Project Proposal On Values Education

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Cudiamat St. Poblacion, Sta. Elena, Camarines Norte

Tel. No. 054-201-3839

I. Project Title
Monthly Orientation for Values Education Improvement Training
(MOVEIT) Project
II. Proponent
Fiona Daine R. Torres
Angel Gabriel B. Tumol
Joyce Ann V. Trinidad
Jamaica Tan
Jonalyn Warde
III. Time Frame
June 26, 2022 – July 30, 2022 (Preparation)
August 2, 2022 – August 4, 2025 (Actual start and end of the project)

IV. Target Beneficiaries

All learners from Grade 7-10 at Bulala National High School
V. Rationale

Values education has been one of the most important things that should be taught in
schools but nowadays, many youths are still being lack of manners. In these modern days,
many teenagers are disrespectful and caught up in their own self-centeredness, these
attitudes are part of their growing up in an environment with poor behavior around it.
Monthly Orientation for Values Education Improvement Training (MOVEIT) project has
been made to promote an improved values education that aims to provide a more effective
ways on teaching values to students at Bulala National High School. Since we are still under
the COVID-19 Virus, the MOVEIT project decided to have only three consecutive days
orientation per month for the safety of our students. This monthly orientation will have a face
to face or actual learning process through the use of learning materials that will be provided
with the help of the LGU and external stakeholders that will fund the said materials. The first
eighteen months of the project will be pure orientation wherein the teachers will discuss
different topics about values and the remaining eighteen months will be pure training or the
actual performing of the activities that have learned from the orientation. There will be 9
hours of session per day, with the total of 27 hours of Orientation per month will be used in
this project. Teachers will not just discuss what is in the content of the module but also they
will engage the students
Teachers will not just discuss what is in the content of the module but also they will engage
the students by providing an actual training wherein they will let the students to perform an
actual activities that they have learned. These activities are designed to improve the
students’ skills and wellbeing that they will surely enjoyed and at the same time will help
students to develop a good character and their inner and external personality. Some of
these activities will encourage students to participate and interact with their peers and to
the community, how students can lead to enhance values education practices across their
school and wider community, expresses their spiritual beliefs while respecting the spiritual
beliefs of others, will help them to develop and build honest relationships and become more
understanding of our differences. The project wants to focus on the character improvement
of each students especially those students that are needed to be given much focus and more
attention like those students who have family problem background and those students
who’s acting or behaving different from the majority. The teachers will prepare and organize
monthly topics and activities that they will be teaching for the students and these activities
will be the basis of the teachers to highlight those students who needs more attention and
support by observing them while performing the activities. MOVEIT Project will ensure that
they will drive change in teaching quality values education to the students from Bulala
National High School and will see to it that no one will be left behind to have an access on
the opportunity in becoming more and more responsible and sensible students.
VI. Objectives

This project will be able to:

a.) conduct an actual training to engage and foster the students
in improving their moral values:

b.) develop the skills, abilities and resilience for social, emotional,
and physical wellbeing as confident and engaged learners: and

c.) conduct quality values education orientation that will improve the
students’ knowledge, values and attitudes that enable them to have a
good manner, respectful and socially inclusive member of society.
VII. Project Description and Mechanics
This project's purpose is to outline/highlight the utilization of the students core
values through the help of school staffs and teachers especially in the field of values
education. It is to conduct a monthly orientation or seminar to improve one's
knowledge in values and the students could apply it in their day to day daily basis.
  Pre – Implementation Phase  
Date Activities Person Involved
Discussion and Drafting of Project Proposal; Proponent
June 26 , 2022 3 days online webinar in the monthly orientation for values School Head
education improvement training Teachers

  Secure permit from the barangay and letter of Proponent

June 27, 2022 – July communication to the school partners on the project External partners on the project
28, 2022

  School Head
July 30, 2022 Secure approved Project Proposal PSDS
Schools Division Superintendent
  Implementation Phase  
August 2 – December Discussion of Values Education; importance, function and, how School Head
4 2022 to apply in daily basis. School Governing Council Teachers
  Orientation in Human Values and Social Values in which is to Proponent
January 2 – May 4 improve the student’s integral growth of human beings where School Head
2023 man in nature rather than nature for man. School Governing Council Teachers

  Cultural and Religious Values, in which is to improve students Proponent
June 2 – September 4 cultural customs and rituals in many ways. School Head
2023 School Governing Council Teachers

  Ethical Values and Global Values. to hone the earth-citizenship Proponent
October 2, 2023 - thinking and to utilize the concept of human civilization being School Head
February 4, 2024 part of the planet as while and similarly nature. School Governing Council Teachers

March 2, 2024 - Conducting values education training for students based on all School Head
August 4, 2025 discussions on previews orientations School Governing Council Teachers
  Post Implementation Phase  
September 02, 2025   Teachers
Post Implementation meeting School Head
School Governing Council

October 01 –   Proponents
December 12 2025 Evaluation of the Project Implementation School Head
School Governing Council

    School Heads
January 07, 2025 Submission of Accomplishment Report PSDS
Schools Division Superintendent

Php 16,500.00 for learning materials (good for 2 years)

Php 36,000.00 for foods and refreshments (good for 3 years)

Php 52,500.00 total amount of expected expenses

IX. Source of Fund

Outsourcing from the Local Government Unit (LGU) and
external stakeholders.
X. Expected Output of the Project
- Well-trained in values education learners of Grade 7-10 from Bulala National High School
- Promotion of values education training in school
- Improved well-being and a good cooperate citizenship learners
XI. Monitoring and Evaluation
The School Governing Council Monitoring and Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the
implementation and efficacy of the project in a form of case study or survey.

XII. Organization and Management



Dean Supervisor Teacher-in-Charge Proponent
Planning Committee Technical Committee
Fiona Daine R. Torres Chairman Fiona Daine R. Torres
Angel Gabriel C. Tumol Co-Chairman Angel Gabriel C. Tumol
Joyce Ann V. Trinidad Members Joyce Ann V. Trinidad
Jonalyn Warde Jonalyn Warde
Jamaica Tan Jamaica Tan

Prepared by: Approved by:


JAMAICA TAN Dean Supervisor
Thank you for Listening!

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