Hematinics: Madan Sigdel Lecturer Department of Pharmacology Gandaki Medical College
Hematinics: Madan Sigdel Lecturer Department of Pharmacology Gandaki Medical College
Hematinics: Madan Sigdel Lecturer Department of Pharmacology Gandaki Medical College
Madan Sigdel
Department of Pharmacology
Gandaki Medical College
Hematinics: Hematinics are the substances
used in the prevention and treatment of
Part 1 :
0.5 to 1 µg of radiolabelled vitamin B12 is given orally
After 2 hrs IM dose (1000 µg) of unlabelled vitamin B12
is given [ saturates binding sites of TC I and TC II and
displaces any bound radiolabelled vitamin B 12 (thus
permitting urinary excretion of absorbed radiolabelled
vitamin B12 )
Radioactivity is measured in subsequently
collected 24 hr urine sample and expressed as a
% of total oral dose
Normally, 5-20 mg is stored in liver and other
Excreted in urine and stool, and also destroyed
by catabolism
Transport storage and fate:
Orally given folic acid appears in 30 min as
circulation it circulates as N5 Methyl THF
Majority is loosely bound to albumin from
where it is easily taken up by cells
Inside the cells converted to THF by
cobalamine dependent enzyme methionne
Vit C protects THF from destruction
Total folate in body = 5 to 20 mg (1/3 in liver
as methyl folate)
Metabolic functions
Folic acid DHFA THFA (Active
folate DHF
reductase reductase
THFA mediates number of one Carbon tranfer
Conversion of homocysteine to methionine
Generation of thymidylate
Conversion of serine to glycine
Purine synthesis
Histidine metabolism
Deficiency :
1. Inadequate dietary intake
4. Chronic alcoholism
2. Prophylaxis
Cancer chemotherapy
Certain drug therapies lead to deficiency of folic
acid so replacement is required