Streams & Rivers-Aquatic Environment

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Aquatic Environment-Streams and


Esther P. Danao, RFT

College Instructor/Program Head
New Hope School of Agriculture and Fishery, Inc.
Streams and Rivers
• Streams and rivers contain flowing water. The word “stream” can be used to describe
all flowing natural waters. Water flow in streams is called stream flow. The word
“river” usually refers to a large stream.
• The water running off from the surface forms streams, where it is joined by the
groundwater from seeps and springs (Royce, 1995).
• The smallest streams are designated as being of order one and, when they meet, form
a stream of order two and so on to order four or five, which are substantial rivers.
• Flowing-water (fluvial) ecosystems are valuable to human societies for many reasons,
including aesthetics, recreation, food production, water supply, and waste disposal.
Their value derives, to some degree, from their biological diversity, including genetic,
species, and community diversity (Angermeier and Schlosser 1995).
• The riparian zone is the transition area between the stream edge and the uplands and
typically has trees and smaller plants extending outward on either side of the stream. A
riparian zone with heavy plant growth may be the best protection, or buffer, against non-
point source water pollution. For example, lawn fertilizers can cause problems when
washed by rain into a stream. A healthy riparian zone can help absorb the fertilizers before
they get into the water.
Streamflow and the Water Cycle
How does much of the water get back into the oceans to keep the water cycle going?
A lot of runoff ends up in creeks, streams, and rivers, flowing downhill towards the oceans.
Unless the river flows into a closed lake, a rare occurrence, or is diverted for humans' uses, a
common occurrence, they empty into the oceans, thus fulfilling their water-cycle duties.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) uses the term "streamflow" to refer to the amount of
water flowing in a river.

Flow of Water
The extent and depth of the estuary influences the size
of the river. A larger river will have a larger outflow point
and a smaller river will have a smaller outflow point.

River and stream flows can be studied using USGS

method of using a hydrograph (USGS 2013a). A
hydrograph is a chart that shows the river stage, the
height of the water above an arbitrary altitude, and the
streamflow, amount of water often calculated in cubic
feet per second, and can also show other parameters
including rainfall and water quality data (USGS 2013a).
Rivers and Streams –Water and Sediment
in Motion
• The power of the river exists as kinetic energy, the amount of water passing a given point
(discharge) and vertical distance that water falls (hydraulic head) determine the amount of
power that can be generated. 
• The recovery of energy from rivers and streams through the construction of dams comes at a
cost to ecosystems and the function of river systems. Dam construction can result in changes to
sediment transport, aquatic ecosystems, and migratory fish species such as salmon and
steelhead trout (Grant et al. 2003, Collier 2000)
• The water released below the dam has been termed "hungry water" because it has sufficient
energy to transport sediment but the sediment has been captured behind the dam (Kondolf
• Augmentation is a term that refers to the process of putting sediment beneath dams to
compensate for sediment interception.
• This process replaces all or part of the sediment load carried by the river prior to dam
construction so that sufficient sediment is available below the dam for spawning fish, habitat
structures, and ecosystem function (Figure 2). The size of the gravel added varies depending on
the goals of the gravel augmentation plan. Gravel for spawning gravel is typically 14–35 mm,
while a range of sizes may be used to restore geomorphic structure (gravel and sand bars) is
desired (Kondalf & Wolman 1993).
Rivers and Streams –Water and Sediment
in Motion
Why are Sediment Transport and Deposition
• Sediment builds aquatic habitats for spawning
and benthic organisms 10. It is also responsible
for providing nutrients to aquatic plants, as well
vegetation in nearshore ecosystems such as
floodplains and marshes. Without sediment
deposition, coastal zones can become eroded or

Sediment and Aquatic Life

• Sediment deposition creates habitats for aquatic
life. While too much sediment can be
detrimental, too little sediment can also diminish
ecosystem quality. Some aquatic habitats are
even grain-size specific. Many spawning habitats
require a specific sediment size (e.g. gravel) and
too fine of sediment can end up smothering the
eggs and other benthic creatures.
Aquatic Life in the River
• Fish can only live in a river system if they
can swim against the current for long
periods of time.
• This ability changes depending on the fish's
environment in the river. Most fish tend to
remain close to the bottom, the banks or
behind obstacles, swimming in the current
only to feed or change location.
• Some species never go into the current.
Most river systems are typically connected
to other lotic systems (springs, wetlands,
waterways, streams, oceans).
• Many fish have life cycles that require
stages in other systems (springs, marshes,
waterways, streams, oceans). Eels, for
example, move between freshwater and
saltwater. Fish are important consumers
and prey species.
Rivers and Streams –Water and Sediment
in Motion
Mechanisms that cause changes in streamflow
There are many factors, both natural and human-induced, that cause rivers to
continuously change:

Natural mechanisms Human-induced mechanisms

• Runoff from rainfall and snowmelt • Surface-water withdrawals and trans basin diversions
• Evaporation from soil and surface- • River-flow regulation for hydropower and navigation
water bodies
• Construction, removal, and sedimentation of
• Transpiration by vegetation reservoirs and stormwater detention ponds
• Ground-water discharge from
• Stream channelization and levee construction
• Ground-water recharge from surface- • Drainage or restoration of wetlands
water bodies • Land-use changes such as urbanization that alter rates
• Sedimentation of lakes and wetlands of erosion, infiltration, overland flow, or
• Formation or dissipation of glaciers, evapotranspiration
snowfields, and permafrost • Wastewater outfalls
• Irrigation wastewater return flow
Many Philippine Rivers Are Dying
A study conducted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources showed that 180 of
421 rivers and other bodies of water nationwide are so heavily polluted they may soon be
declared biologically dead. The DENR study showed that the biggest culprit was domestic sewage
followed by commercial and industrial wastes.
Enough water but unavailable for all
• Glieck reported in the 2012 edition of the World Water that the Philippines will need some 393
percent of total withdrawal until the next 10 years.
• Of the total withdrawable amount, 18 percent is consumed for domestic use, 21 percent for
industrial purposes and 61 percent for agricultural irrigation.
Why Philippine Rivers are dying?
• Deforestation and water mismanagement are culprits
• Rivers no longer deep and wide
No water means death of communities
Forester George Facsoy of the CEC, for instance, sees the death of rivers as the decapitation of
communities from the ecosystem that once supported them
“Death of a river means people will suffer deep economic recession. There will be no farms and
fishing areas, and people will be marginalized, making them dependent on outside culture difficult
for them to adapt to”. – Macli-ing Dulag

1. What are the major environmental factors affecting
the diversity and distribution of ichthyofauna in the
Tayabas river systems? Give at least one (1) factor
and discuss them.
2. How do indigenous fish species found in Tayabas
aquatic habitats function as ecologically significant
bioindicators of the river's health state in this study?
Access this journal by clicking this link.
Website Links

LeRoy Poff, N., Angermeier, P. L., Cooper, S. D., Lake, P. S., Fausch, K. D., Winemiller, K. O., Mertes, L. A.,
Oswood, M. W., Reynolds, J., & Rahel, F. J. (2001). Fish diversity in streams and rivers. Ecological Studies, 315-
Corpuz, Mark Nell & Paller, Vachel Gay & Ocampo, Pablo. (2016). Diversity and distribution of freshwater fish
assemblages in Lake Taal river systems in Batangas, Philippines. Journal of Environmental Science and
Management. 19. 85-95.
Grant, G. E., Schmidt, J. C. & Lewis, S. L. "A geological framework for interpreting downstream effects of dams
on rivers," in A Peculiar River, eds. J. E. O'Connor & G. E. Grant (American Geophysical Union, 2003) 209–225.
Kondolf, G. M. Hungry water: Effects of dams and gravel mining on river channels. Environmental
Management 21, 533–551 (1997).
Kondolf, G. M. & Wolman, M. G. The sizes of salmonid spawning gravels. Water Resources Research 29, 2275–
2285 (1993).
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