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Modals of Ability
A verb that comes before another verb to express obligation, advice, ability
or possibility.
Modal Form Use Examples
Can/ Subject + can/cannot To show ability in the He can type faster than I can.
cannot Cannot + base form of the present. I can't speak English.
Could/ Subject + could/couldn’t + To show ability in the When I was younger, I could walk
could not base form of the verb past. for hours.
Lily could not come yesterday
because she had a doctor's
Be able to Subject + verb to be+ able To express ability in the My child is able to eat by herself.
to + base verb past or present. We were able to move the furniture
(verb be is the main verb) in one day.
Modals + Subject + will/might/may + To express ability in the I will be able to find a job after I
be able to be able to future. graduate.
We might be able to come this
Put in ‘can’ / ‘can’t’ / ‘could’ / ‘couldn’t’ or \be able to
1. _________________ you swim when you were 10?

2. We _________________ get to the meeting on time yesterday because the train was delayed by one hour.

3. He _________________ arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very pleased.

4. He’s amazing, he _________________ speak 5 languages including Chinese.

5. I _________________ drive a car until I was 34, then I moved to the countryside, so I had to learn.

6. I looked everywhere for my glasses but I _________________ find them anywhere.

7. I searched for your house for ages, luckily, I _________________ find it in the end.

8. She’s 7 years old but she _________________ read yet – her parents are getting her extra lessons.

9. I read the book three times but I _________________ understand it.

10. James _________________ speak Japanese when he lived in Japan, but he’s forgotten most of it now.

11. I _________________ understand the chapter we had to read for homework. It was so difficult.
Modals of Obligation
must / mustn't / have to / don't have to / ought to / ought not
Modal Form Use Examples
Must subject + must +base form To express necessity or You must do your homework.
of the verb mustn't strong obligation based
on the speaker's opinion.
Mustn't subject + mustn't +base To express that You mustn't speed while driving.
form of the verb have to something is forbidden.

Have to subject + have to +base Used when referring to Citizens in our country have to pay
form of the verb ought to laws or rules and when taxes.
you have no other
Ought to subject + ought to +base Expresses moral You ought to respect the elderly.
form of the verb Use obligation or are
Select the correct option.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to /
must, don’t have to and mustn’t and the verbs in brackets.
Put the words in the correct order to make have to or
don’t have to sentences and questions
Modals of Possibility/Probability
might/might not/may/may not
Modal Form Use Examples
Might subject + might +base form To express future or It might rain this evening.
of the verb mustn't present expectations and
possibilities. (it is possible
but not sure)
May subject + may +base form To express future and The doctor says he may consider
of the verb have to present expectations and surgery.
possibilities. (likely to
Write a sentence with might, could or may for each scenario.
Modals of Permission
Modal Form Use Examples
Can can + subject +base form of informal permission Can I have some sugar, please?
the verb You can use my car.

Could could + subject +base form formal permission Could you please deliver the speech
of the verb now?

May may + subject +base form Usually used in questions May I have a glass of water?
of the verb Asking for permission. You may stay with the patient.
Write can/could/may to complete each question.
Modals of Advice
should/ought to
Modal Form Use Examples
Should/ Affirmative: subject + Should and ought to are used You should finish your assignment now.
Ought to should / ought to+ base to give advice about the right You should submit the research tomorrow.
form of the verb thing to be done now or in You ought to watch this movie. It will keep
the future. you on the edge of your seat.

Negative: subject + should Avoid using ought to / ought We shouldn't eat too much junk food.
not +base form of the verb not to in questions and NOT: We ought not to eat too much junk
negatives. food.

Yes/no questions: should + Should I take my umbrella?

subject +base form of the NOT: Ought I take my umbrella?

Wh-questions: Wh- word + What should we order for lunch?

subject +base form of the
Complete the sentences using should/shouldn’t

1. It’s almost eight o’clock. You ___________ go to work now.

2. ___________ Alex cook dinner?
3. My friend ___________ try to quit smoking.
4. We should stay at home. We ___________ go out.
5. ___________ they watch TV all day? No, they __________.
6. Stewart looks very sick. He ___________ see a doctor.
7. You ___________ drive a car without wearing your seatbelt.
8. What ___________ we eat for dinner tonight?
9. There’s a fire in the kitchen! What ___________ we do?
10. Please be quiet! You ___________ make so much noise in the library!
Complete the sentences below by using ‘ought to’ to give advice

1. A: I feel cold. B: You ought to ______________________________________________________

2. A: Jack doesn’t like his job. B: He ought to ______________________________________________

3. A: Our plane will take off in five minutes. B: We ought to _______________________________________

4. A: I have a toothache. B: You ought to ______________________________________________________

5. A: Mary has a very noisy neighbor. B: She ought to ____________________________________________

6. A: Thomas and Patrick want to become rich. B: They ought to ___________________________________

7. A: I think we’re lost! B: We ought to ______________________________________________________

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