A PPT Introduction

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What is STS?

• Why is STS included in the CHED curriculum?

• Why do we study STS?

Why STS included in the CHED curriculum?

• Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is an essential course in

the General Education curriculum for tertiary education.

• It was conceptualized to develop deep appreciation and critical

understanding of the role of science and technology in the
development of people and the society.
Why do we study STS?

• Many of the problems facing society involve not only technology; but human
values, social organization, environmental concerns, economic resources,
political decisions, and a host of other factors.

• These are interface problem that is the interface between technology and
society and they can only be solved – if they can be solved at all – by the
application of scientific knowledge, technical expertise, social
understanding, and humane compassion.
What is SCIENCE?
 comes from the Latin word “scientia”, meaning

It refers to a systematic and methodological

activity of building and organizing knowledge
about how the universe behaves through
observation, experimentation or both.
The Nature of Science
  Itis important to understand the nature of science because it
is a critical component of scientific literacy.

 It enhances your understanding of science concepts and

enables you to make informed decisions about scientifically-
based personal and societal issues.

The Nature of Science
 The following sums up the nature of science:
 The World is Understandable
 Science presumes that the things and events in the universe
occur in consistent patterns that are comprehensible through
careful, systematic study.

 Scientists believe that through the use of the intellect, and

with the aid of instruments that extend the senses, people
can discover patterns in all of nature.
The Nature of Science
  Science Explains and Predicts
 Scientists strive to make sense of observations of
phenomena by constructing explanations that are consistent
with currently accepted scientific principles.

 Science Demands Evidence

 The validity of scientific claims is settled by referring to
observations of phenomena. Hence, scientists concentrate
on getting accurate data. Such evidence is obtained by
observations and measurements taken in situations that
range from natural settings (such as a forest) to completely
contrived ones (such as the laboratory).
The Nature of Science
 Scientific Ideas are Open to Change
 Science is more of a process than a set body of knowledge.

 Scientists are always testing and revising their ideas, and as

new observations are made, existing ideas may be

 Ideas may be replaced with new ideas that better fit the facts,
but more often existing ideas are simply revised. For
example, when scientists discovered how genes control
genetic traits, they didn't throw out Mendel's laws of
The Nature of Science
 Science is a Complex Social Activity
 Scientific work involves many individuals doing many
different kinds of work and goes on to some degree in all
nations of the world. Men and women of all ethnic and
national backgrounds participate in science and its

 These people --- scientists and engineers, mathematicians,

physicians, technicians, computer programmers, librarians,
and others --- may focus on scientific knowledge either for its
own sake or for a particular practical purpose, and they may
be concerned with data gathering, theory building, instrument
building, or communicating.
The Nature of Science
 Science Cannot Provide Complete Answers to All Questions
 There are many matters that cannot usefully be examined in
a scientific way.

 There are, for instance, beliefs that --- by their very nature ---
cannot be proved or disproved (such as the existence of
supernatural powers and beings, or the true purposes of life).

 In other cases, a scientific approach that may be valid is

likely to be rejected as irrelevant by people who hold to
certain beliefs (such as in miracles, fortune-telling, astrology,
and superstition).  

It comes from the Greek root word techne, meaning

“art, skill, or cunning of hand”.

It is the application of scientific knowledge, laws,

and principles to produce services, materials, tools,
and machines aimed at solving real-world problems.
What is a SOCIETY?

the aggregate of people living together in a more or less

ordered community.

an organization or club formed for a particular purpose

or activity.
What is the relationship between Science,
Technology, and Society
Relationship between Science, Technology, and Society
Science, technology and society are closely linked, especially
through scientific inquiry, technological problem solving, and

Science frequently utilizes and requires tools and processes

developed by technology, and conversely, technology often
employs principles, laws, theories, and processes developed by
means of science.

The society as we know it today has been affected in many ways

by science and technology.
Why is science and technology important to society?

• Science, Technology and Society
 Science is important to the public because it helps address
issues that are of concern to the general population. ... Scientific
research has value and importance to the layperson to the
extent that it helps address problems of a practical nature.

Science and technology are key drivers to development,

because technological and scientific revolutions underpin economic
advances, improvements in health systems, education and
infrastructure. ... Products are transforming business practices across
the economy, as well as the lives of all who have access to their effects.
How does science and technology affect our
How does science and technology affect our society?
Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and
their impact is growing.

By making life easier, science has given man the chance to pursue

societal concerns such as ethics, aesthetics, education, and justice; to
create cultures; and to improve human conditions.
How has technology influenced our society?
How has technology influenced our society?
Technology influences society through its products and

Technology influences the quality of life and the ways people act

and interact.

 Technological changes are often accompanied by social, political,

and economic changes that can be beneficial or detrimental to
individuals and to society.
Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations
in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither
of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.

The Reilly Center explores conceptual, ethical and policy issues where
science and technology intersect with society from different disciplinary
perspectives. Its goal is to promote the advancement of science and
technology for the common good.
To warn us of these failings, the John J. Reilly Center for Science,
Technology, and Values at the University of Notre Dame compiles
an annual list of what it determines to be that year’s top 10 ethical
dilemmas in science and technology.

The list points to the challenges, questions, and issues that need to
be addressed and resolved when science, and technology and
humanity cross.
Science is a systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing
knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation,
experimentation or both.
Scientists assume that nature can be understood through systematic study,
scientific ideas are open to revision, sound scientific ideas withstand the test of
time, and science cannot provide answers to all questions.
Technology involves the development and use of materials, tools, and
approaches for solving human problems and helping to fulfill human needs and
STS as an academic discipline is primarily concerned with how the different
aspects of society shape and influence the progression and further
development of science and technology.
STS seeks to bridge the gap between humanities and natural sciences.

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