Business Correspondence PPT 2021

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(Bahasa Indonesia)

Srikandini Narulita, S.S., M.Pd.

English Department, Education & Teacher Training Faculty
Kutai Kartanegara University
Content of the Subject
1.The Meaning of Business Correspondence
2.What is Business Letter
3.The Important of Business Letter
4.The Type of Business Letter
5.An Effective of Business Letter
6.Part of Business Letters
7.Format of Business Letters
8.Memo Style
9.Job Vacancies
10.Big Job
What is Business Letter

Why write one

To whom is one written
What should be in Business Letter
What is proper format
What is Business Correspondence

Communicating through exchange of letters is

known as correspondence.

We communicate our feelings, thoughts, etc. to our

friends, relatives through letters that called as
personal correspondence.
What is Business Correspondence

Communicating through exchange of letters is

known as correspondence.
We communicate our feelings, thoughts, etc. to our
friends, relatives through letters that called as
personal correspondence.
A businessman write & receives in his transactions
may call business correspondence.
Business Letters
Business letters is defined as a media or means
through which views are expresses.
Ideas or formations is communicated in writing in
the process of business activities.
The Important
Business Letters
Letters represents a company public and image.
Letters are more personal than report, yet more formal than
memos or e-mail.
Letters is more permanent than email.
Letters constitute a legal record of an agreement.
Letters provide a wide range a corporate information.
Letters are efficient for targeted mass mailings.
Personal Business
Not on letterhead
Content the type return address

type of Business
respondence 02 Formal Business
Typed on letterhead
Already agencys return address.
You don not retyped it.
Business Letters

The four areas you must take into consideration for writing
an effective business letter:

1. Subject

2. Audience

3. Purpose

4. Style/Organization
 Know WHAT you’re writing about
 Stick to one or two subjects in your letter. Including
more than two subjects clouds your message.
 Write another letter if you have more than two

 Know WHO you are writing for.

 Know WHY you are sending the letter.
 Is the letter to inform? Is it to request information?
Is it to offer congratulations? Condolences? Is it to
get the recipient to act on a request?

The Basic organization for the body of business letters:
Part 1: State your purpose

“Thank you for your conscientious service. All 15 of your last shipments
have arrived undamaged. We have never contracted with a supplier with
as fine a record as yours. We appreciate the extra effort it takes to ship our
order intact and on time. “

Part 2:
Explain what you want to happen or explain the information you have.

“Bob Smiley have delivered these shipments to our loading dock
supervisor. I have attached copies of logs for your review. Note that the
unloading time is approximately half of that from other shippers for a
similar load.”

Part 3:
Request a dated action, conclude or thank the reader for his response.

“Doing business with your organization is a pleasure. You save us money
by eliminating shipping waste and time by providing efficient drivers.
Please accept the enclosed certificates of merit to Terrance Trucking, Ted
and Bob, with our appreciation.”

Seven C’s Effective Business Letter
Conversational Concise
o Due to the fact that= stilted • Use specific examples the reader can relate to.
• Don’t assume that the reader understands the jargon It is better to write a sho
phrase because
o Information or the previous of your trade. attachments than a long
• Organizing the letter so each paragraph deals with
only one main idea and presenting the ideas in a
logical order.
“When we spoke on June 8 about Constructive Correct
hiring a new administrative assistant.”
Words such as “agreeable,” “proud”
Identify names and and “success” help create a positive Proofreading the spellin
numbers. tone and typographical error
before sending it.
Part of Business Letters

Letterhead or Date
File Number Confidential
Heading (optional) (optional)

Inside Salutation Subject Line
Address (optional) (optional)

Continous …..
Part of Business Letters
Complimentary Close
Body of the Letter (optional)

Information Postscript Mailing Instructions

Continous …..
 Most business letters originating from a firm are written on the firm’s letterhead.

 If it is writing a personal letter or your firm does not use letterhead, then it needs
to include your firm’s address in the heading.
 When you are using a heading instead of letterhead, place the
date on the first line and the address on the subsequent lines.

 Example:

September 10, 2021

359 Longview Road

Mt. Vernon, IL 65676
Inside Address

Terry Lancaster
Head of Warehouse
Terrance Trucking
P.O. Box 4440
Houston, TX 34598-4440
Attention Line
 When you do not know the name of the person you are writing to and the letter is
addressed to the firm: “ Attention: Head of Accounting.”

 When you know the name of the person you are writing to but are unsure of the
title: ” Attention: Customer Service.”

 Another way of doing this is to use the attention line and send copies of the letter to
the appropriate department.
Dear Sir
 Dear Madam (May be followed by title, such as Dear Madam Chairperson.)
Dear Mr. Bryan
Ladies and Gentlemen ( female and male organization
Dear Personal Director ( a gender-free-title)
To Whom It May Concern or TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN (use this form a is the last resort).
Dear Terry Lucas (when you do not know the gender)
Shipping Agents, not “Gentlemen” (if you are addressing a group of people in general, such as
shipping department, do not assume they are all male.)
Friends: (to avoid sexiest and strike a less formal note)
Dear IBM: (informal approach)
Madam: Sir: Friend: (if do not have a name)
Dear Ms. White ( in doubt about how a woman prefers to be addressed)
Dear Messrs. White, Brown, and Jones (Messieurs)
Dear Sir
 Dear Madam (May be followed by title, such as Dear Madam Chairperson.)
Dear Mr. Bryan
Ladies and Gentlemen ( female and male organization
Dear Personal Director ( a gender-free-title)
To Whom It May Concern or TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN (use this form a is the last resort).
Dear Terry Lucas (when you do not know the gender)
Shipping Agents, not “Gentlemen” (if you are addressing a group of people in general, such as
shipping department, do not assume they are all male.)
Friends: (to avoid sexiest and strike a less formal note)
Dear IBM: (informal approach)
Madam: Sir: Friend: (if do not have a name)
Dear Ms. White ( in doubt about how a woman prefers to be addressed)
Dear Messrs. White, Brown, and Jones (Messieurs)
Subject Line
The subject line is most commonly used in Simplified Letter. It
announces the subject of the letter and provides a summary of your
The Body of the Letter
This is where make requests, provide information or reasons, or reply to someone. It is the
of the business letter.

Part 1 : Get right to the point in the first sentence of the letter by giving a statement of your purpo

Part 2: It explains the information you are giving, or what you want the recipient to do, includes a

Part 3: This like the first part, is a short paragraph which contains:
1. Conclude> to point out the most important item or draw all your key points in 1 stateme
2. Request action >require a response, such as collection letters. In this part, you tell reader
3. Thank the reader> this part is simply a thank you for the recipient’s attention, response o
Complimentary Close
Very truly yours, (formal traditional)

Respectfully, (formal traditional)

Sincerely yours, (informal and personal)

Cordially, (informal and personal)

Sincerely, (informal, personal and more common)

Best regards, (informal personalized)

With love, (personal and warm)

Cheers, ; Your friend, ; See ya, (personal and breezy)

 There should be four lines between the complimentary close (or the body in th
Simplified Letter) and your typed name so there is room for your signature.
 State your name and business title below the signature.
 Reference Initial: use capital letters and followed by colon for sender’s initial, followed b
initial in small letters.
 Enclosure (Enc.): the enclosure line at the bottom of the letter notes that additional mater

 CC or XC (copies): for copies sent, followed by names of persons receiving the copies.
 The “P.S.” highlights additional information. Often used in sales, promotional or perso
 It can emphasize a request for action or consideration.
Mailing Instructions
Use these to give the reader deadlines or pertinent information
on mailing a reply.
On-Arrival Notations

You might want to include a special notation on private correspondence.

This is also typed in all uppercase characters.
Others prefer to put it between the inside address and the salutation.
Put it on the envelope as well, which is probably even more important.
Business Letter Format

Block or Modified Block

Full block

Modified Semi-Block
Business Letter Format

Block Format Modified Block

This format is by far the simplest. Every It is similar to Block format, but the date, signature and
part of the letter starts at the left margin, closing are placed to the right, thus allowing them to stand
with spaces between each part. out.
The complimentary close and the signature are aligned and
placed near the center of the letter, two spaces below the
last paragraph.
Business Letter Format

Simplified Format
Modified Semi Block
It’s useful when you do not know the title of the
It is the same as the Modified Block except that person you are writing to or when you are writing to a
the paragraphs are indented five spaces. All company, government agency or organization. It
spacing remain the same. eliminates the courtesy titles (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.), the
salutations and the complimentary close.
The focus of the letter is on the body and what is to be
said. The spacing is the same as the Block format.

Memo Memo

It is used as an interoffice communication. The

top of the Memo indicates:
The abbreviation “RE” is sometimes used instead of
the date,
the name(s) of the recipient(s),
This information is placed at the left margin.
the name(s) of the sender(s)
The body of the Memo is in Block form.
the subject.
A signature and additional information are optional.
Simplified Style
Example of Memo
Parts of a Business Letter Video

Mp4 video
Name__________________________ Date_________________

Parts of a Business Letter Worksheet 1

Directions: Use the list of word choices to answer the following questions.

salutation date complimentary closing

signature inside address return address
writers typed name body

1. _______________ is the place for the writer to handwrite their name.

2. The recipients name, company name, and address are called the _______________.

3. The purpose of the letter is included in the _______________.

4. Yours truly, is an example of a _______________.

5. The last line in a business letter is the _______________.

6. The _____________ is when the letter is written.

7. The _______________ is the address of the letter writer.

8. Dear Mr. Johnson is a _______________.

9. Write your own formal business letter, using a separate piece of paper. Include ALL
parts of a formal business letter and be sure it is the in correct format. There should not
be any spelling or grammatical errors and it must be written in clear, concise language.
Elements of letter writing

1 2

Th i s le t t er i s t o i n fo r m you of a pr o b le m I h a ve h a d wi th a
pro d u ct th a t I p u r c h a se d a t you r sh o p .

Dea r M r . J o n e s: 6
B e st W i sh e s ,

Th a n k yo u ve r y m u c h fo r yo u r tim e.

I ’m w ri ti n g to let yo u k n o w … .. 7

I wo u ld l i k e t o b e c o n si d e r e d
fo r t h i s p o si t i o n wi th you r
org a n iz a ti on .


Match the vocabulary below to the items above. The vocabulary may match
more than one item.

formal (complimentary) closing

letterhead job application letter

signature beginning the letter

complaint letter
polite closing block format
the body
See You Next Time

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Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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