Gerund and Infinitive

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Gerund and Infinitive

Verbs followed by the Gerund

and the Infinitive
Forms of the Gerund

Indefinite I like travelling. He dislikes

Gerund being
Perfect He is ashamed He is proud
Gerund of having of having
cheated us. been
awarded a
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The Gerund is Used:
• Without a preposition.
1) After verbs which take a direct or indirect
object are never followed by a
preposition (see page 5).
Would you consider helping us?
We went sightseeing in the morning.
2) After the constructions: It’s no use, it’s no
good, it’s no trouble, it’s worth, it’s nice
It’s no use worrying about it.
It’s nice seeing you again.
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The Gerund is Used:
• With a preposition.
1) After some verbs taking a prepositional
object (see page 6).
She congratulated him on winning the prize.
We insisted on their coming to the meeting.
2) After some adjectives with prepositions (see
page 7).
She was keen on playing tennis.
3) After nouns with dependent prepositions (see
page 8).
He’s taken a great interest in studying lately.
There’s no point in getting angry.
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Verbs followed by the Gerund
without a preposition
admit enjoy leave off put off
appreciate escape mention recommend
avoid excuse mind require
burst out fancy miss risk
can’t bear feel like need start
can’t help forgive postpone suggest
can’t stand give up practise want
continue imagine prefer prefer
deny intend prevent
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keep (on) propose 17.10.21
Verbs followed by the Gerund
with a preposition
accuse of count on persuade into
agree to depend on praise for
apologize for be/get used to prevent from
(dis)approve of devote to punish for
believe in forgive for rely on
blame for hear of succeed in
complain about insist on suspect of
concentrate on look forward to thank for
congratulate on object to think about/of
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Adjectives followed by the
Gerund with a preposition
afraid of interested in
angry with smb for keen on
annoyed with smb for pleased at
ashamed of proud of
capable of responsible for
delighted at sorry for/about
disappointed at surprised at
fond of tired of
happy about upset about
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Nouns followed by the
Gerund with a preposition

apology for objection to

chance of point in/of
difficulty in reason for
experience in surprise at
interest in way of
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Forms of the Infinitive
Indefinite I’d like to speak He wants to be
Infinitive English fluently. given another

Continuous He seems to be ____

Infinitive sleeping now.

Perfect He seems to have He is glad to have

Infinitive already left school. been invited to the
Perfect He seems to have ____
Continuous been having
problems all this
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Infinitive with to
• After some verbs (see page 11)
I can’t afford to buy these shoes.
He allowed me to use his computer.
• After some predicative adjectives (see page 12)
It’s difficult to read English books in the original.
• In wh-clauses
I don’t know what to say.
• With too or enough
He is clever enough to understand it.
• After the modal verbs have (to), be (to), ought (to)
I’ll have to change my plans.
• In the construction used to do smth.
When I was a child I used to spend summer at granny’s.
• After would like, would love, would hate
I’d like to take a piece of cake.
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Verbs followed by the
Infinitive with to
advise encourage begin propose
afford expect like refuse
agree fail love regret
allow finish manage remember
appear forbid mean remind
arrange forget need require
ask go on offer seem
can’t bear happen order start
can’t stand hate permit stop
choose help persuade teach
consider hope plan tell
continue intend prefer try
convince invite prepare want
decide Страница 11 learn promise warn 17.10.21
Adjectives followed by the
Infinitive with to
Afraid, anxious, ashamed, careful,
cruel, curious, delighted, difficult,
disappointed, happy, hard, eager,
easy, exciting, glad, important,
interested, interesting, keen, kind,
lucky, necessary, obliged, pleasant,
pleased, possible, proud, ready, sad,
shocked, sorry, surprised, unable,
upset, useful.

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Infinitive without to
• After the modal verbs must, may/might,
can/could, should, shall, will, would, need
I can drive you to the airport.
Shall I do it now?
• After the verbs see, hear, watch, notice, feel,
let, make, help (see page 14)
She saw the boys climb over the fence.
• In the construction with Why not…
Why not invite them to dinner?
• After the expressions would rather, had
I’d rather not go out tonight.
You’d better help me now.
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Complex Object t.
e e
e str
л) th
р е шё
See ros s(
im c
Hear I sa

Notice do/ doing smth.

Watch somebody Do (a completed action)
Doing (action in progress)
I s aw
Make him
(п е ре х
Let одил
) the
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Verbs are followed either by
the Infinitive or the Gerund
advise forget prefer
agree (to) go on propose
allow hate recommend
can’t bear intend regret
can’t stand learn remember
begin like require
consider love start
continue mean stop
finish need teach
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permit try 17.10.21
Difference in Meaning
infinitive gerund
(can’t) Particular occasions General activity
bear, like, I prefer to stay I prefer seeing
alone just now. action films.
love, hate,
Forget/ To express future To express a past
remember activity (не забыть) activity (помнить)
Don’t forget to visit I never forget visiting
the Browns. the Browns.
Regret to announce bad To feel sorry about a
news past action
I regret to tell you I regret buying this car
that the meeting because it’s always
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has been cancelled. breaking down. 17.10.21
Difference in Meaning
infinitive gerund
Go on To stop one action and To continue (about the
start another First same activity) She
they discussed all the went on walking even
items and then went on to though it was late.
discuss the budget.
Mean To intend, plan do To show the result of
smth. smth.
The buiders mean to This new job means
finish the garage soon. living abroad.
Stop To pause in order to To finish, give up smth.
start again later They stopped drinking
They stopped to admire coffee in the mornings.
the scenery.
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Difference in Meaning
infinitive gerund
Try To attempt To do smth. as an
I tried to warn him experiment to see what
but it was in vain. will happen Try
taking an aspirin! You’ll feel
Teach/ The result of the To refer to lessons or
study is meant subjects of study
I taught myself to Mr Snow teaches skiing
type. in the winter.
Propose To intend, to plan To suggest smth.
What do you He proposed dealing
propose to do now? with the problem without
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Gerund or Infinitive?
1. It’s no use …………………. over spilt milk. (to cry)
2. The car stopped ……………. up a hitch-hiker. (to
3. It isn’t worth …………… about it. Forget it. (to
4. He’ll never forget ……………. raw fish for the first
time. (to eat)
5. He doesn’t have enough strength ……………….
up the box. (to lift)
6. Can I suggest ………………. less as the best way
to lose weight? (to eat)
7. He could never get used ……………… with his
right hand. (to write)
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Gerund or Infinitive?
8. He can’t afford ………………… a new washing
machine now. (to buy)
9. She’s too young ………………….. experience in this
field. (to have)
10. If you don’t listen to the radio, why ……………….
it off? (not switch)
11. I’d rather ………………… a two-room flat. (to rent)
12. I regret …………………… you that your services
are no longer required. (to tell)
13. They like ……………………. you before they give
you a loan. (to interview)
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