Journal Club Presentation: Presented By, Mrs. Kayalvizhi Raja M.SC Dept - of Pediatric Nursing, Vmcon

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Presented by,
Mrs. Kayalvizhi Raja M.Sc
Dept.of Pediatric Nursing,

Saturday, October 23, 2021 1

A study to assess the effectiveness of
bibliotherapy on stress among hospitalized
children from 6 – 12 years in Orthopaedics
Department at Institute of Child Health
Egmore, Chennai
Indra, L (2014)

Saturday, October 23, 2021 Saturday, October 23, 2021 2

• Bibliotherapy refers to the use of books are
different aspect (appearance, competency,
intelligence personality, success unconditional
worth self forgiveness), self love, and acceptance
of weakness freedom from guilt.
• Associate yourself with people have good quality if
you esteem your reputation, for it is better to be
alone than be in bad company, George Washington

Saturday, October 23, 2021 3

• To assess the pre test level of stress.
• To assess the post test level of stress.
• Comparison of pre test and post test level of
• To assess the effectiveness of bibliotherapy in
stress among hospitalized children.
• To find association between reduced stress
levels with selected socio demographic
Saturday, October 23, 2021 4
• According to the statement of problem and objective to be
achieved as pre experimental (pretest and post test design was
adopted for 60 children under going stress because of
hospitalization around 6 -12 years of age in Orthopaedic
Department at Institute of Child Health, Egmore, Chennai.
• Pre experimental design is used Data were collected by using
perceived stress scale to ass the level of the stress and
bibliotherapy is given as the intervention after obtaining the
consent from participants.
• Collected data were analysed using Chi Square test stress core
were given in mean and standard deviation quantitative stress
were in pre test and post were compared using student’s paired t
– test.

Saturday, October 23, 2021 5

Pre assessment level of Stress percentage
among children
Min- Mean SD % of mean score
1 Bean upset because of something 0-4 2.62 .88 65.5%
2 Flt that you were unable to convert 0-4 2.97 .66 74.3%
3 Felt nervous and stressed 0-4 2.58 .85 64.5%
4 Felt confident about your 0-4 2.72 .92 68.0%
5 Felt things were going your way 0-4 2.48 .89 62.0%
6 Found that you could not cope 0-4 2.58 .96 64.5%
7 Been able to control irritation in your 0-4 2.02 .72 50.5%
8 Felt that you were on top of things 0-4 2.55 .91 63.8%
9 Been angered because of things 0-4 2.60 .91 65.0%
10 Felt difficulties were piling up to 0-4 2.13 .98 53.3%
Total 0 -40 25.28 4.02 63.2%

Saturday, October 23, 2021 6

Post Assessment level of stress percentage
Min- Mean SD % of mean score
1 Bean upset because of something 0-4 1.68 .65 42.0%

2 Flt that you were unable to convert 0-4 1.77 1.08 44.3%

3 Felt nervous and stressed 0-4 1.88 1.11 47.0%

4 Felt confident about your 0-4 1.40 .79 35.0%
5 Felt things were going your way 0-4 1.30 .67 32.5%

6 Found that you could not cope 0-4 1.28 .49 32.0%
7 Been able to control irritation in your 0-4 1.27 .52 31.8%
8 Felt that you were on top of things 0-4 1.27 .52 31.8%

9 Been angered because of things 0-4 1.23 .50 30.8%

10 Felt difficulties were piling up to high 0-4 1.30 .59 32.5%

Total 0 -40 14.38 3.64 36.0%

Saturday, October 23, 2021 7

Comparison of Pre assessment and Post
assessment Level of Stress
Pre assessment Post assessment
Chisquare test
n % n %

Mild 0 0.0% 14 23.3%

Moderate 8 13.3% 46 76.7%
Severe 49 81.7% 0 0.0% Significant

Very severe 3 5.0% 0 0.0%

Total 60 100% 60 100%

Saturday, October 23, 2021 8

Comparison of Mean score, of mean score
between pre and post assessment

Maximum Mean Difference in Percentage of stress
score stress reduction with 95% reduction
score Confidence with 95%
interval Confidence

Pre assessment 40 25.28

10.90 27.3%
Post assessment 40 14.38
(10.07 – 11.73) (25.2% –29.3%)

Saturday, October 23, 2021 9

Comparison of Pre assessment and Post assessment
stress Score
Stress score Student’s
Pretest Posttest paired
Mean SD Mean SD t-test

Bean upset because of something 2.62 .88 1.68 .65 t=7.87,

Flt that you were unable to convert 2.97 .66 1.77 1.08 t=8.32,
Felt nervous and stressed 2.58 .85 1.88 1.11 t=3.85, P=0.05*
Felt confident about your 2.72 .92 1.40 .79 t=7.87, P=0.01**
Felt things were going your way 2.48 .89 1.30 .67 t=8.02,
Found that you could not cope 2.58 .96 1.28 .49 t=10.28, P=0.001***
Been able to control irritation in 2.02 .72 1.27 .52 t=7.51,
your life P=0.001***
Felt that you were on top of things 2.55 .91 1.27 .52 t=11.58, P=0.001***
Been angered because of thingsSaturday, October 23, 2021 t=11.99, P=0.001*** 10
• Findings of the study revealed that majority of
the children with moderate stress during the
pretest 63.20% after intervention post test
reveals 36.00% bibliotherapy reduced 27.3% of
the stress in children.
• Difference between pre test and post test core
was analyzed using proportion with 95% CI and
mean difference 95% CI.

Saturday, October 23, 2021 11

The study revealed that the
hospitalization stress was reduced by
bibliotherapy among the children in moderate
level hence the nurses should be trained in
providing bibliotherapy to the hospitalized
children and reduce the stress level and
provide comfort to the sick children

Saturday, October 23, 2021 12

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