CSFB Utran
CSFB Utran
CSFB Utran
CS Fallback (CSFB) from LTE to UTRAN moves UEs needing to set-up a CS voice
call to UTRAN by reusing the UMTS network.
Mobile devices, normally camped on the LTE network for data services, are
forced to fall back to the UMTS networks when subscribers want to use CS
services, such as voice.
- the LTE network may not support voice calls (VoIP & IMS not deployed),
- emergency calls are not supported by a Release 8 IMS,
The main concern is the swiftness of the procedure: the longer CSFB takes, the
poorer the perception of voice services will be for LTE users
-UE to support CSFB capability and required mobility procedure required by the
dependent features.
-MME to support CSFB service request
-LTE and UTRAN Core networks to support CSFB procedure and required
-Connectivity between cores must be assured.
Feature and Parameters
Feature and Parameters 1/3
Activation Services:
ActivationService::isCsFallbackToUtraAllowed to be set to ‘true’
ActivationService::isMobilitytoUTRANAllowed to be set to ‘true’.
ActivationService::isMeasurementGapsAllowed to be set to‘true’.
UE Measurent Configuration:
When CS fallback to UTRA is activated in eNB:
-Operator should configure one or multiple instances of MeasurementIdentityConf with
measurementPurpose set to ‘Mobility-Inter-RAT-to-UTRA’ and measObjectLink and
reportConfigLink pointing to the properly configured MeasObjectUTRA instance (with valid
carrierFreq as configured in a UtraFddNeighboringFreqConf instance) and
ReportConfigUTRA instance (with triggerTypeInterRAT set to ‘eventB1’, ‘eventB2’,
‘event’A1’ and ‘eventA2’), MeasurementIdentityConf with measurment Purposes set to
‘leaving Coverage Alarm’, ‘Entering Coverage Alarm’, ‘Below Serving Threshold’
-Operator should also configure one or more rnc access pointing to UTRAN rnc.
Feature and Parameters 2/3
This parameter configures the RRC IE hysteresis included in the IE reportConfigEUTRA in the
MeasurementConfiguration IE. This parameter defines the hysteresis used by the UE to trigger an intra-
frequency event-triggered measurement report.
This parameter sets the time duration time during which the conditions to trigger an event report have
to be satisfied before sending a RRC measurement report in event triggered mode.
This parameter configures the RRC IE reportInterval included in the IE reportConfigEUTRA in the
MeasurementConfiguration IE. The ReportInterval indicates the interval between periodical reports. The
ReportInterval is applicable if the UE performs periodical reporting (i.e. when reportAmount exceeds 1),
for triggerType ‘event’ as well as for triggerType ‘periodical’.
Feature and Parameters 3/3
Call Flows
CS Fallback Trigger in the ENB for an RRC-IDLE UE
The UE has previously performed a combined Attach, indicating to the MME that it is CS Fallback capable
<GEA1 bits>
<SM capabilities via dedicated channels: bit>
<SM capabilities via GPRS channels: bit>
<UCS2 support: bit>
<SS Screening Indicator: bit string(2)>
<SoLSA Capability : bit>
<Revision level indicator: bit>
<PFC feature mode: bit>
24.008 (8.7.0) <Extended GEA bits>
<LCS VA capability: bit>
<PS inter-RAT HO to UTRAN Iu mode capability: bit>
<PS inter-RAT HO to E-UTRAN S1 mode capability: bit>
<CSFB Capability: bit>
<ISR support: bit>
<SRVCC to GERAN/UTRAN capability: bit>
<EPC capability: bit>
<Spare bits>;
How the UE Indicates Support of CS Fallback (2/2)
Table ATTACH REQUEST message content
24.301 1
(8.3.0) 0 IMS voice over PS session in S1 mode not supported
1 IMS voice over PS session in S1 mode supported