Food Adulteration: Cihan-Erbil University

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Cihan- Erbil University

Collage of Health Technology

department of Nutrition

Food adulteration (Dairy products)

Awin Haider jawhar
“Food adulteration is the act of purposely debasing
the quality of food offered for sale either by the
admixture or replacement of lower-ranking
substances or by the removal of some valuable

Introduction food adulteration
 food adulteration: Food is prepared, packaged, or held under unsanitary
conditions whereby it may have been contaminated with filth, or whereby
it may have been rendered injurious to health.
 Food adulteration occurs globally and in many facets and affects almost all
food commodities. Adulteration not only constitutes a considerable
economic problem but also may lead to serious health issues for
 As the methods of adulterating foods have become more advance, very
efficient and reliable techniques for the detection of fraudulent
manipulations are required.

What is the purpose of adding adulterants
• Food adulteration generally substitutes a cheaper component for the
actual ingredient, to save money.
• The main aim of addition of adulterants are to make profit.

• it can be added for increasing the shelf life.

• Or to gain maximum possible volume, so that the seller could get more
• Or to manage the Milk Fat as the pricing of milk.

Food is declared adulterated if
1. A substance is added which depreciates or injuriously affects it.
2. Cheaper or inferior substances are substituted wholly or in part.
3. Any valuable or necessary constituent has been wholly or in part
4. It is an imitation.
5. It is coloured or otherwise treated, to improve its appearance or if it
contains any added substance injurious to health.
6. For whatever reasons its quality is below the Standard

Major impacts of fraud food
Food adulteration has
negative impacts on public health. The
causes for food adulteration are; profit
margin by increasing volume of the
products and dishonesty of producers,
retailers and processors. ... Consumption
of adulterated food causes serious
diseases like cancer, diarrhoea, asthma
and ulcers.

Effects Of Food Adulteration on health

• Food adulteration can have a range of harmful effects on health. It can not
only lead to toxicity in the body but also can lead the body to paralysis or
eventually death.
• Thus, it becomes very important to detect these adulterants. Some of the
adulterants are highly toxic for the body leading to heart failure, liver
disorders, kidney disorders & many more.
• Adulteration also affects the quality of the product leading hindrance to
the nutritive value of the product thus leading to nutritive deficiency in
our body.

How detecting food adulteration
 There are a number of different methods and technologies used to detect
adulterants in food. The chosen method will depend on the type of food
fraud that is being detected.
1. For example, a UV-visible light (UV-vis) spectrometer is considered a
useful and simple instrument that detects adulterants in extra virgin
olive oil.

 One example of olive oil fraud is the addition of lower
grade, refined olive oils to extra virgin olive oil.
 These lower-quality oils contain unsaturated
hydrocarbons that absorb UV light in the 200 nm-
300 nm spectral range.

 Therefore, a high absorption within this wavelength
range points to a lower quality olive oil, meaning UV-
vis spectroscopy can be used to differentiate between
oils in a sample.

How detecting food adulteration cont..
• In situations where there is uncertainty about the type of adulteration
that may have taken place, IR spectroscopy is the preferred method for
rapid, onsite analysis of samples in other commonly adulterated foods like
honey and orange juice.
• For example, herb and spice adulteration—such as , the addition of
pigment to chili powders.

Future of Combating Food Fraud
• Although food fraud is certainly not a new concept, the increasing cost of
food ingredients is making it more common.
• This is combined with ever-stricter regulations and the fact that those
committing food fraud are also becoming more creative and intelligent in
finding new ways to adulterate food.
• It’s therefore clear that the more in-depth information available on
fraudulent activity, the more effectively fraud can be reduced and

Large Picture

Our most nearly perfect food! Make a huge part of our plate 🍽 .
Simply dairy products: are type of food product that obtained from the
Milk of mammals such as (sheep, goat, cow, …etc.) by fermentation or
other process methods. Its good source for nutrient such as vitamin d and
calcium. S u i t e s
Dairy product adulteration
• It is a big and old industry in the food, you
can produce many type of dairy product
(food) and in a big amount. Such as there are
many different type of cheese up to 20 types.
• Therefore Dairy products add a wide range
of variety to our plate.
• And because that it is most targeted food to

Adulterated Milk Adulterated milk means milk mixed with
toxic additives to change the consistency

Contoso 14
S u i t e s
Common Adulterants Found in Milk
• 1. adding Water:

• 2. Table Sugar: The common sugar present in the milk is lactose. The fat
content of the milk is more compared to protein content. Table sugar like
sucrose is added to milk to increase the carbohydrate content of milk and
thus the density of the milk.
• 3. Starch: Milk contains relatively large amount of fat. Addition of
carbohydrate to milk increases its fat present in milk. Starch is one such
component that is added to adulterate milk.
• 4. Urea: Provide whiteness, increases the consistency of milk for Solid-Not
Fat (SNF)%age to imitate natural milk.

Common Adulterants Found in Milk cont.…
• 5. Acids: Generally acids such as benzoin acids and salicylic acid is used as
preservative in food industry. It is added to milk to preserve and thus
increase the shelf life of milk.
• 6. Soap: Soap is added to milk to increase the foaming of milk and thus to
have thick milk.
• 7. Formalin: Formalin is a preservative and can preserve milk for long
period of time.
• 8. Ammonium Sulphate: Ammonium sulphate is added to milk as it
increases the lactometer reading by maintaining the density of milk.
• 9- Adulterations in milk mainly include addition of vegetable protein, milk
from different species
Some other example of frauds and adulteration of
Dairy product
• Using powder milk to produce yogurt and cheeses rather than fresh milk.

• Adding artificial sugar to the milk to make it more sweet.

• Avoiding sterilization and pasteurization of the milk during processing.

So this may led to contamination and have impact on the health and may
led to poisoning.

Health Hazards Effects of Milk Adulterants
• Adulterated food is dangerous because it may be toxic and can affect
health and it could deprive nutrients essential for proper growth and
• 1. Formalin: Liver damage.

• 2. Acids: Asthma and increased level of hyperacidity.

• 3. Water: Reduces nutritional value.

Detection of Adulteration at Home or Community
1. Detecting the water in milk: The presence of water can be detected by
putting a drop of milk on a polished slanting surface. The drop of pure
milk flows slowly leaving a white trail behind it, whereas milk
adulterated with water will flow immediately without leaving a mark
2. Tests for milk products:Boil a small quantity of sample with some water
and add few drops of iodine solution. Formation of blue color indicates
presence of starch.
3. Urea: Take a teaspoon of milk in a test tube. Add ½ spoon of soybean
powder. Mix up thoroughly by shaking the test tube. After 5 min, dip a
red litmus paper in it. Remove the paper after ½ min. A change in colour
from red to blue indicates the presence of urea in milk.

Detection of Adulteration at Home or Community
1. Synthetic milk: Synthetic milk has a bitter taste, gives a soapy feeling on
rubbing between fingers and turns yellowish on heating.
2. Tests for butter: Take small amount of butter in test tube and heat it up.
Take small amount of sugar and dissolve it in 10 ml of HCl. Now add the
solution to mixture of butter. If it turns red, then butter is adulterated

detecting adulteration in milk
• detecting adulteration in milk has also become a critical application for IR
analysis. Typically, milk with a higher protein content will in turn attract a
higher price in the market. Unfortunately,
• the typical methods for testing the protein content of a milk product are
based around measuring nitrogen levels.
• This led to the nitrogen-rich, but highly toxic compound melamine being
added to milk products in order to raise their apparent protein content.
• IR analysis is crucial in determining the concentration of this adulterant in
milk, as well as identifying any other adulterants such as sugars or urea.

• 1. Adulteration in Milk and Milk Products. Vikaspedia [Internet]; Available
• 2. White poison: Why drinking milk could prove fatal for you? The Indian
Express [Internet]; 2018 Jul 27. Available from: ealth/white-poison-why-
• 3. Health Concerns about Dairy Products. Physicians Committee
[Internet]; Available from:
• 4. Kaur M, Kaur J. Dairy Products and their Adulteration. Research and
Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology. 2018; 7(2): 11–14p.

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