Family Nursing Care Plan

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Community Health Nursing
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care
Objective of Care
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Problem Method of Nurse - Family
Nursing Intervention Contact
Resources required

·Lack or inadequate
1. Poor The family and the After 1 week of nursing •State the purpose of the action. Methods: Resources:
knowledge about
Environmental barangay officials will interventions the family
the health risk of
sanitation and able to come up with an and the barangay officials •Assess the family's level of awareness in • Home Visits • Time and effort of
having poor
Improper Drainage alternative solution to the will able to: comprehending the condition. both the nurse and
drainage system.
system problem and able to • Health Teaching about the importance of the family.
·Low salience of the
demonstrate measures to ·Be oriented with the problem • Encourage them to maintain suitable environment having a good drainage system

prevent environmental and identify importance of for the family. • Cooperation of the
problems. having a drainage system. people and the
·risk of leptospirosis
• Discuss to the family about the disadvantages and government or the
within the community
·Enumerate the disadvantages of the risk of having improper drainage system such as: barangay officials
having an improper drainage
system. A. Risk of leptospirosis, skin diseases and other
·inconsistent garbage
health problems
collection which cause
Cite atleast 3 vector-related
foul smell within
illness that the family may B. Increase presence of leftovers.
acquire if
C. Presence of vectors.

BSN 2B - RLE Group 5

Community Health Nursing
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care
Objective of Care
Problem Method of Nurse - Family
Nursing Intervention Contact
Resources required

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··Failure of barangay improper drainage • Establish rapport with the family.
and waste disposal system will not be
committee to coordinate corrected. • Report and seek help to the government or barangay
with one another
officials about this issue and make actions to prevent
regarding garbage ·Identify alternative possible diseases.
collection and disposal courses of action to
matters correct the improper • Coordinate with the barangay officials on ways to
drainage system. prevent floods and improve drainage and sanitation
within the community.
·Resolve/Maintain a
good garbage collection
schedule for the

·Absence of foul smell

within front of the house
or the surroundings

BSN 2B - RLE Group 5

Community Health Nursing
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care
Objective of Care
Write here
Problem Method of Nurse - Family
Nursing Intervention Contact
Resources required

• Insufficient family After 4-5 days of family-nurse

2. Asthma as a The family will conduct a ·Increase the family's understanding of Methods: Human Resources:
resources for contact, the family will be able
health deficit. necessary action to asthma.
caring, particularly to:
• Time and effort of the
due to financial prevent and to properly ·Discuss the effects of asthma on the body, implement ·Conduct home
nurse and family
constraints. manage asthma. ·Describe what asthma is all about. preventive measures, and oversee proper management visits to assess the needs and to monitor the members.
·Enumerate the accompanying asthma and treatment. family’s health status.
manifestations that they observed on the Material Resources:
• Lack of or insufficient ·Discuss the factors that contribute to asthma's signs
family member.
knowledge to make an and symptoms. ·Interview the family regarding the past
·Determine the factors that contribute to • Visual aids and low cost
informed decision ·Discuss the effects of asthma on the body and daily health history.
asthma. materials needed for the
regarding the best course life. demonstration.
·Keep an eye on their condition and take
of action for the health steps to improve their health.
·Determine the degree of deficiency. Establish health teachings.
issue. ·Encourage family members to visit the community • Quality time and effort
·Determine preventive measures and how
of the nurse and family
to manage asthma attacks. health center for proper monitoring and consistent
•Unclean/dusty Formulate ways on how their home can check-ups
surroundings which may be safe from irritants that may cause Assist family in formulating plans on mitigation and • Expenses for teaching
trigger it asthma emergency contacts if ever case of asthma attacks aids and transportation
happen expense of the health

BSN 2B - RLE Group 5

Community Health Nursing
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care
Objective of Care
Write here
Problem Method of Nurse - Family
Nursing Intervention Contact
Resources required

>2 out 3 family After 1 month of nursing ·Assess the family’s height, weight, age
3. Malnutrition The family will be able to Methods: Resources:
members are interventions, the family will be and BMI as well as their vital signs
evaluate their health status • Establish effective communication and ·Visual materials for
considered able to:
·Assess the family’s knowledge regarding demonstration/health
overweight and determine practices ·Determine the idea body weight for each develop rapport with the client
Nutrition and diet teachings
>Due to workloads and on how to maintain a member of the family through home visits, health teachings ·Weighing scale
·Provide health teaching to the mother and family
limited free time, the healthy body and demonstrations. ·Tape measure and ruler
members on the food requirement based on the
·Attain a body weight which is at a • Monitoring ·BP Apparatus and
family relies on food pyramid.
normal range Thermometer
convenient food sources • Health teachings
·Help the mother to identify certain food groups Time and effort spent by
such as meat/poultry and ·Identify other food sources which are • Planning of activities/exercises for the
that are highly nutritious and its the nurse with the
sometimes vegetables for good alternatives and with more family family/client
affordability/availability within the community.
nutritional benefits
their meals. ·Assist mother/family members in preparing
>Because of their balanced meals for the family.
·Allot a short period of time for exercise
loaded schedule Encourage family members to engage in activities
as a form of bonding and physical fitness
with work/school,
for the family. that involves movements or moderate exercise
family wasn’t able
even for a short period of time yet in a consistent
to perform Be open in consulting or visiting the
exercises at times. community health center for monthly
check-ups and other services

BSN 2B - RLE Group 5

Community Health Nursing
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of Care
Objective of Care
Write here
Problem Method of Nurse - Family
Nursing Intervention Contact
Resources required

·Inform the family members about the

benefits of a good exercise
Encourage the family to consult or visit the health
center often or if they have free time to
continuously monitor their overall health even if
they feel well and healthy.

BSN 2B - RLE Group 5

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