Group 5 - United Kingdom

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• The largest country of the UK is England. The smallest

country is Northern Ireland.
• London has the largest library in the world
• Royal weddings are public holidays
• Golf is Scotland’s national sport.
Capital: London

Capital: Belfast
London’s largest library
“The British Library”
education policy
• Education is compulsory for all children
between the ages of 5 (4 in Northern
Ireland) and 16.
• In Britain, the secondary school system is
completed in 13 years.
• The most important assessment occurs at age 16
when students pursue their GCSE's or General
Certificate of Secondary Education. Once
students complete their GCSEs, they have the
choice to go onto further education and then
potential higher education and start their
university studies. International students are
expected to have equivalent types of
qualifications and grades in order to qualify for
direct entry to undergraduate studies.


1: 2: 11-14 Years Old 14-16 Years
5-7 Years Old 7-11 Years Old Old
• 5 to 7 years’ old
• kids are introduced to some of the most basic knowledge on subjects like
the English language, Mathematics, History, Physical Education,
Geography, History and Music
• During the first year of this stage, the structure of the curriculum contains
the Phonic screening, a short assessment of kids’ ability to decode and
understand phonics properly.
• At the end of this stage (same as in each of them), these pupils will sit for an
examination aiming to measure their development in English, Math’s and
key stage 2
• 7 to 11 years’ old
• The curriculum aims to move
them further in gaining a bit
more knowledge on core
• At the end of this stage, they will
be tested in the following
subjects English reading English
grammar, punctuation and
spelling Mathematics Science
Key stage 3

• 11 to 14
• This period of their education is very important
because only a few years later they will sit for the
GCSE national qualification
• The subjects learned in Key Stage 3 are English,
Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art and
Design, Music, Physical Education, Modern Foreign
Languages, Design and Technology and Computing
• 14 to 16
• This is the most common period of
time for students to undertake the
national assessment tests that will
lead them to take a GCSE or other
key stage 4
national qualifications.
• English
• Science
key stage 4

Physical Education
• Citizenship
Schools in UK are obliged to offer one
of the following subjects during this
stage of education

• Arts key stage 4

• Design and Technology
• Humanities
• Modern Foreign Languages


PRIMARY • Split up into Infant and Junior levels
• 3 to 5 years old (Nursery)
EDUCATIO • Year R (Reception) (age 4 – 5)
Primary education
begins in the UK at
• Year 1 (age 5 - 6)
• Year 2 (age 6 - 7) The year when SATs testing
age 5 and continues
until age 11, takes place for Key Stage 1
comprising key • Year 3 (age 7 - 8)
stages one and two •
under the UK Year 4 (age 8 - 9)
educational system. • Year 5 (age 9 - 10)
• Year 6 (age 10 - 11) The year when SATs
testing takes place for Key Stage 2
EDUCATION  Year 7 & 8
• First two years of secondary school education
From age 11 to 16,
students will enter • Some independent schools are included in the
secondary school for key Junior School, in others, they are part of the
stages three and four and
to start their move Senior School.
towards taking the • All students study English, Maths, Sciences, a
GCSE's - learn more
about secondary Humanity and a Modern Language
education in the UK and • Each school has a list with optional subjects
what it will involve. (Art, Music, Drama, Latin, Sport Science,
Primary and secondary
education is mandatory in Design Technology, Computer Science), and
the UK; after age 16, students may choose a few subjects that interest
education is optional.
From age 11 to 16, Year 7 & 8
students will enter • Students sit Common Entrance Exam in year 7
secondary school for key
stages three and four and • 3 examination sessions: in November, January
to start their move and May/June
towards taking the • The transition from Junior to Senior School
GCSE's - learn more
about secondary (from year 8 to year 9) may be conditioned by
education in the UK and the Common Entrance Exam results in those
what it will involve.
Primary and secondary schools
education is mandatory in
the UK; after age 16,
education is optional.
From age 11 to 16, Year 9
students will enter • It is a very good foundation for the GCSE
secondary school for key
stages three and four and programme and it is an entry point to all
to start their move schools
towards taking the • Students study English, Maths, Sciences,
GCSE's - learn more
about secondary Humanity and Languages
education in the UK and • In addition, students choose a few subjects
what it will involve.
Primary and secondary from the optional subject list offered by each
education is mandatory in school
the UK; after age 16,
education is optional.
EDUCATION Years 10 - 11
From age 11 to 16, • Starting at age 14, students prepare for GCSE
students will enter exams that are taken after two years (General
secondary school for key
stages three and four and Certificate of Secondary Education)
to start their move • During the GCSE programme, students study
towards taking the between 9 and 12 subjects. Some of them are
GCSE's - learn more
about secondary compulsory (English, Math, 2/3 Sciences,
education in the UK and History/Geography, a Modern Language etc.),
what it will involve.
Primary and secondary some are chosen by each student according to
education is mandatory in their abilities and preferences.
the UK; after age 16,
education is optional.
EDUCATION Years 10-11
• The chosen subjects and the GCSE results are
From age 11 to 16,
students will enter very important for their Further Studies (A-
secondary school for key Level or IB) and for their University admission.
stages three and four and • Some schools offer a 1 year GCSE program in
to start their move
towards taking the Year 11 for international students seeking a
GCSE's - learn more school education in the UK. These intensive,
about secondary
education in the UK and one year courses, are available for students
what it will involve. maged 15 plus, with the appropriate academic
Primary and secondary level from their own country. Fewer subjects
education is mandatory in
the UK; after age 16, are studied (maximum of 6).
education is optional.
EDUCATION Years 10-11
From age 11 to 16, • The IGCSE programme (International General
students will enter Certificate of Secondary Education) prepare
secondary school for key
stages three and four and international students for A-Level and/or IB.
to start their move • Students study between 5 and 7 subjects,
towards taking the English, Maths and Science being included.
GCSE's - learn more
about secondary Each school has a list of available subjects for
education in the UK and IGCSE students. At the end of Year 11, students
what it will involve.
Primary and secondary take exams in each studied subject and receive
education is mandatory in IGCSE Certificates.
the UK; after age 16,
education is optional.
Years 12 - 13 (University Preparation)
From age 11 to 16, • Once a student reaches the age of 16, they can
students will enter
secondary school for key start a 2 year programme which leads to A
stages three and four and (Advanced) level examinations.
to start their move
towards taking the • Students specialise in 3 or 4 subjects, that are
GCSE's - learn more usually relevant to the degree subject they wish
about secondary
education in the UK and to follow at university.
what it will involve. • At the end of Year 13, following the
Primary and secondary examinations in each subject, the students
education is mandatory in
the UK; after age 16, receive A level Certificates.
education is optional.
SECONDARY Years 12 - 13 (University Preparation)
EDUCATION • Those who would like to study more than 3-4
From age 11 to 16, subjects, may continue their studies in a broader
students will enter number of subjects with the International
secondary school for key Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, offered by
stages three and four and
to start their move some independent schools. During the IB, students
towards taking the study 6 subjects, 3 at higher level (HL) and 3 at
GCSE's - learn more
about secondary standard level (SL). Each school offers different
education in the UK and subjects at different study levels (HL/SL). The IB
what it will involve. programme also includes a compulsory Core
Primary and secondary
education is mandatory in programme consisting of Theory of Knowledge
the UK; after age 16, (TOK), Extended Essay (EE) and Creativity,
education is optional.
Activity, Service (CAS).
• Vocational courses
Once a student finishes • International students can either choose a state
secondary education they
have the option to extend sixth form college or a college of further
into further education to education as an alternative to private education.
take their A-Levels, • Both offer GCSE and A level courses for students
GNVQ's, BTEC's or
other such qualifications. from the age of 16.
UK students planning to • Colleges of further education also offer
go to college or
university must complete foundation and diploma courses.
further education.
• The British school system also extends to BTEC
Once a student finishes courses which are designed for students who
secondary education they
have the option to extend would like to develop practical knowledge and
into further education to skills in a specific subject (Business Psychology,
take their A-Levels, Engineering, Sport, Art & Design).
GNVQ's, BTEC's or
other such qualifications. • Focusing on practical, skills-based learning
UK students planning to • Students are assessed through assignments, tasks
go to college or
university must complete or tests after each unit.
further education.
Probably the most International Year 1
important subject area on • It aims to provide you with the academic
this site, this explains more
about the higher education knowledge, study skills and the English language
system in the UK and how ability to succeed as a second-year undergraduate
it works for international degree student.
students. Most international
students will enter directly • This course is 12 months and usually 9-12
into the UK higher modules are covered during this course.
education system, after
completing their home
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
Probably the most Bachelor’s or Undergraduate Degree
important subject area on • Is designed to help you gain a thorough
this site, this explains more
about the higher education understanding of a subject.
system in the UK and how • Full-time, this normally takes three years to
it works for international complete (four in some cases). There are different
students. Most international
students will enter directly titles of degree, such as: Bachelor of Arts (BA),
into the UK higher Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Education
education system, after
completing their home (BEd), Bachelor of Engineering (BEng).
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
Bachelor’s or Undergraduate Degree
• The International Year One is a carefully designed
Probably the most course for students who are overqualified for a
important subject area on
this site, this explains more foundation year, but under-qualified for direct
about the higher education entry to the first year of an undergraduate degree.
system in the UK and how It aims to provide you with the academic
it works for international
students. Most international knowledge, study skills and the English language
students will enter directly ability to succeed as a second-year undergraduate
into the UK higher
education system, after degree student.
completing their home • This course is 12 months and usually 9-12
country’s equivalent to the modules are covered during this course.
UK’s “further education.”
education Pre-Master
Probably the most • Designed for students planning on undertaking a
important subject area on Master’s degree; the course offers a unique
this site, this explains more
about the higher education experience which combines English language
system in the UK and how training, research, presentation and study skills
it works for international with optional GMAT classes.
students. Most international
students will enter directly • This course is usually 3-6 months based on the
into the UK higher student requirement and have three to four entry
education system, after
completing their home points during the academic year.
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
Master or Postgraduate Degree
Probably the most • A master’s degree can be a viable option for those
important subject area on
this site, this explains more who want to further their knowledge of a
about the higher education particular subject, explore other areas of interest
system in the UK and how
it works for international after having completed an undergraduate degree,
students. Most international or improve their career prospects.
students will enter directly • Master’s degrees typically take one year to
into the UK higher
education system, after complete.
completing their home
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
Probably the most
important subject area on Master or Postgraduate Degree
this site, this explains more • Most master's courses lead to an MA (Master of
about the higher education Arts) or MSc (Master of Science) qualification,
system in the UK and how
it works for international but there are also subject-specific qualifications
students. Most international including MEng (Master of Engineering), MFA
students will enter directly
into the UK higher (Master of Fine Arts), LLM (Master of Laws),
education system, after MArch (Master of Architecture), and more.
completing their home
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
education Pre-PhD
• This course is being offered at very limited
Probably the most
important subject area on institutions.
this site, this explains more • The Pre-PhD Program offers comprehensive
about the higher education preparation for international students pursuing a
system in the UK and how
it works for international PhD or Doctoral degree in the UK.
students. Most international • The program consists of intensive English classes
students will enter directly
into the UK higher combined with research methods, study skill
education system, after training and PhD authoring to ensure optimum
completing their home achievement at university.
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
education Pre-PhD
• Students receive the best possible preparation for
Probably the most
important subject area on their PhD with highly structured exam training for
this site, this explains more IELTS and a wide range of specialist modules in
about the higher education their specialization.
system in the UK and how
it works for international • The PhD authoring module also allows them to
students. Most international develop their research field, which will ultimately
students will enter directly
into the UK higher benefit students in their thesis.
education system, after • The course can be 6 or 9 months based on
completing their home students’ preferences and needs
country’s equivalent to the
UK’s “further education.”
The Higher Education System in the
United Kingdom
• The UK higher education is valued all over the world for its
renowned standards and quality
• The UK capital city, London, not by accident, is considered
to be the world’s capital city of higher education.
• The UK higher education is the level of education that
follows the secondary school at the hierarchy of educational
system in the UK. When the high school is over, Britons
have to sit in a standard examination, which makes them
eligible or not to continue their education in the higher level
of education.
The UK system has a good basis across the They vary from rote learning to learning by doing
whole country and believes in learning by

Education in England is the responsibility of Education in the Philippines is patterned after the
the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and American system, with English as the medium of
Families and the Secretary of State for instruction. Schools are classified into public
Innovation, Universities and Skills, though the (government) or private (non-government).
day to day administration and funding of state
schools is the responsibility of Local
Authorities (previously named Local Education
Education is mandatory from ages five to sixteen (15 if Classes in Philippine schools start in June and end in
born in late July or August) March. Colleges and universities follow the semestral
calendar from June-October and November-March.
The majority of children are educated in state-sector The strategies to improve education include overall review of
schools, only a small proportion of which select on the elementary and secondary education, universal access to
grounds of academic ability. and quality of education (notably by emphasizing teaching of
English, science, technology and mathematics), provision of
alternative delivery schemes (such as multigrade teaching,
mobile teaching, and instructional management by parents,
community and teachers in disaster areas), management
training for principals and school administrators,
development of research, improvement of school libraries
and teachers’ welfare.
State-provided schools are free of charge to The strategies include curriculum development,
students, and there is also a tradition of improvement of pre- and in-service education of
independent schooling, but parents may choose to teachers in both public and private schools, updated
educate their children by any suitable means. instructional materials in various fields, and
upgrading of equipment for both public and private
Curriculum All maintained schools in England are At the higher education level, the strategies include
required to follow the National Curriculum, which is improving access of the poor and disadvantaged,
made up of twelve subjects. improving quality––notably by focusing on pre-service
and in-service training of teachers––, liberalizing policies
for private schools, rationalizing state colleges and
universities (SUCs), and strengthening linkages with
government professional boards for evaluation.
In addition, other statutory subjects are not covered  
by the National Curriculum, including Religious
Education in all year groups, and Career education,
Sex education and Work-related learning at
secondary age.

believes in learning by doing. rote learning to learning by doing

Secondary School – Year 7-11 Junior High School – Grade 7-10

College/6th Form – Year 12-13 Senior High School – Grade 11-12

University College=University

5 subjects = 1 day 7-8 subjects = 1 day

ines -and-England/

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