Mba600 - Capstone: Strategy - Competitive Advantage Video Project - Assessment 1

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▪ Introduction
▪ Overview of Latitude Financial Service
▪ Analysis of Internal Environment
▪ Analysis of External Environment
▪ Articulation of Competitive Advantages
▪ Diagnosis of Sources
▪ Strengths, Weaknesses and Future Sustainability
▪ Conclusions
▪ References

▪ Presentation opts on chosen organization – Latitude
Financial Service describing analysis and
competitive advantages of same
▪ Latitude Financial Services Group Limited is one
of Australia's and New Zealand's largest instalment
and loan businesses (Latitude Financial, 2021).
▪ This presentation's major goal is to give
effectiveness by describing competitive tactics that
are beneficial for achieving maximum effectiveness
in company.

Overview of Latitude Financial Service
Latitude is a leader in finance and provide
range of services such as loans credit cards
and many more.
The company has better
The company was founded outcomes for its employees,
in 2015 by Ahmed Fahour customers and community.

Latitude's lending products are also

Latitude Financial Service
headquartered in Melbourne, distributed by a network of over
Australia 5,800 brokers in Australia (Quah
and Chua, 2019).
Analysis of Internal Environment

• The company • The profitability • New regulation • Continuous



Gains good ratio and Net and sustainable changing
returns on its Contribution % of polices behavior of
capital Latitude Financial • The market customers
expenditure. Services are development will • Intense
• Has strong free below the lead to dilution of Competition
cash flows that industry average. competitor’s • Currency swings
provide resources • Inadequate advantage. are a concern for
in the hand of the financial planning • Low inflation rate the firm because
company to • Limited resources it operates in
expand. from outside many nations
• Highly skilled (Alborov, et al., (Krylova, et al.,
workforce. 2017). 2020).

5 5
Analysis of External Environment
Political Economic Social Technological Environmental Legal
• In the financial • Subdued • As people's • The use of • The company • Financial
services GDP because tastes and technology and is investing a service
industry, of falling preferences online huge amount industry are
political prices of evolve, financing has in regulated and
influence plays commodity in organizations made it much development controlled by
a major role. will need to easier for
Banks used to
Australia and adjust their clients to
of renewable various laws
wield a lot of lower income planning and access these energy in the United
power and has major branding services. sources. States
influence impact on strategies. Personal data economy,
(Blanco & financial has never such as the
Cohen, 2017). service been more Dodd-Frank
growth. vulnerable. act and the
Steagall act.

Articulation of Competitive Advantages
Latitude Financial
The financial service Service targets their
seek to attract people customers by the
who need loans, proper identification and
families with children, use of strategies

The financial service

Latitude Financial company have to focus
Services seek to on some segments by
provide loan at low price the proper formation
to gain competitive and following of focused
advantage. strategy (Juranek and
Walz, 2020).

Diagones of Sources
Latitude Financial Service is an
Australian financial leading business
which mainly focuses on three main
resources for diagnoses –
▪ Maintaining Customer Relationships
▪ Forecasting of Resources
▪ Substantial investment to build a
unified brand (DeLiema and Deevy,

Strengths, Weaknesses and Future Sustainability
• The main strengths of Latitude Finance is having strong
base of customers as it has more than 3 million customer
accounts and large network distribution all over the world
(Sołoducho-Pelc, 2015).
• The main weaknesses of Latitude Financial Service is the
implementation of government laws and its impact on
customer buying behavior. Changes in government
practices impact loan and inflation rate.
• The future sustainability is observed after performing
SWOT Analysis of Latitude Financial Services where it is
analyzed that company have to make adaption of
Future Sustainability
technological intervention for overcoming the impact of
other resources on their business (Phadermrod, et al.,

▪ To sum it up, the presentation emphasizes the necessity of analyzing internal
and external analyses of the firm to focus on future sustainability.
▪ Furthermore, report analyse competitive advantages of Latitude Financial
Services with the proper formation of Porter Strategic Model . The major
opportunity that company has such as low inflation rate, has the potential to
implement sustainable measures. The continuous rise in competition and
changes in currency rate are considered to be major risk for the company.

▪ Alborov, R.A, Kontsevaya, S.M, Klychova, G.S & Kuznetsovd, V.P 2017, ‘The development of management and
strategic management accounting in agriculture’, Journal of engineering and applied sciences, vol. 12, no. 19, pp.

▪ Blanco, J.M & Cohen, J 2017, ‘Macro-environmental factors driving organised crime’. In Using Open Data to Detect
Organized Crime Threats pp. 137-166. Springer, Cham.

▪ DeLiema, M and Deevy, M 2017, ‘Aging and exploitation: How should the financial service industry
respond’, Financial Decisionmaking and Retirement Security in an Aging World, pp.153-184.

▪ Juranek, S, and Walz, U 2020, ‘Organizational design, competition, and financial exchanges’, The Scandinavian
Journal of Economics, 122(1), pp.132-163.

▪ Krylova, O, Litvinova, T, Babaskina, L, Babaskin, D & Savinova, O 2020, ‘Analysis of the Internal Environment of
the Pharmaceutical Distributor Operation in Russia Using SWOT Analysis’. Open Access Macedonian Journal of
Medical Sciences, 8(E), pp.382-388.

▪ Latitude Financial. 2021, ‘About Us’, [On;line]. Avaialbale at:
heading-who-we-are [Accessed on: 26 Aug, 2021]

▪ Monday, J.U, Akinola, G.O, Ologbenla, P & Aladeraji, O.K 2015, ‘Strategic management and firm performance: A
study of selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria.’, European Journal of Business and Management, vol. 7, no. 2,
pp. 161-171.

▪ Phadermrod, B, Crowder, R.M, and Wills, G.B 2019, ‘Importance-performance analysis based SWOT
analysis’, International Journal of Information Management, 44, pp.194-203.

▪ Quah, J.T, and Chua, Y.W 2019, ‘Chatbot assisted marketing in financial service industry’, In International
Conference on Services Computing (pp. 107-114). Springer, Cham.

▪ Sołoducho-Pelc, L 2015, ‘Searching for opportunities for development and innovations in the strategic management
process.’, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 210, pp. 77-86.


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