Therapeutic Communication Between Nurse - Patient

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After completion of study, student able to :
- Build a dialogue with the partner
- Practice communication skill between nurse –
patient, or other health team
- Using communication skill in a ward,
admission unit, and on the telephone
- Build useful expression when communication
with patient and others
Why communication skill is important ?

• Every nurse needs a communication skill.

• When you communicate to a patient, member

of patient, doctor or medical staff, you need
some clues and expression to start your
Useful expression for communication nurse - patient
Nurse :
- Whats wrong with you ? - I’d like to ask you something
- Whats the matter with you ? - Have you had any operation?
- What is your complaint ? - Are you allergic to anything ?
- What’s troubling you ? - Do you use hearing aid ?
- Can I ask you something ? - Could you tell me about your
- Does it hurt here ? Illness ?
- When was your last periode ? - When did you get married ?
- Let me examine you, Mrs Nina - How old were you, when you
- I hope you will get well soon got the first periode (mens
- Have you taken your medicine ? truation ) ?
- Sleep well, Mr Robin !
Useful expression for communication nurse - patient
Patient :
- I really feel in bad shape
- I really don’t feel well
- I am going to be sick
- Ouch! It’s very painful
- You are very kind, nurse
- A have got headache
- I like feel vomiting
- I am really unwell
Communication between nurse-patient (1)

N : Hello, Good morning Mr Adam. How are you?

P : I’m fine, thanks
N : So how do you feel, Mr Adam ?
P : I think there is something wrong with my
stomach. Every time I eat I feel like vomiting. I
really unwell
N : How long have you felt like this ?
P : For about two days
N : Have you taken any medicine ?
P : No, I haven’t, nurse !
N : Ok, let me examine you Mr Adam. Please lie down,
Communication between nurse-patient (2)
N : Excuse me, Mrs Sinta
P : yes, come in please
N : How are you feeling today ?
P : Not too well, Nurse. I’m afraid I have a bit of
N : Ok. Mrs Sinta. I’d like to ask you some
questions. Have you ever been hospitalized ?
P : Yes, I have
N : What is your chief complaint ?
P : I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath
N : Let me examine you, please take your dress off
Mrs Sinta.
Communication between nurse-patient (3)

N : Could you tell me some history about your

childhood, Mr Adam ?
P : I was born in June 1945 in a village, my father was a
farmer and I am the youngest of six children
N : Did you have any childhood diseases ?
P : As far as I remember I had whooping cough,
chicken pox and measles but most of the time I was
a healthy girl, in my childhood
N : At what age did you go to school ?
P : I went to school when I was 6.
Communication between nurse-patient (4)
Nurse : Did you sleep well last night ?
Patient : Yes, I did, but now I’m very hungry nurse
Nurse : What would you like to eat madame?
Patient : I’d like to have a hot soup with meat it in
Nurse : Oh I am sorry you are not allowed to
consume meat
Patient : Oh that’s ok, just soup with carrot and
potatoes. I hope it would be nice
Build the dialogue with your partner based on the
situation given :
1. Nurse enter the patient’s room for asking his/her
recent condition
2. A nurse want to make the bed
3. Doctor instruct you to obtain some information
about new patient

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