Part, Function and Process of Reproduction System

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Kelompok 6

Sevia naldi velangi (526080619007)

Rati Kristina (526080619005)
Pipin artika dewi (526080619003)
The reproductive
systems in both the
male and female
consist of primary and
secondary sex organs
and sex glands.

The primary function of the reproductive systems is to

perpetuate the species through sexual or germ cell
fertilization and reproduction.
The uterus is a hollow,
muscular, pear-shaped organ
about the size of a woman’s
clenched fist. The top is tipped
forward in a normal
‘anteflexion’ position. It can be
divided into the body or corpus,
and the bottom cervix. The
rounded top portion, above the
fallopian tubes, is called the
The uterus is supported and held in
position by a number of ligaments.
Trauma, disease, or multiple
pregnancies can weaken these
ligaments and result in abnormal
The uterus wall
has 3 layers: the
outside layer
Outer layer
called the (Perimetrium)
perimetrium, the
Thick layer of muscle
muscular inside (Myometrium)

layer called the Mucous lining

myometrium, and (Endometrium)

the mucous
membrane lining
the uterus called
The cervical opening is about
the endometrium.
the diameter of a pencil.
The uterus has 3 functions:

1.The endometrium sheds

the lining of the uterus
every 21 to 40 days by
2.It provides a place for the
protection and
nourishment of the fetus
during pregnancy
3. It contracts during labor to expel the fetus
Tube widens to form the End of tube is
ampulla (am pyu lah) called the
The isthmus is (in fun DIB yū lum)
the portion that
connects to
Fimbria (fihm bree ah) are the Opening
finger-like projections around is called
the opening that trap the egg the
as it leaves the ovary ostium (ah
stē um)
The fallopian tube is 4-6 inches long. The egg, released
from the ovary, is captured by the fimbria and brought into
the fallopian tube. The egg is moved along inside the tube by
muscular contractions and the waving action of cilia. It takes
an egg about 3-4 days to travel the length of the tube. If an
egg is fertilized, it occurs here.
The two ovaries are
attached to each side
of the uterus by a
ligament. They are
oval-shaped, about
the size of a large
olive, and lie close
to the fimbria at the
end of the fallopian
Each ovary is filled, already at birth, with egg-containing
sacs called follicles. Each egg is called an ovum.
Once every 21 days,
one follicle in one ovary
ripens. This mature
follicle is a graafian
(GRAW fee un) follicle. The
follicle ruptures in
response to hormones
from the pituitary gland, After the follicle ruptures, it
releasing the becomes a mass of yellow
ovum/egg… a process cells called the corpus luteum.
called ovulation. This is a temporary,
The vagina extends
from the cervix to the
outside of the body. It is
a 3 ½ inch long
muscular tube that
expands in length and
width during sexual
The vagina is the female organ for copulation (sexual
intercourse), receiving the seminal fluid from the male
penis. It is also a passageway for menstruation or the
birth of a fetus.
The vulva is 5 organs making up the
external genitalia of the female:
1. Mons pubis: triangular-shaped
pad of fatty tissue over the pubis
bone, covered with pubic hair
2. Labia majora: 2 large folds of adipose tissue on the sides of
the vaginal opening
3. Labia minora: 2 smaller folds of adipose tissue on the inside
of the labia majora
4. Vestibule: area between labia with openings for the vagina,
urethra, and two excretory ducts for Bartholin’s glands
(provide lubricant)
5. Clitoris: sensitive fold of tissue partially covered by hood
The perineum is the area
located between the vaginal
opening and the anus. It is a
muscular sheet that can be
torn during childbirth.


Some doctors avoid

uncontrolled tearing of the
perineum by making a
surgical incision called an
The breasts are the
mammary glands, varying
in size according to age,
heredity, and the amount of
fatty tissue present. Each
breast has 15-20 glandular
lobes separated by
connective tissue. After
childbirth, the pituitary
gland stimulates these
lobules with the hormone
prolactin… and they
produce milk.
The dark-colored circle at
the tip of the breast is called
the areola (ah
REE ah lah). It contains
sebaceous glands to keep
the skin conditioned. In the
center is the nipple, where
ducts from the lobules
open. The first secretion
from the breast is not a true Colostrum contains
milk, but a thin yellowish nutrients and the
substance called colostrum. mother’s immunities that
can protect baby.
The onset of the
menstrual cycle, or
menarche, begins at
puberty and ceases
at menopause. The
cycle has 3 phases:

The follicular phase is characterized by menstruation, when

the thickened lining of the endometrium is shed because no
egg was fertilized or implanted. Just prior to this phase is a
premenstrual period characterized by hormonal and physical
The ovulatory phase comes
next. Estrogen is the
hormone produced by the
ovaries, which stimulates
the maturation of a follicle
and thickens the
The luteal phase follows ovulation, and is characterized by
the development of the corpus luteum, the secretion of
progesterone, the preparation of the endometrium for
implantation of a fertilized egg, and the formation of a thick
mucous to block the cervix once the egg passes out of the
fallopian tube.
At the moment of conception, a
single sperm with 23
chromosomes (carrying genetic
information from the
father)penetrates/fertilizes a single
egg with 23 chromosomes
The fertilized egg (carrying genetic information from
implants in the uterus. the mother). The resulting cell, a
Progesterone production zygote, now has 46 chromosomes.
increases to signal a The cell begins dividing and is also
pregnancy; it can be called a blastocyst. From week 2-
detected in urine and 8, it is called an embryo.
The embryo is suspended
in an amniotic sac
surrounded by fluid during
the 280 day gestation
period. The umbilical cord
attached at the navel
connects it to the placenta,
where it gets nutrients and
oxygen. During the 1st
trimester, all parts of the
embryo are formed.

During the second trimester all parts start to function;

during the last trimester the embryo is now called a fetus
and the main task is growth.
Labor, characterized by muscle
contractions, dilation (to 10 cm)
and effacement (thinning)of the
cervix, and expulsion of the
mucous plug that formed in the
cervix, signals the onset of
parturition… the childbirth
process. The cephalic, or
head-first delivery, is the most
common. Breech is a backward
presentation; Caesarian is
The umbilical cord is cut and delivery through an incision in
clamped, and placenta the abdomen.
(afterbirth) is delivered
following birth of the baby.
The newborn may be covered with traces of vernix caseosa
(cheesy coating) or lanugo (downy hair) that protected the
skin before birth. The health of the baby is immediately
evaluated on the APGAR scale. Color, heartbeat, reflexes,
muscle tone, and breathing are scored on a scale of 0-10.
Pregnancy can be
complicated by certain
1.Placenta previa is the
development of the
placenta over the opening
of the cervix
2.Preeclampsia is a
pregnancy- induced
hypertension (high blood
3. Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage is the loss of a
fetus during the first 20 weeks, often due to
abnormalities, trauma, or lifestyle choices.
The scrotum is a
pouch of skin
suspended from
the perineal area
and divided into
two sacs… each
containing one
testicle and
The scrotal tissue contracts in the absence of sufficient
heat, pulling the testes up closer to the body where the
temperature maintains the viability of sperm.
The urethra runs the length
of the penis from the
bladder to the meatus (me
Ā tus). The flaccid penis
fills with blood during
arousal, causing an
erection and allowing for
the function of
A lubricant, smegma,is produced under the prepuce on
the penis. This foreskin may be circumcised/ removed
for hygiene or religious reasons. It covers the glans/head
that is filled with nerve endings.
The oval-shaped testes
are located in the
scrotum, and are each
divided into 250
lobules. Coiled within
the lobule are
seminiferous tubes
where the sperm are
The mature sperm are stored in the epididymis, a tube
13-20 feet in length, coiled and lying on the side of each
The acrosome
(AK roh zome)
covering the head of
the sperm contains
enzymes that help it
penetrate the ova.
The head carries the
genetic material. The
Sperm carry either an X/female midpiece supplies
OR Y/male chromosome. Since energy. The tail or
all ova carry the X/female flagellum (flah JELL um)
chromosome, the male sperm provides motility.
does influence the baby’s sex.
The vas deferens are
muscular tubes transporting
sperm from the epididymis
to the seminal vesicles. The
seminal vesicles produce a
slightly alkaline fluid that
mixes with the sperm and
becomes part of the semen
ejaculated during the male
orgasm. It protects the
sperm from the acidity of
the urethra.
The prostate gland also secretes an alkaline fluid that
mixes with the sperm as part of the semen.
Enlargement of the prostate, benign prostatic
hyperplasia, obstructs the flow of urine through the
urethra. The Cowper’s or
bulbourethral glands (bull
boh yur REE thral) produce
another mucous- alkaline
secretion in the urethra,
excreted from the glands
just before ejaculation.

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