Earth Uake: Aberin, Monique Behiga, Jeha Bonita, Juizy Jenn
Earth Uake: Aberin, Monique Behiga, Jeha Bonita, Juizy Jenn
Earth Uake: Aberin, Monique Behiga, Jeha Bonita, Juizy Jenn
Aberin, Monique
Behiga, Jeha
Bonita, Juizy Jenn
This gradual accumulation and release of stress and strain is now referred to as the "elastic
rebound theory" of earthquakes. Most earthquakes are the result of the sudden elastic
rebound of previously stored energy.
There are eight major and several
minor earthquakes generator in the
Philippines. These major tectonic
structures are zones where differential
movement of solid material are likely to
occur and consequently generating
The Eurasian Plate (or South China Plate) subducts eastward beneath
Luzon Island along the Manila Trench, and the Philippine Sea Plate
subducts westward along the East Luzon Trench simultaneously as
shown in Figure 2.1.2. Because of this complex tectonic setting, Luzon
Island shows high seismic activity. The Philippine Islands are
sandwiched between two opposite subduction zones
● The focus is the place inside Earth’s ● The epicenter is the point on the
crust where an earthquake earth's surface vertically above the
originates. hypocenter (or focus), point in the
● When energy is released at the crust where a seismic rupture
focus, seismic waves travel outward begins.
from that point in all directions.
There are different types of seismic
waves, each one traveling at varying
speeds and motions. It's these waves
that you feel during an earthquake.
Magnitude is the size of the earthquake. An earthquake has a single
magnitude. The shaking that it causes has many values that vary from place to
place based on distance, type of surface material, and other factors
• Surface Waves
Seismic surface waves travel along the Earth's surface.
Free oscillations of the Earth are standing waves, the result of interference between two
surface waves traveling in opposite directions. Interference of Rayleigh waves results in
spheroidal oscillation S while interference of Love waves gives toroidal oscillation T. The
modes of oscillations are specified by three numbers, where l is the angular order number
(or spherical harmonic degree, see Spherical harmonics for more details). The number m is
the azimuthal order number. It may take on 2l+1 values from −l to +l. The number n is the
radial order number. It means the wave with n zero crossings in radius. For spherically
symmetric Earth the period for given n and l does not depend on m.
When an earthquake occurs, seismographs near the epicenter are able to record both P and
S waves, but those at a greater distance no longer detect the high frequencies of the first S
wave. Since shear waves cannot pass through liquids, this phenomenon was original
evidence for the now well-established observation that the Earth has a liquid outer core, as
demonstrated by Richard Dixon Oldham. This kind of observation has also been used to
argue, by seismic testing, that the Moon has a solid core, although recent geodetic studies
suggest the core is still molten.
In the case of local or nearby earthquakes, the difference in the arrival times of the P and S
waves can be used to determine the distance to the event.
Assume a seismometer are is far enough from the earthquake that the waves travel roughly
horizontally, which is about 50 to 500 km for shallow earthquakes. When an earthquake occurs
the P and S waves travel outward from the region of the fault that ruptured and the P waves arrive
at the seismometer first, followed by the S-wave. Once the S-wave arrives we can measure the
time interval between the onset of P-wave and the onset of S-wave shaking.
If we have two other seismometers
which recorded the same earthquake, we
could make a similar measurement and
construct a circle of possible locations for
each seismometer. Since the earthquake
location since it must lie on each circle
centered on a seismometer, if we plot
three or more circles on a map we could
find that the three circles will intersect at
a single location - the earthquake's
The type of hazard depends on the strength of seismic activity, along with such factors as
local topographic and built features, subsurface geology and groundwater. A large
earthquake will always be followed by a sequence of aftershocks.
• Ground Shaking
If an earthquake generates a large enough shaking intensity, structures like buildings,
bridges and dams can be severely damaged, and cliffs and sloping ground destabilized.
Perched or stacked objects may fall and injure or bury anyone close by.
• Fire
The rapid burning of combustible material with the evolution of heat and usually
accompanied by flame.
• Tsunami
Tsunamis are long wavelength oceanic waves
generated by the sudden displacement of
seawater by a shallow earthquake, volcanic
eruption or submarine landslide.
Some hazards are easier to predict than others. For example, volcanoes normally give
warning signs before they erupt and tropical storms can be tracked from development to
landfall. However, others like earthquakes are much harder to predict. Generally speaking
hazards that hit with no warning are going to be more serious.
By type of hazard
The response section of the hazard cycle is focused on the immediate needs of the
population, such as the protection of life and property and includes firefighting,
emergency medical response, evacuation and transportation, decontamination, and the
provision of food, water and shelter to victims.
Recovery is the equivalent to long-term responses and is where the city authorities focus
on clean-up and rebuilding. This can take months or even years.
Finally, mitigation involves authorities looking at the impact of the hazard and rebuilding
in a better way to reduce similar impacts from a future hazard. This can involve the
building of earthquake proof buildings for example. Recovery and mitigation take place at
the same time. After the cycle is complete, emergency planners will revisit the cycle and
review and amend the aspect of preparedness in light of the success of the responses in the
recent hazard.