RNA polymerase



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Features and Transcription
• It is highly selective

• This selectivity is due to signals embedded in the nucleotide

sequence of DNA

• Specific sequences mark the beginning and end of the DNA

segment which to be transcribed

• This signal instruct the enzyme

• 2) Many of the RNA transcripts are synthesized as precursors that
is known is primary transcripts.
• Which on modifications & trimming converted into functional
• Transcription – Prokaryotes- cytoplasm( all RNAs)
Eukaryotes- Nucleus & mitochondria
a) Nucleolus- rRNA
b) Nucleoplasm- Trna & mRNA
• The basic biochemistry of RNA synthesis is similar in prokaryotes
& eukaryotes, but its regulation is more complex in eukaryotes.
• RNA synthesis in prokaryotes is catalyzed by a large enzyme called
• DNA dependent Rna polymerase
or Rna polymerase

A single enzyme, RNA polymerase, synthesizes all types cellular

RNAs in prokaryotes
RNA polymerase use one of the DNA strand as template on which
complimentary ribonucleotides are incorporate so synthesize RNA.
• The strand of DNA which is transcribed to Rna
called as template strand.

• Opposite strand is referred as cooling strand.

• Involves the interaction of RNAP with DNA at a specific site or sequences of
• The sequence of DNA needed for RNA
Polymerase to bind to the template and Accomplish the
initiation reaction defines the promote

• Promoter are the characteristic sequences of DNA that direct the RNA
polymerase to initiate the transcription
• Usually located on coding strand
• Simplest type of promotes found in prokaryotes.
• Two general types of sequence elements are found

• One sequence element is believed to promote initial blinding of the

enzyme RNAP

• Other element usually has high content of adenine & thymine.

• These sequences are 6 to 8 nt in length and located -35 & -10 bp
upstream of the start point of transcription
• These are on coding strand indicates duplex DNA required for
• Change in only one base pair in promoter region decrease the rate
of transcription.

• The transcribed region of DNA template contain stop

• Prokaryotes have two classes of termination signals.
• 1. relies on protein factor called rho(p)
rho-dependent termination.
• 2 other is rho-independent termination
Rho- dependent termination
• Signalled by a sequence in the template strand of the DNA molecule

• Which are 40bp in length & are inverted repeat or hyphenated. These signals
recognized by a termination protein, the rho (p) factor

• Rho is an ATP-dependent RNA-stimulated helicase which binds to the

signals. Thus RNAP cannot move further, so it dissociates from DNA that
disrupts the nascent RNA-DNA complex., release nascent RNA
Rho independent
Most- independent terminators have two distinguish features
1. One is palindromic G-C rich region which is followed by an A-T rich
Thus RNA transcript of this palindrome is self complementary sequences,
permitting the formation of a hairpin structure
2. The second feature is a highly conserved string of A residues in the
template strand that are transcribed into U residues. The RNA transcript ends
within or just after them.
Transcription in Eukaryotes
• 1. Much more complicated

• 2. Three different RNA polymerases

• 3. Required many transcription needs promoter and upstream

regulatory regions

• 4. Enhancers/ silencers are DNA sequences that regulate the rate

of initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
Post transcriptional modifications
• Splicing
• Addition of 5’ cap
• Creation of poly A tail
• RNA editing
The structural genes are composed of coding and non-coding regions that are
alternatively separated.

Noncoding sequences called intervening sequences or Introns & coding

sequences called Exons
5’ capping
Most eukaryotes mRNAs have a 5’ cap, a residue of 7- methyl
guanosine linked to the 5’ –terminal residue of the mRNA through an
unusual 5’, 5’ –triphosphate linkage.

Formation of cap require three steps

1. 5’bterminal phosphate group removes by phosphatase enzyme leaving
2. GTP is added by releasing pyrophosphate.
3. 7th N of guanine is mythylated by methyl transferase enzyme. Methyl
group donor is S-adenosyl methionine.
Poly A tail

• At their 3’ end, most eukaryotic mRNAs have a string of 40 to 200

adenine residues, making up the poly(A) tail

• Adenine nucleotides are added by enzyme adenylate transferase.

Modification to tRNa

The primary transcription of prokaryotic and eukaryotic tRNAS

are processed by the removal of sequences fro each end (cleavage)
and in a few causes by the removl of introns (splicing).

• Actinomycin D- it binds with DNA template & blocks the

movement of RNAP.
• Rifampicin- antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis. It binds with B
submits of prokaryotic RNAP.
• A-Amanitinin- Toxin produced by amanita phalloides, mushroom.
It tightly binds with eukaryotic RNA polymerase-II. Thus it
mRNA synthesis.
Reverse transcription

• Retrovirus possess RNA as genetic material

• Enzyme- RNA dependent DNA polymerase
• DNA complementary to viral RNA
• cDNA can be used as a probe to identify the sequence of DNA in

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