Gratitude For Today

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Gratitude For Today

Learning To Be Grateful In An Ungrateful

The Meaning Of Gratitude
 Gratitude means counting your blessings, thankfulness, acknowledging things
that you receive and noticing those simple pleasures in your life.
 Gratitude also means learning to live a kind of life as if things were miracles,
and it also means being fully aware on continuous bases about how much you
have been given.
What To Be Grateful For?
 Starting with finding happiness even in those small things you posses rather than
holding out for great and big achievements like getting job promotion, having a baby
or getting married.
 such as your family, your home, as well as your ability to hear and see, to walk or
just anything that is currently giving you comfort.
 When you wake in the morning, be thankful for the life you have for another day
 Your happiness always depends on how you view life itself and how you see your life
 the food on your table, your good health – these things might be very simple for you,
but if you begin to acknowledge them as blessings, your life will become happier
Getting In The Right Mindset
Having the right mindset means 2. Practice to Acknowledge the Good
finding something to be grateful for in
every difficulty.  This habit is about searching for
something to be thankful for about
The Mindset: every situation, experience that you
encounter or person.
1. Learn to Count your Blessings
 Genuinely express appreciation and
 Regardless of who you are, where gratitude for those people around
you came from, or what you are you. If something good happen to
going through, you always have you, no matter how big or small it
blessings in your life that you can is, be thankful that it happens.
be grateful for.
The Difference Between Positive And
Negative Mindset In Gratitude
• The words you speak and the feeling you express • People don’t really appreciate the blessings or even take
everyday greatly affect your life those blessings for granted
• Bear in mind that a positive energy given out will • People often forget to offer regular thanks for what they
eventually return with great rewards already obtained.
• Remember that gratitude is of your most • Well, there is actually nothing wrong with aiming high
and looking upwards, the problem with it is you starting
important connection to God,expressing your to forget the current blessings that you are obtaining
appreciation for the good things in your life. • If you have a negative mindset in gratitude, you will not
• Give appreciation to everything around you and totally be happy.
you will also attract joy in your life. • You will easily become frustrated when you don’t
achieve your objective.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of
Advantages Disadvantages

 It can make us happy, knowing that in every  With the said great advantages of gratitude,
difficult situation that we are facing, there are one could hardly find anything wrong about
still a lot of things to be thankful for. showing your gratitude and appreciation to
every situation and every person.
 Gratitude allows us to see the world in a
beautiful perspective  Gratitude is something that will always bring
the peace, contentment and happiness to
 The practice of gratitude can increase our people.
level of happiness and improve the quality of
our life.  It requires no money and just a little time so
there is no excuse for anyone to show how
 It has the ability to reduce negativities, much they appreciate an individual or give
improve all relationships, attract what your thanks to any situation they are in.
heart desires, and bring happiness to one’s
life.  So, it is really hard for anyone to find any
disadvantage about it.
 Gratitude can remind us of the positive and
great things in our lives.
Turning Bad Days Into Gratitude Days
1.Practice Counting Your 2.Look At The Brighter Side Of Every
Blessings-Not Your Troubles Situation

 If you experience problems and difficulties at

 People spend most of their time work, be more grateful that you have your own
lamenting about their troubles, work.
complaining about the difficulties they  If you are facing challenges in life, be more
suffer from that they no longer care grateful of these challenges because due to them,
about the blessings that they have your life is not boring.
received.  If you are facing trials in your life today, be
thankful that these can give you much strength to
 When faced in trials and adversities, overcome more trials in the future.
count your blessings and you will also
 To say that we are grateful does not mean that
see that you heart will grow warmly with everything in your life is perfect; it only means
much feelings of gratitude as well as that you are aware of all your blessings in spite of
sweetfeelings of happiness and peace the challenges that you are experiencing
Turning Bad Days Into Gratitude Days
 If you remain angry, upset and frustrated because you are having a really bad
day, that won’t change anything. In fact, that would make things worse.
 Bring grateful during these times can brighten up your day as well as others.
 If you are in a difficult situation, instead of hating the world for giving you
such problem, think of the benefit that you can get from it.
 You will become more inspired to overcome the difficult situation you are
 Be more grateful for every difficult situation you are into because in those
times, you are able to grow.
How Gratitude Can Change What you
 In the Universal Law of Attraction, it actually reveals that one will
attract into their life the things that they focus on and think about.

 If you express your gratitude towards something, then you are fully
aware of that blessing.

 In this case, you’re providing more focus on

the things that you really want in life and thus, you are attracting
more of these things into your own life.

 So, you will be more easily to reach success in your life

 Gratitude is really a powerful emotion.
 It unveils the fullness of one’s life and it can turn negative things into something beautiful.
 If you haven’t say “thank you” to a friend this is the perfect time for you to show your
appreciation to him or her.
 Give thanks to your parents, a simple “thank you” note will do.
 Count your blessings and you will certainly be surprised about how many blessings you
have been receiving throughout your life.
 Show your gratitude to everyone and to every situation and you will see how it can change
the quality of your life.
 Be grateful for all your imperfections because they provide you an opportunity to improve

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