Time-Domain Analysis of The Linear Systems

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Chapter 3

Time-Domain Analysis of the linear systems

 Introduction
 Stability and Routh criteria
 Analysis of steady state error
 First-order system analysis
 Second-order system analysis
 High-order system analysis

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3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Requirement to design a control system.
1) The system must be stable (stability)
2) The control should be accurate (accuracy).
3) The response should be quick-acting (rapidity).
3.1.2 Analyzing a linear control system under zero initial
condition and typical input signal
The response of a system could be :
C (t )  Ct (t )  Cs (t )  L1[ ( s ) R( s)]

Transient Steady-state Transfer
response response function
 Transient response disappears with time.
 The steady-state response exists for a long time following2
an input signal initiation.
3.1 Introduction
 Time-domain performance specificatios are
important because control systems are
inherently time-domain systems.
 The transient response is of prime interest for
control system designers. It’s necessary to
determine whether the system is stable.
 If the system is stable, the response to a
specific input signal will provide several
measures of the performance. However,
because the actual input signal of the system
is unknown, a standard test input signal is
normally chosen.
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3.1 Introduction
3. Typical test input signal
1) Step input signal 2) Ramp input signal
A t0 r(t)  At t0 r (t )
r (t )   r (t )  
0 t0 0 t0 tg   A
R(s)=A/s R(s)  A / s2
0 t 0

A=1 — unity step input A=1— unity ramp function

Application : test signal of Application :
the constant-input systems some input-tracking systems
Such as:
Such as:
switch turn on; relay close train uniformity speed mo-
tion; elevator uniformity
speed raise.
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3.1 Introduction
3) Parabolic input signal 4) Pulse input signal
r (t ) r (t )
1 2 A 0t
 At t0  
r (t )   2 r (t )  
 0 t0  0 t  , t  0 t
 0 ε
R(s )  A / s 3
lim r ( t ) A  1   ( t )  0
A = 1 — unity parabolic Unity impulse. r (t )
R ( s )  L  ( t )   1 A  (t )
Application :
same as the Ramp signal Application:
Such as: some impulse experiments
Servo-control system Such as:
Impactive disturbance

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3.1 Introduction
5) Sinusoidal signal

 Asin  t t0

r (t )  
 0 t0

R(s) 
s2   2

Application: Frequency domain analysis of control systems

such as: Communication system, Radar system …

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3.1 Introduction
 Relationship between impulse response and other responses
1. Response for the typical input signals

If: g(t) →impulse response of a linear system.

g(t) = L-1[ G(s)]
h(t) → step response of a linear system.
ct(t) → ramp response of a linear system.
ctt (t) → parabolic response of a linear system

g (t )  h(t )
Then: h(t )  ct (t )
ct (t )  ctt (t )
3.1 Introduction
 Relationship between impulse response and other responses
If : r1 ( t )  c1 ( t ) dr1 ( t )
and r2 ( t )  or r2 ( t )   r1 ( t ) dt
r2 ( t )  c 2 ( t ) dt
t 0
dc 1 ( t )
The n : c2 (t )  or c 2 (t)   c 1 (t)dt
dt 0
proof: r2 (t)  r1 (t)  R 2 (s)  sR 1 (s)
C 2 ( s )  G ( s ) R 2 ( s )  G ( s ) sR1 ( s ) d
 s[G ( s ) R 1 ( s )]  sC 1 ( s )
c2 (t )  c1 ( t )
as above : t
r2 ( t )  0 r1 ( t )dt  c2 (t )   c1 ( t )
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Example : Given the step response

h(t )  KA0 (1  e  t /T )

 What’s the pulse response?

d KA0  t /T
g (t )  h(t )  e
dt T

 What’s the ramp response?

ct (t )   h(t )  KA0 (t  T  e t /T )

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3.1 Introduction
2. For any signal r(t), the response of a linear system
follows Convolution theorem
c ( t )   r ( ) g ( t   ) d 
in time-Domain

Laplace Transformation

R(s) C(s)

C( s )  G ( s )R ( s ) in s-Domain
Example : Consider the response of G(s) for a
unit step input
R(s) 9 C(s)
G(s) 
s  10
 What’s the Laplace transform of a unit step input?
r (t )  1  R( s) 

 What’s the response of a unit step input
9 L1
C (s)  G (s) R(s)   c (t )  0.9(1  e 10t )
s ( s  10)
 What’s the steady-state of response?
c()  lim c(t )  0.9
t 

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3.1 Introduction
3.1.5 The transient performance specifications of
a control system
 For different system, the research aim is different.
For example, the tracking servo control systems
are different from the constant-regulating systems.
 performance measure — in terms of the step responses
of the systems.

 The performance specifications is typically defined

as the unity step response of a control system is

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Performance specification definition:

Overshoot σ% = A 100%

Setting time ts

Peak time tp B

Time tr

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3.1 Introduction
1) Rise time tr
c ( t ) t  t  c (  ) ( fir s t )
c( )  th e f in a l va lu e o f th e tim e r es p o n s e
(for the under damped systems)
c ( t ) t  t  0 .9 c (  ) ( first )
t r  t 2  t1 2

c ( t ) t  t  0 .1c (  ) ( first )
(for the over damped systems)

2) Peak time tp : dc ( t )
 0 ( first )
dt tt p
(for the under damped systems)
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3.1 Introduction
3) Percent overshoot :
c(t p )  c( ) Mp
 p%   100 %   100 %
c( ) c( )
c ( t p )  t h e p e a k v a l u e o f t h e t i m e r e sp o n s e
(For the under damped systems)
4) Setting time ts : c (  )  2%

(c ( t )  c( ) t  t  or
c ( )  5%
5) Delay time td : 
c ( t ) t  t  c (  ) ·5 0 %
σ% → smoothness of the response.
tr 、 tp 、 td → rapidity of the response.
ts → rapidity of the transient process of the response.
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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
3.2.1 Whattheis most important of
the Stability performance
a system for
? a control system)
 A stable system is defined as a system with a bounded
response if the input is bounded. That is if the system
is subjected to a bounded input or disturbance and
the response is bounded in magnitude, the system is
said to be stable. (Bounded-input, bounded-output)

 A system works at equilibrium state and is affected

by disturbance or noise. When disturbance
disappears, the system can come back to the original
states —— the system is stable. Othewise, it is

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Pendulum Inverted Pendulum

 Absolute stability: Stable or not stable ?

 Relative stability : The degree of stability

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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems

C ( s) A( s )
( s)  
R( s) ( s  s1 )( s  s2 )...( s  sn )

A( s )
c ( t )  L  ( s )   L [
1 1
( s  s1 )( s  s 2 )  ( s  s n )
  Ai e si t A i  [  ( s ) ·( s  s i ) ] s  s s i  p o le s o f  ( s )
i 1

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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
A( s )
c ( t )  L  ( s )   L [
1 1
( s  s1 )( s  s 2 )  ( s  s n )
  Ai e si t A i  [  ( s ) ·( s  s i ) ] s  s s i  p o le s o f  (s )
i 1

B ecause of : r (t )   (t ) t0  0
should hav e : c(t ) t   0
that m eans : s i  w ith negative real p art

Conclusion: The sufficient and necessary condition of

stability for a linear system is:
All poles of system transfer function have negative real
part. or All poles lie in the left-half of the s-plane .
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The sufficient and necessary condition of the
stability for a linear system
Graphic representation:
Im S-plane

Stab bl e
st a
regi le n
U ion Re

Marginally Stable

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(a) Im (b) Im

p1 S-plane p1 S-plane


(c) (d)
Im Im
p1 p1 S-plane
p3 p3

p2 p2

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The characteristic equation of a given system is

s  10 s  5  0

Q: Is the system stable or not?
Step 1: Find the roots of the characteristic equation.

10  102  4  5
s1,2   5  2 5  9.47, 0.53
Step 2: Are all poles of the system are located on the
left side of s-plane?

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This is a negative feedback control system:
R(s) 4 C(s)
s ( s  2)

Is this system stable or not? Stable

Step 1: Find the characteristic equation of the system.
C (s) s( s  2) 4
( s)    2
R( s) 1  4 s  2s  4
s ( s  2)

Step 2: Find the poles of the system.

s1,2  1  j 3 23
3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
3.2.3 Routh Criterion
A close-loop control system
R(s) C(s) 1  G( s)H ( s)  0
- 
H(s) A( s ) A( s )  B ( s )
1  0
B( s ) B( s )
C (s) G (s) 
 (s)  
R(s) 1  G (s)H (s) A(s)  B(s)  0

Characteristic equation of Assume the polynomial:

the system:
A( s )  B ( s ) 
1+G(s)H (s)=0 a 0 s n  a1 s n 1  a 2 s n  2    a n 1 s  a n
A( s )
Assume : G ( s ) H ( s ) 
B(s) 24
3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
We have:
1  G(s)H (s)  0

a 0 s n  a1 s n 1  a 2 s n  2    a n 1 s  a n  0

The sufficient and necessary condition of stability

requires all roots of the characteristic equation lie in the
left-half of s-plane for a stable system.

a0 s n  a1 s n 1  a 2 s n  2    a n 1 s  a n  0 a0  0

How could we know

the roots all lie in the
left-half of s-
plane ?
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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
a 0 s n  a1 s n 1  a 2 s n  2    a n 1 s  a n  0 a0  0
Tabulate the a 0 , a 1 , a 2 ,  a n  1 , a n→ Routh table (array) :

s n : a0 a 2 a4 a6   
s n1 : a1 a3 a5 a7    a1a2  a0a3 a1a4  a0a5
b1  , b2  
s n 2 : b1 b2 b3  a1 a1
b1a3  a1b2 b1a5  a1b3
s n 3 : c1 c2    c1  , c2  
b1 b1
 

s 2 : e1 e2
s1 : f1 0
f1e2  e1  0
s : g g
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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
Routh Criterion
1) All elements of the first column of
the Routh-table(array) are positive .
— The system is and must is stable.
s n : a0 a 2 a 4 a6   
Necessary, sufficient s n1 : a1 a3 a5 a7   

2) The number of roots with s n 2 : b1 b2 b3 

positive real parts is equal s n 3 : c1 c2 
to the number of changes  
in sign of the first column
of Routh-table . s 2 : e1 e2
s1 : f1 0
s0 : g
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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems

Example 3.2.1 Example 3.2.2

3 2
s  3 s  5 s  10  0 s 3  3 s 2  5 s  20  0

s3 1 5 s3 1 5
s2 3 10 s2 3 20
s1 5 0 s1 5 0
3 3
s0 10 s0 20

Stable Unstable, with 2 roots in

the right half-plane.

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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
Example 3.2.3 A unity feedback system, Open-loop

transfer function: k
G (s) 
s( s 2  2 s  4)
Estimate the stability of the system .

solution: 1  G ( s )  0  s( s 2  2 s  4)  k  0

s3 1 4
s 3  2s 2  4s  k  0
s2 2 k
s1 0
s0 k

0<k<8, the system is stable

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Special Case1:
There is a zero in the first column, but some other
elements of the row containing the zero in the first
column are non zero.

s4  2s 3  s 2  2s  1  0
s4 1      1  
s3 2ε>0      2
2  2
s2 0  2 2   
0 1
 
ss10 1   
 Use a infinitesimal ε>0 substituting the zero
element in the first column.

Unstable with 2 roots in the right half-plane.

Special Case2 :
There are all zero elements in some row of Routh-table.
s 6  2 s 5  8 s 4  12s 3  20s 2  16s  16  0

s6 1 8 20 16
5 Use auxiliary polynomial :
s 2 12 16
A( s )  2 s 4  12 s 2  16
s4 2 12 16
dA( s )
s 33
s (00
8 2400)  8 s 3  24 s
1 6 16
1 3
s0 16 Unstable, no root in the right-half of s-
but there are two pair of roots in the
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3.2 Stability analysis of the linear systems
Solving the auxiliary equation, we have:
2 s4  12 s2  16  0 s1 ,2   j 2 , s 3 ,4   j 2
Note: The order of the auxiliary polynomial is always
even indicating the number of symmetrical root pairs .
Two inferences about Routh-criterion
1) The characteristic equation is short of one or more than
one items —The system must be unstable .
Example : s 5  1 0 1 1 s 4  e  2 . 7 s 3  s in 3 . 3 s 2  6 2 . 3 7 = 0
— unstable, be short of the item
2) The coefficient of the characteristic equation are different
in sign. The system must be unstable.
Example : s 5  1 0 1 1 s 4  e  2 . 7 s 3  s in 3 . 3 s 2  6 s  6 2 . 3 7 = 0
— unstable, The coefficient are different in sign.
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