Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad: Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor & Phasor Diagram

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Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Institute of Technology , vasad

Equivalent circuit of induction motor

& phasor diagram

Created by:-
Akash Bhoi - 130410109009
Ajay Damor - 130410109017
Arsil Bandi - 130410109005
Devraj chauhan- 130410109012
Guided by:-
Prof.Sanjay N.Patel
The induction motor is similar to the
transformer with the exception that its
secondary windings are free to rotate

As we noticed in the transformer, it is easier if we

can combine these two circuits in one circuit but
there are some difficulties
Equivalent Circuit
When the rotor is locked (or blocked), i.e.
s =1, the largest voltage and rotor
frequency are induced in the rotor.
On the other side, if the rotor rotates at
synchronous speed, i.e. s = 0, the
induced voltage and frequency in the
rotor will be equal to zero.
ER  sER 0
Where ER0 is the largest value of the rotor’s
induced voltage obtained at s = 1(loacked
The same is true for the frequency, i.e.
fr  s fe
It is known that
X   L  2 f L
So, as the frequency of the induced
voltage in the rotor changes, the reactance
of the rotor circuit also changes
Where Xr0 is the rotor reactance
X r  r Lr  2 f r Lr
at the supply frequency
 2 sf e Lr
(at blocked rotor)
 sX r 0
Then, we can draw the rotor equivalent circuit
as follows

Where ER is the induced voltage in the rotor and RR is

the rotor resistance
Now we can calculate the rotor current as
IR 
( RR  jX R )
sER 0

( RR  jsX R 0 )
both the numerator and
denominator by s so nothing changes we get

ER 0
IR 
(  jX R 0 )
Where ER0 is the induced voltage and XR0 is the
rotor reactance at blocked rotor condition (s = 1)
Now we can have the rotor equivalent
Now as we managed to solve the induced
voltage and different frequency problems,
we can combine the stator and rotor
circuits in one equivalent circuit . Where,

X 2  aeff
X R0
R2  aeff
I2 
E1  aeff ER 0
aeff 
We can rearrange the equivalent circuit as

Equivalent Circuit
equivalent to
Equivalent Circuit of the Induction Motor
Equivalent Circuit of the Induction Motor
IEEE‑Recommended Equivalent Circuit

IEEE recommended equivalent circuit.

Theveninequivalent circuit
 Example 5.3 The following test results are obtained from a
three-phase 60 hp, 2200 V, six‑pole, 60 Hz squirrel‑cage
induction motor.
 (1) No‑load test:
 Supply frequency = 60 Hz, Line voltage = 2200 V
 Line current = 4.5 A, Input power = 1600 W
 (2) Blocked‑rotor test:
 Frequency = 15 Hz, Line voltage = 270 V
 Line current = 25 A, Input power = 9000 W
 (3) Average DC resistance per stator phase: 2.8 
 (a) Determine the no‑load rotational loss.
 (b) Determine the parameters of the IEEE‑recommended
equivalent circuit
 (c) Determine the parameters (Vth, Rth, Xth) for the Thevenin
equivalent circuit of Fig.
2200 V1 1270.2
V1   1270.2 V / Phase Z NL    282.27 
3 I1 4.5
PNL 1600
RNL  2 2
 26.34 
3I1 3 * 4.5
(a) No-Load equivalent Circuit (b) Locked rotor equivalent circuit

2 2
X NL  Z NL  RNL  282.27 2  26.34 2  281 = 281.0 .

X 1  X m  X NL  281 
PBL 9000
RBL  2  2
 4 .8 
3I1 3 * 25

R2  RBL  R1  4.8  2.8  2

mpedance at 15 Hz is: V1 270
Z BL    6.24 
I1 3 * 25
The blocked‑rotor reactance at 15 Hz is X BL   6.24 2

 4.82  3.98 

Its value at 60 Hz is 60
X BL  3.98 *  15.92 
X BL  X 1  X 2
 X 1  X 2   7.96  at 60 Hz
X m  281  7.96  273.04 
R  RBL  R1  4.8  2.8  2 
 7.96  273.04 
R2    2  2.12 
 273.04 
Vth  V1  0.97 V1
7.96  273.04
2 2
Rth  0.97 R1  0.97 * 2.8  2.63 

X th  X 1  7.96 
Phasor diagram of
induction motor
•   The steady-state characteristics of an induction
motor are described by means of phasors which are
computed using the standard equivalent circuit and are
then plotted in the complex plane in a speed range
from standstill to synchronous.

The input voltage (black) is chosen as reference;

the stator and rotor currents and the stator and
rotor fluxes are shown. The trajectories of
these phasors are seen  to approximate portions of
Basic Equations
1 When the motor is at no load its stator
winding draws a no load current I0 from the
supply mains.I0 has two components:
1.Working or energy component(iw)
2.Magnetiing component(Im)
The no load current Io is the vector sum of Iw
& Im.
2.Total stator current(I1) is the vector sum of
I’2r and no load current I0.
3. Voltage applied to stator winding produces a
rotating magnetic flux which links with both stator and
rotor winding.As a result,self induced emf E1 is
induced in stator winding and mutually induced emf is
induced in rotor.
4. As the rotor is short circuited the whole of the rotor
induced emf E2r in running condition is utilized in
circulating the rotor current I’2r against rotor
Secondary terminal voltage is zero.
Using above equation phasor diagram of induction
motor can be drawn.
The no-load current drawn by 3-phase
induction motor is so high,whereasit is
quite small in caseof T/R (1 to 2 % of full
load current).
 In case of T/R beacause of low reluctance
coreis small so Io is small.
 Butin case of I.M. presence of airgape requiresa
large magnetic current so, Io is very large.
(approximately 25 to 35% of full load - current).

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