Data Processing Technique

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Data Processing Technique

 Data processing is be defined as the methods

and procedures of converting data into
information. That is, the manipulation of data, its
retention and subsequent retrieval. Data
processing is the activities involved in the
transformation of data into information.
Methods of Data Processing
Manual method
 This involves the use of pen, pencil, paper, desk
calculator/adding machine and human brain.

1.Easy to operate and understand.
2.Low initial set-up cost.
3.Creates job opportunity
1. It involves much paper work.
2. Delay in production of results.
3. Cannot handle large volume of data.
4. It is tiresome.
5. Prone to error
Mechanical (or electro-mechanical)

 This involves the use involves the use of machines

that are activated by an operator e.g. punch cards
equipment, Abacus, accounting machine etc. This
method is faster than the manual method of
processing data
1. Easy to operate and understand.
2. Faster than manual method.
3. Reduced error rate compared to manual

1. Required skilled personnel.
2. Susceptible to human error.
3. Susceptible to mechanical faults.
Electronic Data Processing
 This involves the use of computer to process data. EDP has
the highest processing speed among all the three modes of
data processing. Input devices are used to feed data into the
computer; microprocessors are used to process the data and
output devices are used to pass the result of processing (i.e.
output or information) to the user
1. It produces accurate results.
2. It is very fast.
3. It improves efficiency.
4. It handles complex computation.
5. It has large storage facility.
6. Handles large volume of data in short time
1. High initial set-up cost.
2. Requires regular power supply.
3. Required skilled personnel.
4. Data is susceptible to virus attack.
5. Cost of maintenance may be high.
Data Processing Stages
 Stages of data processing include:
origination, input, processing, storage,
output and distribution. The data
processing cycle is depicted in the
following diagram.

(data Input Processing Output Distribution
Data Processing Stages
1.Origination: This is the collection of original
(primary) data. It is possible to collect data and
store it away in a secondary storage medium
pending the time the data would be required for
2.Input: This means feeding the data into the
computer. Data is prepared in a convenient/suitable
form for processing. The form of input device used
depends on the data processing method. e.g. punch
cards are used in electromechanical data processing
while magnetic tape, disk, keyboard (terminal) are
used in electronic data processing.
3.Processing: This is a planned series of actions and
operations performed on data to convert the data to a
more meaningful form called information.

4.Storage: storage of data/Information could take place at

any stage for future purposes. The double-headed arrows
show the storage of data/information at one time, and the
stored data/information serving as input for processing at
another time.
5.Output: This is the result of the processed data (information).
At times, the information produced today could be distributed to
the appropriate end-users; at some other times, the information
could be used as input for another data processing cycle.

6.Distribution: This is the dissemination of information

produced, to the appropriate quarters for decision-making.
The decision-makers are the end-users of information.
1. Describe briefly the term data processing
2. Compare manual and computer-based data processing
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of manual data
4. What are the factors that facilitate computer-based data
5. Discuss the stages of data processing. Hence draw a
diagram to illustrate your discussion

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