Unit 2: Human Resource: Strategic Planning
Unit 2: Human Resource: Strategic Planning
Unit 2: Human Resource: Strategic Planning
• The process of how the HR practices will be conducted so that organizational goal
will have achieved, focuses more on determining the human resources
requirement is called human resource planning.
• “The process of determining an organization’s human resource needs is HRP.” –
David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins
• “The process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill
them.” – Garry Dessler
• Human resource planning is to identify the human resource requirement in terms
of number, skills, and occupation groups, to meet increasing demands, either due
to business expansion or other reasons.
Nature of Human Resource Planning
• Future Oriented
• Continuous process
• Integral part of organisational strategy
• Integral part of human resource management system
• Optimum utilization of Human resource
• Determination of human resources
• Focus to qualitative and quantitative aspect
• Long term and Short term orientation
Need of Human Resource Planning
Environmental Analysis
Planning Forecasting Action Plans
Issues Analysis
Process Requirements Staffing authorizations
Staffing levels Recruitment
Business Needs
Staffing mix (Qualitative) Promotion and Transfers
External factors
Internal supply analysis Organization and Job design Organizational changes
Mgt Implication Available/Projected resources Training and development
Net requirement Compensation and Benefits
Labour relations
Strategic Planning and HR Planning
Business strategy
Business HR issues
HR Strategy
strategic human resource planning
Activities is to ensure that the workforce is
aligned with the business
Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
• Human resource information system (HRIS) is a database,
which contains data regarding employees of company or
human resource activities.
• An HR information system (HRIS) is a computer-based
information system for managing the administration of HR
processes and procedures. -Michael Armstrong
• A computer system used to acquire, store, manipulate,
analyze, (Asmard) retrieve, and distribute information
related to an organization’s human resources.
– Raymond A. Noe
• It is fact that effective human resource management is
possible only when the meaningful information is available.
To assure and ensure such information HRIS is crucial.
• It is useful for all processes that you want to track and from
which you hope to gather useful and purposeful data.
• The information that we can collect in
this area from HRIS are:
• Promotions, transfers, hiring, and
termination rates: It tracks data to analyze
and make decisions about workforce
planning and employment needs.
• Analysis and definition of work: It allows
employees in geographically dispersed
locations to work together.
• Recruitment and selection: It has the
ability to support processes by creating
tools that are more agile and enable online
• Skill, performance, compensation, reward
related information
HR Demand Forecasting Techniques
• Ratio analysis [based on actual ratio and predicts future ratio; e.g. 1 sales person equal
to 500000 sales, extra 5 sales person is needed to generate extra 2.5 million sales.]
• Trend analysis [studying variations over the last few years trends to visualize; if the past
trend is increasing, needs to recruit new employee]
• Scatter plot [graphical analysis showing association; e.g. relationship between no of beds
and no of nurses for hospital ]
• Managerial judgment [discussion of managers; top down, bottom-up, mixed
approaches ]
• Regression analysis [statistical based technique that forecasts the relationship;
regression line: y = a + bx ]
• Work study techniques [analyzing operation time and worker required for the work]
• Delphi techniques [experts are involved to forecast the human resource requirement]
• Flow models [forecasters focus to time horizon, establish categories to which employees
can be assigned, annual movements of employees like death or disability, absences,
resignations and retirements.]
HR Supply Forecasting Techniques
Internal Supply Forecasting (SPPoM)
Skill inventories
• list of employee’s qualification, experience, skills,
abilities, and job tenure; human capital
Personnel replacement charts
• HR records showing present performance and
promotional potentials of candidates for the most
important positions that can be considered for the
• performance: outstanding, satisfactory or need
• Promotional potentials: ready now, needs further
training or questionable
Position replacement card
• focus to position and search for candidate
Techniques of Forecasting HR Demand and Supply
Markov analysis
• predict internal employee movement from one year to another by identifying
percentages of employees who remain in their jobs, get promoted or demoted,
transfer, and exit out of the organization
• HR Supply Forecasting Techniques
• External Supply Forecasting
• Predictive external labour force analysis [industry-to-industry and
geographical context; external labour force relies on labour market
estimates based on regional and global economic, environmental, and
demographic changes]
• Management judgment
• Statistical Analysis
Strategic Directions in Human Resource Planning
Demand for
Assess current Demand exceeds Recruitment
Define Establish human resources Compare demand supply
organization corporate goals HRMS: and supply of
mission and objectives job analysis human resources Supply exceeds Decruitment
Supply of
human resources
Strategies of Managing Human Resources Surplus (WEAR)
Workforce downsizing
• Downsizing refers to the process of reducing the size of workforce by terminating
the employment of employees. It is also referred as layoff. Downsizing is common
in a recessionary situation where downsizing helps to cut costs.
Attrition and hiring freezes
• Attrition, in Human Resource terminology, refers to the phenomenon of the
employees leaving the company. Attrition in a company is usually measured with
a metric called attrition rate, which simply measures the no of employees moving
out of the company (voluntary resigning or laid off by the company). Attrition
Rate is also referred as churn rate or turnover.
• Early retirement; golden handshake
• Reduce work hours
Strategies of Managing Human Resources Shortage (ROUCAA)
• Use overtime
• Check turnover
• Outsourcing
• Alternative work arrangement; flexible hour
• Add contingent workers
• Re-employment of recent retirees
HRP Practices in Nepalese Organizations