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Great Exhibition
The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All
Nations an international exhibition, took place in Hyde Park,
London, from 1 May to 15 October 1851. It was the first in a
series of World's Fairs, exhibitions of culture and industry that
became popular in the 19th century. The Great Exhibition was
organised by Henry Cole and by Prince Albert, husband of the
reigning monarch of the United Kingdom, Queen Victoria.
Famous people of the time attended, including Charles Darwin,
Samuel Colt, members of the Orléanist Royal Family
and the writers Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, Lewis
Carroll, George Eliot, Alfred Tennyson and William Makepeace
Thackeray. 1/13
Great Exhibition of the Works of
Industry of All Nations
Building The Crystal Palace
Area 10.4 ha (26 acres)
Invention(s) telegraph, vulcanised rubber
Visitors 6,039,722
Countries 25
Country United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Ireland
The Great Exhibition 1851 City London
Exposition des produits de l'industrie françai
(Exhibition of Products of French Industry)
organised in Paris, France, from 1798 to
1849 were precursors to the Great Exhibition
of 1851 in London.
could display their achievements, Britain sought to prove its own superiority. The
British exhibits at the Great Exhibition "held the lead in almost every field where
strength, durability, utility and quality were concerned, whether in iron and steel,
machinery or textiles."[2] Britain also sought to provide the world with the hope
of a better future. Europe had just struggled through "two difficult decades of
political and social upheaval," and now Britain hoped to show that technology,
particularly its own, was the key to a better future.[1] The Crystal Palace in Hyde
Park, London, in 1851
Sophie Forgan says of the Exhibition that "Large, piled-up 'trophy' exhibits in the
central avenue revealed the organisers' priorities; they generally put art or
colonial raw materials in the most prestigious place. Technology and moving
machinery were popular, especially working exhibits." She also notes that visitors
"could watch the entire process of cotton production from spinning to finished
cloth. Scientific instruments were found in class X, and electric
included telegraphs, microscopes,air pumps and
barometers, as wellas horological and surgical musical,
A special building,
instruments." [3] nicknamed The Crystal Palace, or "The Great Shalimar",[4] was
built to house the show. It was designed by Joseph Paxton with support from
structural engineer Charles Fox, the committee overseeing its construction Queen Victoria opens the Great
including Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and went from its organisation to the grand Exhibition in The Crystal Palace
opening in just nine months. The building was architecturally adventurous, in Hyde Park, London, in 1851
drawing on Paxton's experience designing greenhouses for the sixth Duke of
Devonshire. It took the form of a massive glass house, 1848 feet long by 454 feet wide (about 563 metres by 138 metres) and
was constructed from cast iron-frame components and glass made almost exclusively in Birmingham[5] and Smethwick. 4/13
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From the interior, the building's large size was emphasized with trees and statues;
this served, not only to add beauty to the spectacle, but also to demonstrate
man's triumph over nature.[1] The Crystal Palace was an enormous success,
considered an architectural marvel, but also an engineering triumph that showed
the importance of the Exhibition itself.[2] The building was later moved and re-
erected in 1854 in enlarged form at Sydenham Hill in south London, an area that
was renamed Crystal Palace. It was destroyed by fire on 30 November 1936.[4]
The enormous Crystal Palace
Six million people—equivalent to a third of the entire population of Britain at the
went from plans to grand opening
time—visited the Great Exhibition. The average daily attendance was 42,831 with
in just nine months
a peak attendance of 109,915 on 7 October.[6] The event made a surplus of
£186,000 (£18,370,000 in 2015),[7], which was used to found the Victoria and
Albert Museum, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum. They
were all built in the area to the south of the exhibition, nicknamed Albertopolis,
alongside the Imperial Institute. The remaining surplus was used to set up an
educational trust to provide grants and scholarships for industrial research; it
continues to do so today.[8] 5/13
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In modern times, the Great Exhibition is a symbol of the Victorian Age, and its The front door of the Great
thick catalogue, illustrated with steel engravings, is a primary source for High
Victorian design.[11] A memorial to the exhibition, crowned with a statue of
Prince Albert, is located behind the Royal Albert Hall.[12]
It is inscribed with statistics from the exhibition, including the number of visitors
and exhibitors (British and foreign), and the profit made. 6/13
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1851 medal The Crystal Palace in 1851 medal The Crystal Palace in
London by Allen & Moore, obverse London by Allen & Moore, reverse
The official descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the event lists exhibitors not only from throughout Britain but also from
its 'Colonies and Dependencies' and 44 'Foreign States' in Europe and the Americas. Numbering 13,000 in total, the exhibits
included a Jacquard loom, an envelope machine, kitchen appliances, steel-making displays and a reaping machine that was
sent from the United States.[13]
The Mintons stand exhibited ceramics including majolica which proved a world-wide success.
The Koh-i-Noor, meaning the "Mountain of Light," the world's largest known diamond in 1851, was one of the
most popular attractions of the India exhibit and was acquired in 1850 as part of the Lahore Treaty.
The Daria-i-Noor, one of the rarest pale pink diamonds in the world, was shown. 7/13
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The early 8th-century Tara Brooch, discovered only in 1850, the finest Irish penannular brooch, was exhibited by the
Dublin jeweller George Waterhouse along with a display of his fashionable Celtic Revival jewellery.
Alfred Charles Hobbs used the exhibition to demonstrate the inadequacy of several respected locks of the
day. Frederick Bakewell demonstrated a precursor to today's fax machine.
Mathew Brady was awarded a medal for his daguerreotypes.
William Chamberlin, Jr. of Sussex exhibited what may have been the world's first voting machine, which counted
votes automatically and employed an interlocking system to prevent over-voting.[14]
The first modern pay toilets were installed, with 827,280 visitors paying the 1 penny fee to use them. The toilets
remained even after the exhibition was dismantled. "Spending a penny" became a euphemism for using a toilet.[15]
Firearms manufacturer Samuel Colt demonstrated his prototype for the 1851 Colt Navy and also his older Walker
and Dragoon revolvers.
The Tempest prognosticator, a barometer using leeches, was demonstrated at the Great Exhibition.
The America's Cup yachting event began with a race held in conjunction with the Great Exhibition.
Gold ornaments and silver enamelled handicrafts fabricated by the Sunar caste from Sind, British
C.C. Hornung of Copenhagen, Denmark, showed his single-cast iron frame for a piano, the first
made in Europe.
"The Trophy Telescope", so called because it was considered the "trophy" of the exhibition, was shown.[16] Its main lens
of 11 inches (280mm) aperture and 16 feet (4.9m) focal length was manufactured by Ross of London. The German
equatorial mounting was made by Ransome & May of Ipswich.
The instrument maker J. S. Marratt exhibited a five-foot achromatic telescope and a transit theodolite used in
surveying, tunnelling, and for astronomical purposes.
Asprey exhibited a kingwood and ormolu mounted lady's dressing case with silver-gilt contents bearing the
'Annie' cipher.
Admission fees
Admission prices to the Crystal Palace varied according to the date of visit, with ticket prices decreasing as the parliamentary
season drew to an end and London traditionally emptied of wealthy individuals. Prices varied from three guineas (£311.05 in
2015)[7] (two guineas for a woman) for a season ticket, or £1 per day (for the first two days only), then reducing to five 8/13
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shillings per day (until May 22).[17] The admission price was then further reduced to one shilling (£4.94 in 2015),[7] per day –
except on Fridays, when it was set at two shillings and six pence and on Saturdays when it remained at five shillings.[17] The
one-shilling ticket proved most successful amongst the industrial classes, with four and a half million shillings (£22,217,549
in 2015),[7] being taken from attendees in this manner.[18] Two thousand five hundred tickets were printed for the opening
day, all of which were bought.[9]
Stereoscopic views
The Great Exhibition of 1851 encouraged the production of souvenirs. Several manufacturers produced stereoscope cards
which provided a three-dimensional view of the Exhibition. These paper souvenirs were printed lithographic cards which
were hand-coloured and held together by cloth to give a three-dimensional view of the Great Exhibition. They offered a
miniature view of the Crystal Palace Exhibition when one viewed the cards through the peep holes on the front cover.
Visitors purchased these souvenirs so that they could relive the experience of going to the exhibition.[19]
See also
List of world's fairs
1862 International Exhibition, held in London.
Festival of Britain
Great Exhibition Bay
Prince Albert's Model Cottage
1. Kishlansky, Mark, Patrick Geary and Patricia O'Brien. Civilization in the West. 9/13
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11. Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All
summary_s&cad=0). 1851.
12. "Memorial to the exhibition"
Further reading
Auerbach, Jeffrey A. (1999). The Great Exhibition of 1851: A Nation on Display. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-
Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard (1981) [1951]. The Great Exhibition of 1851 (Second ed.). London: HMSO. ISBN 978-
0- 11-290344-4.
Greenhalgh, Paul (1988). Ephemeral Vistas: The Expositions Universelles, Great Exhibitions and World's Fairs,
1851– 1939. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-2299-9.
Leapman, Michael (2001). The World for a Shilling: How the Great Exhibition of 1851 Shaped a Nation. Headline
Books. ISBN 978-0-7472-7012-6.
Dickinson's Comprehensive Pictures of the Great Exhibition of 1851. Dickinson Brothers. London. 1854.
External links
Official website of the BIE (
1851 map ( Map of London showing the site of the Great Exhibition in Hyde
"Memorials of the Great Exhibition" (cartoon) (
Cartoon series from Punch magazine
Charlotte Bronte's account of a visit to the Great Exhibition
"Great Exhibition of 1851 and its legacy"
StoryOf/GreatExhibition/TheGreatExhibitionof1851.aspx). Architecture and history. Royal Institute of British Architects.
Retrieved 14 December 2010.
Great Exhibition Collection in the National Art Library
( xhibition-collection) Victoria and Albert Museum
"In Our Time" ( BBC radio programme
discussing the Great Exhibition and its impact. Originally broadcast 27 Apr 2006 12/13
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