Introduction To DSP

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Government College of Engineering, Karad

Third Year (Semester – V) B. Tech.

Electronics and Telecommunication

EX2503: Digital Signal Processing


Ms. Ashwini Sambhaji Shinde

Asst. Prof.
GCE, Karad
Mb. No. 9823118962

 Academic Year: 2021-22


Scheme of Instruction
 Syllabi
Introduction to DSP
Introduction to Digital Signal
What is Signal

• A signal is a way of conveying information. Gestures,

semaphores, images, sound, all can be signals.
• Technically - It is a function of time, space, distance,
Temperature, position, pressure or another observation
variable that conveys information
• E.g.: Traffic light
Types of Signal
Continuous-Time/Analog Signal
Discrete-Time Signal
Digital Signal
Continuous-Time/Analog Signal
Defined for every instant of time, denoted by x(t)
Discrete-Time Signal
Defined at discrete instants of time, denoted by
Digital Signal
Signals that are discrete in time and quantized in
amplitude. Binary Signal

Deterministic signals
It is signal exhibiting no uncertainty of value at any given
instant of time
E.g. x(n) = sin(wn)

Random signals
It is signal characterized by uncertainty before its actual
E.g. Noise
Physical device that generates a response or an output signal for given
input signal
e.g. Electrical Circuit, amplifier, communication system etc.

X(t) System y(t)

Y(t) = operation on x(t)
 Two types
 Continuous Time system
 Discrete Time system

Continuous Time system

It operates on CT input signal and produces CT output
y(t) = T[x(t)]

Discrete Time system

It operates on DT input signal and produces DT output
y(n) = T[x(n)]

Signal Processing
Means analyze, modify and synthesize the signal
Two types
Analog signal processing
Signal is processed using electrical network which is
consisting of active and passive elements.

Active elements: Op-Amp

Passive elements: Capacitor, resistor, inductor
Digital signal processing
Analog Signal is converted to digital and then
processed and back converted to analog signal

 Advantages of digital signal processing over analog

 Error Detection and correction
 Data compression
 DSP is fundamental to digital technology such as digital
telecommunication and wireless communication
Domain Analysis
• Time domain
• Spatial domain
• Frequency domain
• Wavelet transform
Block Diagram of Digital Signal
Advantages of DSP
Greater Accuracy
Ease of data storage
Implementation of sophisticated algorithms
Flexibility in configuration
Applicability of VLF signals
Time sharing
Disadvantages of DSP

System complexity
Bandwidth limited by sampling rate
Power consumption
Applications of DSP

Consumer electronics
Image processing
Biomedical application
Speech processing
Thank You !!!

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