Chapter 1-SRC451

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PR helps the organization:
-to build and maintain long-term r/ship.
-Having good terms with the public
-Having open channels of communication
with their publics
-Avoid or minimise misunderstandings
and conflicts
-Win their goodwill and support for
the organization ‘s products and

PR also include more complex tasks

like reputation management, crisis
management and dealing with
pressure from activist groups.


1. During WW1 & WW2 – PR is mostly

persuasive publicity, & several organizations
emphasise this aspect of PR.

2. General Def – PR is the organization’s

effort to build & manage long-term r/ships
with its strategic publics & minimise conflict
with them (J.Grunig, 1992)
3. IPRM – PR is the delibrate, planned
& sustained effort to establish & maintain
mutual understanding between an
organization and its publics.

4. PR News (USA) – PR is the

management function which evaluates
public attitudes, identifies policies and
procedures of an individual/organization
with the public interest, and plans &
executes a program of action to earn
public understanding and acceptance.

1. Limited control of message – enhanced by

careul planning, in-depth preparation &
professional exercution.

2. Choice of comm media are restricted by

editorial policies and media requirements.

3. Timing & prequency of media coverage &

product exposure cannot be projected or
dictated to any large extent.
4. PR can achieve greater appeal,
acceptance & understanding through 3rd
person endorsement in the media.

5. Editorial placements in the media have

higher reader, viewer, or listener attention &

6. PR outlays are often less than Adver

budgets – measuring effectiveness through
column inches and air time gained.

7. In-depth reports & detailed articles offer

more scope analysis, comment & evaluation. 6
Key concept/function of PR:
- practising two-way comm
- creating mutual understanding and
+ve r/ship with important publics
- researching the needs of the
- reputation mgt of organization
- counselling the organization’s mgt.

To fulfill the PR functions, PR practitioner will plan &
implement activities in these areas.
The most common & important activities include the

Media relations
Customer relations
Community relations
Employee relations
Financial relations
Governmental relations
Issues management
Crisis management

1. Persuasion – to persuade publics
2. Publicity – using publicity & promotion,
whether for commercial reasons, fund-
raising or building personalities.
3. Information – using information to create
awareness & encourage support and
participant in various aspect i.campaigns.
4. Marketing – PR practitioners help to
Organise exihibitions & road shows
& prepare materials like information
pamphlets on the company to give
out at these events.

5. Management – taking more

managerial approach in executing
task. i.e conducting public opinion
pools to identify support for their
employer/client. 10
1. Corporate PR
2. Voluntary PR
3. Government PR
4. Consultancy PR

Corporate PR
- The PR role is to support the profit-making
obj (directly/indirectly)

b. Consumer Relations
- must pay attention in this area
- consumer issues might erupt anytime &
rebound badly on companies that do not pay
attention to this aspect of their product.
- public opinion cannot be ignored because in
the long-run, unfavourable opinions will
certainly affect sales badly.
- Advisable for companies to assign their PR
resources to develop this area fully.
- to give essential support to their sales &
marketing efforts.

c. Lobbying
- PR needs to monitors a country’s law
& regulations, & occasionally even
assists in the law-making process.
- for the purpose of influencing
legislation & regulation.
- means establishing good personal
r/ship with legislators w/out
compromising the integrity of either
d. Marketing Communication
e. Press Agentry
f. Reputation-protection &
g. Information Service
h. Product Publicity
i. Investor Relations
j. Recruiting
k. Feedback
- PR is a mgt function as well as a staff
Voluntary Service PR
- Aims to serve publics
- must alert publics to the services offered & raise
funds to finance those services.
- Voluntary PR activities:
1. Role promotion
2. Client services
3. Fund-raising
4. Enlistment of volunteers
5. Developing channel of comm
6. Creating & maintaining a favourable climate for fund
7. Supporting the dev & maintainace of public policy that
is favourable to an organ’s mission
8. Informing & motivating key organizational constituents
– to work & dedicated to organ’s mission, goal & obj

Government PR
- The Ministry of inform is the federal govn
machinery for PR.
- Govn. PR activities are:
1. Informing constituent about the activities
of the govn agency.
2. Ensuring active co-operation in govn
3. Fostering citizen support for established
policies & programs
4. Handling crisis.
PR Consultancies
- The size of PR consultants range fr 1 –
giants (1,500 people wwide).
- The scope of services:
1. To give PR counsel
2. To extent a client wishes
3. Perform the technical services required
to carry out a agreed-upon program.

-stimulating the growth of PR consultants
1. increased urbanisation.
2. expansion of govn bureaucracy
3. more sophisticated mass media systems
4. the rise of consumerism
5. demand for more information by clients.

-Reasons for using a PR Consultancy:

a. The organization do not have its own PR

B. To handle ad hoc
C. To provide specialist
D. Consultancies bring several
strengths to PR campaign
E. To plan & execute a comple
PR program, where internal PR
staff do not hv the capability.
Consultancy Services Provide:
1. Executive speech training
2. Research & evaluation
3. Diversified comm tools.
4. Crisis communication
5. Media analysis
6. Community relations
7. Product promotion
8. Events management
9. Public affairs
10. Employee comm
11.Positioning a company
12.Financial relations.
Problems of PR Consultancy Services.

1. A client’s unique problems

2. Lack of full-time commitment
3. Need for prolonged briefing period.
4. Resentment of internal staff
5. Need for strong direction by top mgt.
6. Need for full inform & confidence
7. Costs.

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