Science Quiz Bee STE

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1 Batch
1. Which landform can be formed when
two plates collide or diverge?

A. Island Arc
B. Mid-ocean Ridge
C. Trench
D. Volcano
D. Volcano
2. Blood from the legs return through the
and enters the of the heart.

A. Superior vena cava; right atrium

B. Superior vena cava; left atrium
C. Inferior vena cava; right atrium
D. Inferior vena cava; left atrium
C. Inferior vena cava; right
3. The organ system that functions
in exchanging gases with the
environment is
called .
4. It is the acceleration of a
body during a free fall.
5. What are the two major
types of bonding?
Ionic and
Covalent Bonding
6. True or False
Atoms always try to complete their
outer shell.
7. This refers to the variation of
living things inhabiting in a
specific area.
8. Which of the following
chromosome combination signifies
a female individual?

A. 44 + XX C. 44 + YY
B. 44 + XY D. 44 + XO
A. 44 + XX
9. In a cross between a white-eyed female fruit
fly and red-eyed male, what percent of the
female offspring will have white eyes? (White
eyes are X-linked, recessive)

A. 100% C. 50%
B. 25 % D. 0%
D. 0%
10. What product will be formed
if an element has chemically
reacted with another element?
Pure substance
Bonus question

Grade 10 Rizal is composed of

how many students?
30 students

2 Batch
1. What is the nitrogenous base
found in RNA but not in DNA?
2. Write the tRNA sequence of the
following DNA sequence:


3. Fungi are plants that lack:

A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Cholorophyl
D. None of these
C. Cholorophyl
4. What organ of the body produces
the fluid known as bile?
5. What symbiotic relationship
sometimes involves vector
6. Which of the following units is
expressed in SI base units?

A. N/m2
B. J/kg
C. A/m2
C. A/m2
7. It is the branch of Science that studies
the Earth, its composition and the
processes that it undergoes.
8. What do you call the center of an
9. If proton is positive then electron
is ?
10. What theory was proposed by
Alfred Wegener?
Continental Drift Theory
Bonus question

Who is the adviser of Grade 10 Rizal?

(Complete name)
Ma’am Venadora C. Villalon

3 Batch
1. Who hypothesized the presence of a layer
that serves as a boundary between the lower
mantle and the outer core?

A. Alfred Wegener
B. Andrija Mohorovicic
C. Beno Gutenberg
D. Inge Lehmann
C. Beno Gutenberg
2. Outer core is made up of
Iron and nickel
3. This bonding occurs between like atoms of a
metal in the free state
Metallic bonding
4.In pea plants, the trait for being tall (T) is
dominant over the traut for being short (t). What
is the expected genotype of the offspring?
A. 50% Tt, 25% TT, 25% tt
B. 100% Tt
C. 50% T, 50 % tt
C. 50% T, 50 % tt
5. In relation to the previous question, what is the
expected phenotype of the offspring?
A. 75% tall, 25% short
B.100% tall
C. 100% short
D. 50% tall, 50% short
D. 50% tall, 50% short
6. The of a microscope is
marked 10x or 12x

A. Low Power Objective (LPO)

B. High Power Objective (HPO)
C. Oil Emmersion
A. Low Power Objective (LPO)
7. is measured by various instruments
like the oscilloscope.

A. Sound Intensity
B. Loudness
C. Noise
A. Sound Intensity
8. It is the type of cell division that
produces exact copies of the parent
9. White blood cells can last for ___
hrs to ___ days while red blood
cells can last for 120 days.
4 hours to 10 days
10. What are the two stages of
External and internal respiration
Bonus question:
Who is the class president of X-

Please state the full name

Reeze Gian M. Bacosa

4 Batch
1. It is the other name for red blood cells

A. Leucocytes
B. Erythrocytes
C. Thrombocytes
B. Erythrocytes
2. What’s the liquid portion of the blood?
3. It is the acceleration of a body
during a free fall.
Acceleration of gravity
4. How many craters are there in
A. 47
B. 67
C. 23
D. 51
A. 47
5. Refers to the motion of any object thrown
horizontally at angle other than 90o
A. Free fall
B. Projectile Motion
C. Parabola
D. Trajectory
B. Projectile motion
6. A type of bonding where electrons
are transferred between valence shell of
Ionic bonding
7. It is a theory where electron pairs orient
themselves in order to minimize repulsive
A. VSEPR Theory
B. Van der waals periodicity
C. intermolecular attractions
A. VSEPR Theory / Valence
Shell Electron Pair Repulsion
8. “The distance of all planets from the sun
constantly changes as the planets go around the
orbit.” is an inference from which law?
A. Law of orbits
B. Law of Areas
C. Law of Periods
D. Law of gravitation
A. Law of orbits
9. What phase of the lunar cycle would be
observed next if the moon was said to be in
its “last quarter” phase?
A. waxing gibbous
B. waning crescent
C. waning gibbous
D. waxing crescent
B. Waning crescent
10. Which natural satellite of the earth is in
synchronous rotation with earth?
A. Apollo 16
B. Sputnik 1
C. ExoCube CP-10
D. none among the choices
Bonus question:
Give at least three names of facilitators assigned
in this room
Hyacinth, Karren, Nathaniel, Julia,
Alexandra, Jamaica

5 Batch
1. Where does exchange of gases take place?
A. Nose
B. Nasal cavity
C. Alveoli
D. Bronchus
C. Alveoli
2. Which component of the blood is
responsible for blood clotting?
A. Red blood cells
B. White blood cells
C. Plasma
D. Platelets
D. Platelets
3. Write down 65 in
binary code.
4. What is the star
nearest to the sun?
Alpha Centauri/
Proxima Centauri
5. What process allows higher plants to be

A. Fermentation
B. Respiration
C. Photosynthesis
D. Digestion
C. Photosynthesis
6. What part of earth is
made up of iron and nickel?
Outer core
7. The chamber that receives
blood from the lungs.
Left atrium
8. How many craters are there in
A. 47
B. 67
C. 23
D. 51
A. 47
9. What is the color of the star
with the highest temperature?
10. What is the star
nearest to the sun?
Alpha Centauri/
Proxima Centauri
Bonus question:

Who is the tallest among

Rizal students?

6 Batch
1. Give the meaning of
2. It is the outer shell of any atom.
A. Vellance shell
B. Valance shell
C. Velents shell
D. Valence shell
D. Valence shell
3. The magnet moves away from the coil.
Which of the ff. cannot affect the induced
emf in the coil?
A. Shape of magnet
B. Strength of the magnetic field
C. Speed at which the magnet moves
D. Number of turns in a coil
A. Shape of magnet
4. What is the speed of
3.0 x 10 m/s
5. Which constellation is named after a
hunter in greek mythology and commonly
known for its belt?
A. Perseus
B. Hercules
C. Orion
D. Cassiopeia
C. Orion
6. What syndrome is caused by the
presence of a third copy of chromosome

A. Jacob syndrome
B. Down syndrome
C. Turner syndrome
D. Cri du Chat syndrome
B. Down syndrome
7. Which wave in the EM spectrum
has the highest frequency?
Gamma rays
8. What method is used to find the
epicenter of an earthquake?
A. Triangulation method
B. Circulating method
C. Rectangle method
D. Research method
A. Triangulation method
9.Which type of sugar is primarily found
in fruits?

A. Lactose
B. Glucose
C. Fructose
D. Maltose
C. Fructose
10. The reaction between an
acid and a base is called what?
Neutralization reaction
Bonus question:
Who are the facilitators of
Station 2?

(Give at least 2)
Hyacinth, Nathaniel, Katrina

7 Batch
1. He is a Dutch inventor who devised the
first microscope which revealed a wide
variety of organisms not visible to the naked
A. Anton van Leeuwenhook
B. Theodor Schwann
C. Robert Brown
D. Rudolf Virchow
A. Anton van Leeuwenhook
2. What are the two basic kinds of
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
3. What digestive organ is responsible for
recovery of water and electrolytes,
formation and storage of faeces and
fermentation of some of the indigestible
food matter by bacteria?
Large intestine
4. It is defined as a vector measurement
of the rate and direction of motion.

A. Acceleration
B. Speed
C. Time
D. Velocity
D. Velocity
5. True or False
If the size of the light source is bigger
than the size of the opaque material, the
size of the shadow is smaller.
6. What do you call a spot on the
principal axis where light would
intersect if it were to strike the
mirror parallel to the principal axis?
Focal point
7. It is a mechanical process of pumping
air into and of the lungs.

A. Respiration
B. Breathing
C. Inhaling
D. Exhaling
B. Breathing
8. What is the chemical symbol of
9. Which landform can be formed when
two plates collide or diverge?

A. Island Arc
B. Mid-ocean Ridge
C. Trench
D. Volcano
D. Volcano
10. It is the acceleration of a body
during a free fall.
Acceleration of Gravity
Bonus question:
Who are the facilitators of
Station 5?

Give at least 2
Sarah, Rain, Celestine

8 Batch
1. What is the distance travelled by an
object along its path divided by the time
it takes to travel that distance?
A. Displacement
B. Speed
C. Velocity
D. Position
B. Speed
2. An animal bites a person and that
person dies. Therefore, the animal
A. Poisonous
B. Hazardous
C. Dangerous
D. Venomous
D. Venomous
3. If spiders don’t jump using their
muscles, how do they jump?
They control their blood
pressure in their legs like a
hydraulic system to propel
4. Octopuses have blue blood rather that
red because they have_________.
A. Iron-based blood
B. Copper-based blood
C. Zinc-based blood
D. Tantalum-based blood
B. Copper-based blood
5. Part of structure and loose and dense
connective tissue which provide
strength and flexibility.
A. Collagen fibers
B. Reticular fibers
C. Elastic fibers
D. Connective fibers
A. Collagen fibers
6. It is a substance or agent causing
Carcinogens/ carcinogenic
7. A horticultural practice in which the scion
is attached to the stock with their cambium
layers fitted to each other, then sealed
together with a protective wrap.
A. Budding
B. Fission
C. Grafting
D. Fragmentation
C. Grafting
8. Who discovered the parts of DNA?
James Watson and
Francis Crick
9. These are changes in genetic sequence
and they are the main cause of diversity
among organisms.
A. Translocations
B. Frameshifts
C. Missenses
D. Mutations
D. Mutations
10. What is the chemical symbol for
Bonus question:
What is the name of Grade 10
Rizal’s baby brother?
Neljun/Neljun Rizal

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