Nasal and Approximant

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Nasals (also called nasal stops, nasal occlusive, or nasal

continuant) are types of consonant sounds. These are
called nasals because the basic characteristic of a
nasal consonant is that the air escapes through the
nose as there is a complete closure in the oral cavity.
There are only three nasal consonants in English:
/m/, /n/, and /ŋ/.
/M/ Bilabial
1 Place of articulation : the upper and the 2 Manner of articulation : during the
lower lips. The position of the articulation of /m/ two lips pressed
articulator for this sound is shown in together and a closure is made. The
the following illustration : soft palate is lowered; consequently the
air then goes up the nasal cavity and
passes out through the nose.

Nasal Initial Medial Final

/m/ made lemon Gum

man smear Slum

/n/ Alveolar
Place of articulation : The tip of the tongue
and the alveolar ridge. The position of the
articulator for this sound is shown in the Manner of articulation : during the
following illustration : articulation of /n/ the tip of tongue touched
the alveolar ridge and creates a closure. Te
air is held behind the closure for a while.
The soft palate is lowered; consequently the
air then goes up the nasal cavity and passes
out through the nose.

Nasal Initial Medial Final

/n/ Naive Retention Gun
Noble Gender Thin
New General Resign
Nose Sand Return
/ŋ/ Velar
Place of articulation : the back of the
tongue and the soft palate. The
position of the articulator for this Manner of articulation : during the articulation the
sound is shown in the following back of the tongue comes near the soft palate and
illustration : creates a closure. The soft palate is lowered;
consequently the air goes up the nasal cavity and
passes out through the nose.

Nasal Initial Medial Final

/ŋ/ - ankle Bring
language Darling
mangle String
mango King
Approximant is an articulation in which one articulator is close
to another, but without the vocal tract being narrowed to such
an extent that a turbulent airstream is produced. The
articulator approximate a frictional closeness, but no actual
friction occurs. The two types of approximant are glides and
liquids but are counted as consonants chiefly because of how
they function in syllables.
The approximant in English: /l/, /r/, /j/
and /w/.
Type of Approximant
 Liquids
 Glides
Obstruction of the airstream at a
They are produced with very little
point along the center of the oral
obstruction of air. To produce glides, we
bring articulators close together and then tract, with incomplete closure
pull them apart, letting the sound glides between one or both sides of the
off them. Glides are sometimes, referred tongue and the roof of the mouth.
to as “Semi-Vowels”, because they are They are sometimes called
midway between consonants and vowels. “Laterals”. English liquids are: /l/
English glides are: /j/ and /w/. and /r/.
/w/ Bilabial
Place of articulation : The soft palate and Manner of articulation : During the articulation
the back of the tongue. The position of of /w/ the soft palate is raised to completely
the articulators for this sound is shown in shut off the nasal passage of air. The back of
the following illustration: the tongue is raised in the direction of the soft
palate to the position for a vowel between close
and half close and the lips are rounded. Then the
tongue quickly glides towards the position of the
following vowel. The position of the lips also
changes depending upon the immediately
following vowel.

Initial Medial Final

/w/ west Queen -
wonder Away
/j/ Palatal
Place of articulation : The front of the Manner of articulation : During the articulation of /j/ the front
tongue, the hard palate, and the soft of the tongue is first raised towards the hard palate and assumes
palate. The position of the articulators a position for a vowel between close and half-close and quickly
for this sound is shown in the following glides to the position of the following vowel. The soft palate is
illustration: raised to shut off the nasal passage of the air. The air goes
along the central part of the tongue. The lips are normally spread
or neutral. It is thus an unrounded palatal semi vowel.

Spellings: /j/ is represented by the letter “y” as in yard,

beyond, yellow. The letters “u”, “eau”, “ue”, “ew”, “iew”
as in unit, beauty, due, dew, view.
The example of /j/ :
Initial Medial Final
/j/ yes beyond -
yawn crayons
year canyon
/l/ Alveolar
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/r/ Post Alveolar
Place of Articulation: The tip of
the tongue and the alveolar
ridge. The position of the
articulators for this sound is
shown in the following
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