Alternave Fuels
By Jubair, Thohura and Mukhtar
Biodiesel is a long chain Hydro Carbon formed from reacng an alcohol with (lipids) animal fats and vegetable oils.
Biodiesel can be used in standard diesel engines without needing to convert them with a ≤20% blend.
More than 20% or 100% biodiesel fuels may require modicaons to the engine.
Compared with diesel
Biofuel is a much higher quality fuel than average diesel fuels, (has a high cetane rang-tendency for diesel to ignite, similar to that of octane number).
Its lubricang properes are beer than that of average diesel prolonging the life of fuel (injecon) system of engine.
Less pollutant than normal diesel, (which is also a polical factor), it can be obtained from varying sources and types of oil.
Although most engines do not need to be converted to run on biodiesel, the high reacvity of biodiesel with plascs, many metals and rubber means biofuels can be detrimental to older engines.
Biodiesel is usually slightly more expensive that normal diesel unless government subsidies are provided.
Also there is a very inecient yield, minimal amount of biodiesel produced from a lot of oil.