Crime Prevention Tips: Baguio City Police Office

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• For any crime to happen, there are three (3) elements or ingredients present at
the same time and place

Crime Prevention Tips
Safety Tips on how to AVOID being a VICTIM

• Protection Against Snatchers, Pickpocket & other

1. Stay near people but stay away from
drunks of suspicious-looking people who could be
threats to you.
2. Stay in well-lighted areas & routes w/ your
uninterrupted pedestrian & vehicular traffic.
3.Make a mental accounting of the contents of
your bag & wallet so you could identify them when
you fall victim to theft and the police recovers your
personal valuables.
4. Have a presence of mind & remember the
description of the thief when victimized.
5. Keep your bags close to your body while
inside cinema houses, churches, shopping malls,
markets etc., as well as when walking in crowded
6. When held up, raise alarm only when it is
7. Always bring along a whistle with w/c may
get help during emergencies.
8.Install a warning device in your vehicle w/c
may alert law enforcement officers when you
are being held-up or robbed.
9.Take note of get away vehicle used, if possible
note down the plate number, model, type,
color & the direction it drove away etc.
10.When boarding taxicab, take note of the
name, plate & body number.
11.Take note of peculiarities of hold-uppers
such as tattoos, manner of speech physical appearance.
• 12. Always stay alert while riding in public
1.Aviod walking alone especially at night, unless
absolutely necessary.
2.Avoid carrying large amount of cash or valuable
3. Avoid putting you handbag on counter when
4.Avoid dark alleys or busy pathways.
5. Don’t wander alone from the crowd at picnics or
outing. Stay w/in calling distance.
6. Don’t resist an armed hold-upper, he is dangerous
and unstable.
7. Don`t hitch ride with stranger.
8. Don`t disturb the area where the hold-up /crime
was committed to help the police.
9. Don`t allow the driver to decide which route to
10. Don`t give a hold –uppers any information, give
only what he asks you.
1.Avoid unlighted places. Unlighted or poorly lighted
parks are favorite haunts of sex criminal and
2.When attacked, use your natural defense and act
fast, scratch, kick, jab, bite and scream.
3.When you break away from your attacker, continue
screaming and run towards lighted places &
possibly towards people.
1.Do not wear provocative clothing w/c may attract
the attention of sexually inclined person.
2.Do not accept rides or invitations from strangers,
even friends you don’t completely trust.
3. Don`t lose your composure when confronted by a
would-be rapist.
4. At home, do not move around half-dressed or
naked. This is an invitation to “peeping toms”, even
1.Buy cellphone only from authorized dealers
2.Record you cellphone serial numbers immediately
after purchase
3.Always place your cellphone in your pocket or bag
where it is not visible.
4.If there`s an urgent need for you to use your
cellphone while outside go to place where you are
more secure-inside stores,near security guards,near
police station etc..
5. Always walk in well-lighted places. When walking
alone, be on guard of persons following you-walk
towards areas where there are people in case you
might need help.
6.Keep your bag with your cellphone inside close to
your body.
7.When in public vehicles, be alert for snatchers; be
suspicious of passengers who come in by threes or
fours and who position themselves beside/behind
the driver, near the estribo and one among the
8. If you fall victim to snatchers, report to the police
and to your cellphone providers immediately.
9.Always cooperate with the police and barangay

1.Do not display or use your cellphone in public as
much as possible.
2. Do not use you cellphone while riding a public
utility bus or jeep.
3.Do not show to anyone where you keep your
cellphone while walking in public.
4.Do not buy cellphone for your children who are not
capable of serving it.
5.Don`t walk while texting.
6.Do not place your cellphone near the window
adjacent to a pathway or sidewalk.
7.Don`t buy second hand cellphone from a stranger.
Deterring robbers in your Community

Nowadays, the most common crimes are robbery

and theft. Although no house is robber-proof, extra
care discourages potential offenders. At home,
precautionary measures should be adopted to frustrate
thieves and robbers.

In the community, certain steps such as the revival

of the BARANGAY “ronda system” can be taken to
ensure peace and safety of persons and property.
Community involvement

• A conscious, collective effort to maintain peace and order in

the neighborhood is far-more effective than self-or family-
oriented approach to crime prevention.
• Good leadership and active participation of community
members are vital.
• Regular crime prevention meetings should be held to discuss
the most common modus operandi of criminals and thieves
and the countermeasures against them.
• Resident volunteers, in groups of two or three, can walk the
streets in designated areas at specific hours.
• When a crime is in progress, volunteers should notify the
police and other volunteer groups.
• A witness to an ongoing crime can alert neighbors by making
noise or pre-arranged signals.

Precautionary measures at home

•Jot down in bold letters the telephone numbers of the
nearest police precinct, hospitals and neighbors.
•Instruct children how to call the police in case strangers
or suspicious characters hang around the house.
•Househelp applicants should be asked for police, NBI
clearances and pictures. It would be better if they are
recommended by a relative or friend.
•Install peepholes in doors or gates for immediate
identification of visitors.
•When an unfamiliar
collector/serviceman/surveyor/census takers/ salesman
comes, demand identification or if doubts persist, call his

• Transactions should be made at the door to minimize view of
the house layout.
• Expensive jewelry and huge sums of money are better kept in
a bank.
• At night, keep the door to the children’s room open so that
any unusual noise may easily heard.
• Keep the house well lighted if it is necessary to leave the
children home.
• Always secure doors with locks and make sure all openings are
fastened at night when leaving.
• During stormy weather, double check door and window locks,
put empty cans in strategic places which will alert you in case
an intruder has entered.
• Never tempt potential offenders with a full view of your
house; install curtains or cover appliances and other
expensive equipment; do not leave clothes on the clothesline
at night.
If an intruder is within your premises
» Immediately call the police as quietly as possible.
• Keep calm; do not panic. Remember hold-up men and thieves
get jittery too.
• Take note of his features, peculiar traits, special
characteristics and clothes.
• Make a noise; this will drive him away.

Care on telephone
Many robbers gain access to a house by making use
of the telephone. Through it, he may extract the needed
information from house help, children and unwary
household members. Remember the following:
•Household members should never identify themselves
nor volunteer to give information unless the caller is well
known to them
• *Never give hint that you are alone in the house or that
nobody is home at certain hours of the day.
• *Ask an unfamiliar caller’s name, message and phone
• *Never be taken in by the tone of a caller’s voice; the
criminal might be a she.

When leaving your house

•Make sure all your windows and doors are locked and
tamper-proof from the outside.
•Have an agreement with your neighbors to keep an aye
with each other’s house.
•If you will be out for the night, make your place look
lived-in by leaving a light on in one of the rooms and
another outside the house.
•Never leave your house keys under the mat, flower pot,
or windowsill.
•Have a dog or two in the house; they are very effective
The Policeman’s job is never done.
Unless we all chip in and help.
Crime has become too big a problem to
expect our small police force to handle it
alone. Community protection is a shared
responsibility. That means your
community’s protection is really in your
hands. Support the Baguio City Police
Office. This time, fighting crime is our
- PNP Text Hotline 2920 – to report an erring
police personnel
= Type PNP [space][message] & send to 2920
- Patrol 117 – Call 117 in case of emergency
BCPO TOC 09204222861-Smart
Dial 166 for emergency
(074) 442-1211/442-7944
(074) 304-6997
STATION 1 (Naguillan)- (074)-300-1876
STATION 2 (Camdas) - (074)-300-9112
STATION 3 (Pacdal) - (074)-300-9113
STATION 4(TI/EPZA) - (074)-305-2952
STATION 5 (Marcos Hi-way)- (074)-304-8042
STATION 6 (Aurora Hill) - (074)-300-9116
STATION 7 (Central Business District)- (074)-300-9117
STATION 8 (Kennon Road) - (074)-300-9118
STATION 9 (Irisan) - (074)-300-5329
STATION 10 (Marcos Hi-way)-(074)-305-5108
Traffic Management Unit-(074) 300-9406



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