Topic 1.1 Systems Architecture

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Topic 1.

1 Systems architecture
Sub topic 1.1.1 - Architecture of the CPU
Lessons 4-5 of 9 - Von Neumann architecture
© OCR 2020
Topic Allocated time
Lesson 4 Big picture 5 minutes
Lesson 4 – Activity 1 10 minutes
Lesson 4 – Activity 2 10 minutes
Plenary 5 minutes
Talking through lesson 4 slides 30 minutes
Lesson 5 – Big picture 5 minutes
Lesson 5 – Activity 1 10 minutes
Lesson 5 – Activity 2 15 minutes
Plenary 5 minutes

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Big picture
• Where are instructions that are currently in use
• What else is stored in main memory?
• How are instructions executed by the

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Learning objectives
• To be able to label an internal diagram of the CPU
• To be able to describe the purpose of the
• To be able to explain the purposes of the ALU, CU
and the cache
• To be able to describe the roles of the MAR and
the MDR in the fetch part of the fetch-execute cycle

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• Von Neumann • ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

architecture • CU (Control Unit)
• MAR (Memory Address • Cache
Register) • Fetch/execute
• MDR (Memory Data • Buses
• Program Counter
• Accumulator

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Activity 1

• On the Diagram given…

– use research to try and identify the terms on
the sheet
– write the definitions/explanations of what they
do in the boxes
– then try and label the diagram accurately.

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Activity 1 - Answers

Address bus 0001 INP

0010 Add 5
0100 STO 8
0101 INP
0110 ADD 8
MDR Data bus 1001
ALU 1101

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Von Neumann architecture

• In the early 1940s, computers stored data

that was worked on in memory, the
program was not stored and they used
paper tape, punch cards or switches.
• The mathematician John Von Neumann
and colleagues had an idea to store the
program instructions and the data all in
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Computer system

Processor Main Memory I/O

1945: John Von Neumann

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Von Neumann architecture
An example of how the program and the
data are stored in the same memory to allow
data flow between memory and the
processor: Program

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Processor - Registers
• PC – Program Counter
– Holds the location of the next instruction/data address in
main memory
• MAR – Memory Address Register
– The contents of the PC are copied here and then
transferred along the address bus

PC MAR Address bus Memory

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Processor - Registers
• MDR – Memory Data Register
– Once data/instructions are brought from the Memory
address in main memory, they are placed in the MDR.

MDR Data bus

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Control bus (read/write signals)

Address bus
System Clock Processor Main
Hz Memory

Data bus

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Activity 2 - Von Neumann
• Complete the diagram on the worksheet.

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Activity 2 - Answers






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• Questioning
• Produce question + Mark Scheme
• Exit Pass – Describe the registers and
what each do

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Lesson 5 – Big picture

Why have processors got smaller?

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Learning objectives

• To describe the importance of the Program

Counter in the Fetch-Execute cycle
• To understand how Fetch – Decode - Execute
works in more detail

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What happens in the FDE cycle?

• Fetch part of the cycle:

– Program counter is incremented for each
instruction of the program being executed.
– The contents of the Program Counter are put
into the MAR (Memory Address Register).
– The address is transferred along the address
bus to main memory (this address indicates
which part of memory to fetch the data/
instructions from.
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What happens in the FDE cycle?

• Fetch part of the cycle:

– The data/instruction that has been addressed is
transferred back to the processor along the data
– This is held in the MDR (Memory Data Register).

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What happens in the FDE cycle?

• Decode/Execute part
– The instruction is split into an Op-Code and
an Operand.
– The instruction is carried out by the ALU
(Arithmetic Logic Unit).

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Executing instructions
• ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
– Performs arithmetic and logical operations
including +, -, AND, OR
• Accumulator
– Results of calculations are placed into the


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Lesson 5 - Activity 1
• Produce a labelled diagram of the internal
components of a computer system
– See Lesson 5 Activity 1

• In pairs, describe in words how the Fetch-Execute

Cycle works

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Lesson 5 – Activity 2
• FDE cycle

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• Questioning
• Produce question + Mark Scheme
• Exit Pass – Describe the FDE cycle

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