The Circular Flow Model of Income: and Its
The Circular Flow Model of Income: and Its
The Circular Flow Model of Income: and Its
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Throughout our studies of Microeconomics, we learned several key concepts, most for which
there is a similar concept which we will study in Macroeconomics. The table below shows
several of the Micro concepts we studied and their Macro equivalents.
Micro Concept Macro Concept Key Terms in Macroeconomics
Market National Economy Examines all the economic activity taking place in a country
Demand Aggregate Demand (AD) The total demand for a nation’s output of goods and services
Supply Aggregate Supply The total supply of goods and services by all the industries of a country
Price Average Price Level An index of the average prices of goods and services over time
Increase in Demand Inflation An increase in the average price level resulting from an increase in AD
Decrease in Supply Supply Shock An increase in the price level and decrease in output from a fall in AS
Increase in Supply Economic Growth An increase in national output resulting from an increase in AS
The Macroeconomic Circular Flow
ACTIVITY – Circular Flow
1. What, exactly, ‘flows’ in the circular flow?
2. How is money spent by firms in one market end up being earned by firms in the other market?
4. Why did some households end up with more goods and services than others? Why did some firms end
7. What would happen to the prices of resources and products if in the next round the amount of money
firms started with doubled? What would happen if the amount of money were reduced by half?
Circular Flow - R
Resources flowed from households to firms, were turned into goods and services, which then flowed from firms to
Money flowed in the opposite direction; first from households to firms in the form of Wages, Interest, Rent and Profit (the
income payments for the four resources households owned), then from households to firms in the form of expenditures on
goods and services, which translate to revenues from firms.
Efficiency and the PPC Were there resources that households had in the beginning but were unable to sell in the resource
market or resources that firms bought but were unable to use?
Equilibrium price in the product market It is possible that following the product market round, some house holds will have
money left to spend yet firms will be sold out of goods and services
Inequalities in the distribution of income Why did some households ended up with more goods and services in the end than
others? Also, why did some firms end up with greater revenues than others?
Competition and ‘creative destruction’: Some firms will make losses while others make profits.
Economic Darwinism: ‘survival of the most efficient
The Circular
2.1 GDP and its Determinants Flow Model
Injections: Government spending, export revenues and investments are all enabled by the three leakages
• Because households and firms pay taxes, government has money to provide the nation with valuable infrastructure,
education, defense, support for health care and so on, all public or quasi-public goods that would be under-provided by
the free market. These contribute to national output and are thus injections into the circular flow.
• Because domestic households buy imports, foreigners have access to the money the need to buy the nation’s exports.
The spending by foreigners on domestically produced goods contributes to national output and is therefore an injection.
• Because households save some percentage of their income, capital is available for others to borrow and spend.
Spending on capital goods by firms or on homes by households (both considered investments) contributes to the
nation’s output and is thus an injection into the circular flow.
The total output of a nation’s economy will either increase or decrease based on the relative size
of leakages and injections!
Leakages or Injections ?
• If the sum of injections > the sum of leakages
• circular flow grows bigger
• Production of goods and services , income
• the economy grows
• Unemployment
The Output approach: Measures the value of the total output produced in the different sectors of the economy. When
the total output of every sector of the nation’s economy is summed, total output is found.
National output = Outputs of the primary sector + the secondary sector+ the tertiary sector
Advantage ? Relative contribution of each sector
2.1 GDP and its Determinants GDP
GDP = the total value of a nation’s final output in a particular period of time. Can be measured
using the income approach, the output approach or the expenditure approach.
The measure of GDP we will use throughout our study of Macroeconomics is the expenditure
approach, which measures the output of a nation by summing:
• C: The total spending by households on goods and services
• I: The investments firms make in new capital or that households make in real estate and
• G: The spending government does on public goods
• Xn: The spending of foreigners on goods produced by our country (exports) MINUS the
spending our consumers do on goods produced abroad (imports)
The GDP of a particular nation in a particular year therefore equals the sum of C, I, G and Xn.
2.1 GDP and its Determinants GDP
Per capita GDP: Measures the total GDP of a nation divided by the total population.
• Gives a more realistic measure of how rich a nation is.
• Notice that none of the richest nations (on the right) are even in the top 20 for total GDP
GDP per capita - Advantages
• Per capita figures are useful as a summary measure of the standard of living in a
country, because they provide an indication of how much of total output in the
economy corresponds to each person in the population on average.
• Population growth In general, if total GDP increases faster than the population,
then GDP per capita increases. But if the country’s population increases faster
than total GDP, then GDP per capita falls.
2.1 GDP and its Determinants GDP
GNI = GDP + factor income received from abroad - factor income sent abroad = GDP + net factor
income from abroad
Factor income received from abroad is likely to Include
• income received by domestic residents sent to them by relatives working abroad (known as
• profits of multinational corporations (also a form of income) earned abroad and sent home
(known as profit repatriation)
Adtvg –
1. GNI (GNP) is a better measure of the amount of income earned by the residents of a countrv.
2. Per capita GNI provides an indication of how much income is received by each person in the
population on average and is therefore a better indicator of standards of living.
2.1 GDP and its Determinants GDP
This is an under-used measure of economic activity which subtracts from real GDP the losses to
the environment and biodiversity resulting from economic growth.
• Places a monetary value on environmental degradation and subtracts this from the nation’s GDP
• Is a measure preferred by environmentalists who believe that economic growth overstates increases in
peoples’ well-being due to the fact that it ignores the externalities that accompany growth.
Example : If real GDP in a country was $50 billion in 2004 and increased to $51 billion in 2005, its
rate of growth over this period would be given by (51- 50)/50*100 = 2%
(GDP2 – GDP1)/GDP1 * 100
Whereas real GDP in most economies typically tends to increase over long periods of time, it
fluctuates a lot over short periods.
Short-term fluctuations, involving a cyclical pattern of increases and decreases in real GDP
long-term growth trend (= potential output) which irons out the cyclical fluctuations
potential output = the level of real GDP produced when the economy is on its
long-term growth trend
Long-run Growth Trend: Notice that despite the short-tern fluctuations, the economy tends to
grow over time
The Business
2.1 GDP and its Determinants Cycle
Possible causes of the business cycle: There are several theories regarding WHY countries grow
at such volatile rates over time.
• Major innovations may trigger new investment and/or consumption spending.
• Changes in productivity may be a related cause.
• Most agree that the level of aggregate spending is important, especially changes in the purchase of
capital goods and consumer durables.
• Cyclical fluctuations: Durable goods output is more unstable than non-durables and services because
spending on latter usually can not be postponed.